Project Canterbury
St. Elizabeth's Church
Honolulu, Hawaii1902-1952
by the
"A sower went out to sow.—Other seeds fell on good soil and brought
forth grain, some a hundred-fold, some sixty, some thirty."
Transcribed by the Right Reverend Dr Terry Brown
Archivist of the Church of Melanesia, 2011
Online reproduction by kind permission of the rector.
[iii] Introduction
The Bishop and people of the Missionary District of Honolulu are indeed grateful to the Reverend C. Fletcher Howe for the preparation of this story of St. Elizabeth's Church.
St. Elizabeth's Church has played an important part in the life of the Church in Hawaii for over fifty years, as this story reveals. God has blessed this congregation with consecrated leadership, both in priests and people, down through the years. For this, we offer our prayers of thanksgiving.
The labors of the early days, culminating in the acceptance of parish status in 1946, under the present rector, the Reverend Wai On Shim, should be an inspiration to all of our people.
May God continue to bless this congregation and may each member be a blessing to others.HARRY S. KENNEDY
Bishop of Honolulu[v] Foreword
A WORD FROM THE WRITER of this simple but far from profound story of the first fifty years of St. Elizabeth's Parish, Honolulu, Hawaii. Due to the fact that he had at hand considerable material which he had gathered on the historical background of the Church in Hawaii for preparing the booklet of the "Ninety-Fifty" Anniversary of that Church in the spring of 1952, he was approached by the Rev. Wai On Shim, Rector of St. Elizabeth's who asked him to work on the history of that Church for its fiftieth anniversary which also fell during this same year.
The source of that material has been, in the main, the Anglican Church Chronicle and its successor, the Hawaiian Church Chronicle, with occasional references to the Journals of the Annual Convocation of the Missionary District of Honolulu, and to the late Bishop Restarick's book "Hawaii from the Viewpoint of a Bishop." To such material has been added personal knowledge of both the Rev. Mr. Shim and the writer of the more recent happenings at St. Elizabeth's.
The writer wishes to express his appreciation to the Rev. Mr. Shim for his patience in answering questions as well as in enduring hours of listening to the first reading of these notes, and to the wife of the writer who had inflicted upon her the tedious tasks of looking for inaccuracies in spelling and expression. Nor should he neglect to mention Mr. Meiric K. Dutton of the Advertiser Publishing Co., Ltd., of Honolulu, for his valuable assistance with suggestions as to the arrangement of the text and its illustrations, some of which are from old originals contributed by members of St. Elizabeth's church. Furthermore, he wishes to thank the people of St. Elizabeth's for their patience with him while waiting for these notes to be completed and put into print.
Deaconess Drant Plants the Seed…..1
Canon Potwine, A Man of Zeal…..9
Father Merrill, A Man of True Devotion…..26
A Lover of the Good, the True, the Beautiful…..32
The Beloved Biblewoman…..37
Master Builder - The Rev. Wai On Shim…..48
Looking Forward to the Future…..62
A Prayer for St. Elizabeth's Church…..63[1] Deaconess Drant Plants the Seed
THERE IS AN OLD SAYING: "Great Oaks from little acorns grow" and how truly may be applied the interpretation of that saying to St. Elizabeth's Church in the city of Honolulu. Out of a very small group of men of Chinese ancestry desirous of being taught English, and gathered together by a devoted Christian woman in a little cottage on a narrow lane just off the main thoroughfare of that city has grown the present parish with a membership of nine hundred and sixty-five baptized persons, and the commodious, beautiful and enduring church building set apart by dedication for the worship of Almighty God in this fiftieth anniversary year of 1952.
Shortly after the late Rt. Rev. Henry Bond Restarick was elected to be the first American Bishop of the Church in Hawaii, he received a letter from Deaconess Drant (Emma Britt Drant) of Cincinnati, Ohio, expressing her desire to work under him. At that time, he felt that he knew of no way for having her come to the Islands, but suggested that she call upon a friend of hers, Mr. William A. Procter, of that city.
In his letter to the Deaconess, the Bishop wrote: "There is no appropriation to pay your expenses, but I need you and I think that some friends in Southern Ohio would be glad to help this new jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands. I authorize you to use this letter to solicit such support for yourself as Deaconess to work in Hawaii."
Deaconess Drant in telling her own story of St. Elizabeth's House said that the Bishop also "mentioned one of our most generous Churchmen of Cincinnati who had been mentioned to him as having contributed bountifully to some mission work in which I had been engaged there." As a result of Deaconess Drant's following Bishop Restarick's suggestions, her travel and salary together with liberal contributions for her work as well as for the plant for St. Elizabeth's, continued to come from Mr. Procter as long as he lived.
Upon her arrival in Honolulu in the summer of 1902, Deaconess Drant devoted her time to a study of the existing conditions, being ably assisted by the Rev. Canon Kitcat who took her to call upon many families connected with St. Andrew's Cathedral. At the suggestion of [1/2] the Bishop, she began work among the Hawaiians, studying their language so that she could converse more easily with them. After a few weeks, however, the Bishop asked her to study the Chinese language instead, and to add a care for the people of that background to her other interests. She relates how she visited among them accompanied by Mrs. Kong, the mother of the Rev. Kong Yin Tet of St. Peter's Mission for Chinese, and by Mrs. Luke Aseu, also of that congregation, and how they confined their attention later to heathen families.
