Project Canterbury

Our Last Year in New Zealand, 1887

By William Garden Cowie, D.D., Bishop of Auckland

London: Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co., 1888.

Appendix G.

(See page 225.)

Marriage has been used by S. Paul as an illustration of the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and His Church. It is only to holy matrimony that the Apostle's words can be applied in their fullest sense; that is, where those--whose hearts are of each other sure--are resolved to live together "in Christ,"--as immortal souls redeemed by Him, and resolved by God's grace to follow His example. The mutual help given and received, by those united in such holy bonds, should be to us who are married a constant remembrancer of the daily communion in which our souls should live with God. And Holy Matrimony may not only be such a remembrancer, but also a most effectual means whereby such a life of communion with God is lived. Those to whom much is given by God, of them shall much be required. As matrimony on which God's blessing is not sought may prove a hindrance rather than a help in doing our duty to God and man, so when "a man and a woman are joined together by God," and enter upon their new life with a resolve to live to Him, they find--ever more and more--what unthought-of help they can give each to the other, in during the will of their Father who is in heaven, and bringing honour to Him among men. That this may be your happy experience, may God in His goodness grant.

W. G. A.

Project Canterbury