Project Canterbury

The Magnificat
Sermons in St. Paul's, August, 1889.

by H.P. Liddon, D.D.
Canon Residentiary and Chancellor of St. Paul's

London: Rivingtons, 1890.

THESE sermons are published for the reason which has compelled the recent publication of some earlier volumes. If a man's words are in any case to remain behind him, he would rather give them to the world himself, and correctly. The author cannot be responsible for any version of these discourses which does not bear the name of his present publishers.

It has not been an object with him to discuss the grace controversies which at once present themselves when the name and office of our Lord's Blessed Mother come into question. If her true place in the hearts of Christians have often been exaggerated, it has been as often unrecognized or denied. If the language and practice of some Christians with respect to her may seem to encroach on what is due to the incommunicable and awful prerogatives of God, the terms in which she is referred to by others would appear to show that they have forgotten Whose Mother she is, and what He may be thinking of a lack of love and reverence for her on the part of those who own His Name. In these sermons it has seemed better to dwell on the inspired language which she herself has left us; and for the rest to bear in mind the wise words of Bishop Pearson: "If Elisabeth cried out with so loud a voice, 'Blessed art thou among women,' when Christ was but newly conceived in Mary's womb, what expressions of honour and admiration can we think sufficient now that Christ is in heaven and that Mother with Him! Far be it from any Christian to derogate from that special privilege granted her which is incommunicable to any other. We cannot bear too reverent a regard unto the Mother of our Lord, so long as we give her not that worship which is due unto the Lord Himself. Let us keep the language of the Primitive Church: 'Let her be honoured and esteemed, let Him be worshipped and adored.'" [Pearson, On the Creed, Art. III., p. 218. Oxford: 1847.]

3, Amen Court, E.C.,
Advent Sunday, 1889.

Project Canterbury