Project Canterbury

Reasons for Contributing Liberally in the Weekly Offertory to the Church's Support.

Philadelphia: Free Church Association, 1875.

I. Because God has not left this in doubt, but under both the Jewish and the Christian dispensations, requires His people not to appear before Him empty, but to bring their gifts to the altar.

2. Because the Church herself demands it, as necessary to her very existence. The Ministry, the Schools, Church Expenses, Home and Foreign [1/2] Missions; all, with outstretched hands, implore you to come and help them.

3. Because, if you do not, you manifestly show that, whatever you profess, your love for the Saviour is delusive, for "He that seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

4. Because things of eternity are of more importance than those of time, Christ of more importance than the world, the immortal soul more than the perishable body.

5. Because the various excuses for not giving are too often vain and deceptive, and the real reason is, that the heart is selfish, and too fond of worldly good.

6. Poverty is a very bad excuse for giving nothing at all, though a good reason for giving but little. Notwithstanding the deep poverty of the Macedonians, their unsolicited liberality supplied the wants of the Christians in Judea.

7. Because, whilst covetousness (a crying sin of this generation) is denounced by God's curse, a cheerful liberality has its reward, both here and at the Judgment Day.

8. Because, though your means may not be large, yet, if you are placed above poverty, there might be, with advantage to both soul and body, some retrenchment from the table, from dress, from [2/3] furniture, from amusement, and many drooping hearts would rejoice and sing, through your aid.

9. Because, one great reason why many persons fall in grace, as they rise in worldly prosperity, is that they do not proportion their liberality to their increased means.

10. Because, though you do give something to the Church's support, yet, if that something be only five cents, when it might as easily, with self-denial, be fifty cents, you are mocking God by giving of that which costs you nothing.

11. Because the time is fast coming when you will have no opportunity to be a co-worker with God in giving of your means to extend His kingdom.

12. Because, after all, your property, your money, is not your own, but God's. You have no right to use it as if it were your own.

13. Because it is very unjust in you to receive the benefit of the clergyman's ministrations, in health, in sickness, and at death, and yet be careless whether the Church's finances are prosperous or not.

14. Because, instead of murmuring at so many calls, you should thankfully recognize it as a providential arrangement, and, instead of wishing them fewer, rejoice that the Church is so greatly extending.

15. Because, whatever difficulties you may have [3/4] in giving, yet, if you adopt St. Paul's rule, and regularly lay by weekly, as the Lord hath prospered you, you will have a blessing; and our Blessed Lord has said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Project Canterbury