Project Canterbury

Frederick Gell


Memorials of Bishop Gell.
Vepery, Madras: no publisher, 1905.

A Sermon Preached at the Ordination Held by the Right Honourable and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, in St. Paul's Cathedral, on Trinity Sunday, May 30, 1858.
Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, 1858.

The Treasure in Earthen Vessels: A Sermon Preached in St. Alban's, Wood-street, on Sunday, September 22, 1861.
London: no publisher, 1861.

Inquiries Made by the Bishop of Madras Regarding the Removal of Caste Prejudices and Practices, in the Native Church of South India, together with the Replies of the Missionaries and Native Clergy Sent thereto.
Vepery: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1868. [External link]

A Charge Delivered on the 23rd of April, 1863 at the Primary Visitation of Frederick Gell, Bishop of Madras.
Madras: no publisher, 1863.

A Charge Delivered on the 27th of October 1869, in St. George's Cathedral, Madras, at the Third Visitation of Frederick Gell, Bishop of Madras.
Madras: Asylum Press, 1869.

A Charge Delivered on the 7th October 1873 in St. George's Cathedral, Madras, at the Fourth Visitation of Frederick Gell, Bishop of Madras.
Madras: Printed at the Christian Knowledge Society's Press, 1873.

Project Canterbury