Deaconess Drant soon came to feel a need for a center for her work. In the Bishop's Journal appearing in the Anglican Church Chronicle is to be found under the date of October 1, 1902, this entry: "Went to Palama with Deaconess Drant and Rev. Canon Kitcat to see house suggested as the place suitable for starting Church work in that district." In the issue for the following month appeared the note: "Deaconess Drant has, in addition to her missionary labors among the Chinese, established a sewing school for Hawaiian and Chinese children in Palama, and she is meeting with great success and encouragement. Nearly forty children assemble to learn to sew, and the opportunity is taken to impart wholesome instruction of other kinds."
Again we quote Deaconess Drant's own words: "During my first six weeks visiting I ascertained that there was a great need of a night school for Chinese men, and also industrial work for the girls of all nationalities. With the consent of Bishop Restarick we opened a house in Robello Lane, as a tentative undertaking. A Christian Chinese gentleman gave us a very low rent and with a few pieces of furniture from the store room of the Cathedral we were able to begin night school on the 6th of October, 1902. The record shows 1530 attending during the ten months it has been opened. Almost all of these men were heathen and we have been blessed in having already influenced several to come to Church and Sunday School. We have four sessions a week; at two of them the Bible is taught to those who understand English sufficiently well."
St. Elizabeth's House as it was named "in loving memory of the wife of its benefactor, Mr. William A. Procter of Cincinnati," came to take on all the appearance of a Settlement House with evening instruction for the Chinese men in English, mathematics, and even typewriting, and with industrial work for the Chinese girls in the mornings and for the Hawaiian in the afternoons.
It was not so very long before the little house in Robello Lane was proving inadequate for the ever-increasing demands which were being made on St. Elizabeth's House; and a larger building on King [2/3] Street nearby was secured. By the end of 1903, this likewise was being found too small. It is evident that this house was large enough to allow one of the rooms being set apart for a chapel in which services were being held. The Bishop tells of dropping in on a Sunday evening service late in December of that year only to find the little chapel filled to overflowing; and, as he wrote: "this was not a special service as no one knew that the Bishop was coming."
The Sunday School was first held in the school room of St. Peter's on September 14th, 1902; and the Church services were begun with the Rev. Canon Kitcat conducting Evening Prayer on the 19th of October of that same year, and when there was a congregation of fifteen Hawaiians and one Chinese. For a while these services were somewhat irregular an account of the difficulty of obtaining a clergyman to conduct them; but this problem was solved by the Cathedral chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew volunteering to be responsible for them by supplying Lay Readers.
In a report of the work done by that chapter of the Brotherhood under the date of August 28, 1903, appeared this interesting remark: "two of the attendants of St. Elizabeth's, brought there by one of our members, were married in the little chapel recently, this being the first ceremony of this nature performed there."
Deaconess Drant did not restrict her interests to what may be considered strictly settlement activities, however. At the beginning of Lent in 1903, she started the Girls' Friendly Society; and in this, she was assisted by certain women who served as Associates, among whom were Mrs. C. Montague Cooke, the late Miss Marie von Holt, Miss Hilda Van Deerlin, and the late Mesdames Kong and Aseu. There were two branches, one for the Hawaiian girls at St. Elizabeth's, and one for the Chinese girls at St. Peter's Mission.
For a while, there was a Boys' Glee Club for the older Hawaiian boys; and on Thursday afternoons, the House was opened to the smaller boys of the neighborhood for enjoying the few toys, picture books, and a paint box. They were taught hymns, and told stories, besides being allowed to take books and magazines home with them. We find also that what, to us, seems a rather unusual privilege, was given them. "They are also allowed the use of the bath tub in the house."
As ALREADY SUGGESTED, the close of the year 1903 found those who were so deeply interested in the welfare of St. Elizabeth's House longing for more room for carrying on its activities. Again, Deaconess [3/4] Drant turned to her friend, Mr. Procter, with her problem, as he had told her to do whenever she needed help. He not only increased his allowance for her work but also asked her to submit her ideas for its further development. The final outcome of her appeal at this time was Bishop Restarick's being enabled to report that he had received a gift. sufficiently large for purchasing a plot of land on King Street for a permanent St. Elizabeth's House; while, a little later, an additional gift came to be devoted to the erection of buildings.
In the Bishop's Letter in the Anglican Church Chronicle for June of 1904, is found: "After careful consideration and consultation with business men, I have purchased a piece of land nearly opposite the place where St. Elizabeth's now is. This land has a frontage of 150 feet on King Street and runs back 220 feet. The land has streets on three sides of it. The price paid was $5000 given me by the generous supporter of the work." It might be added that this plot was but a portion of the present property, and was bounded by King and Kanoa Streets, and Pua Lane.
In the same Letter, the Bishop also wrote: "On my return (from a visitation to Hawaii), I found Deaconess Drant far from well. Her physician knowing that she had intended going to the mainland advised her to go at once. As it was necessary for the Deaconess to go soon to the Eastern States to consult about plans for the new St. Elizabeth's House, I decided that she should go at once."
It so happened that Bishop Restarick, earlier in 1904, had been able to announce that a Rev. William E. Potwine was coming to take work in Honolulu, bringing with him experience which had extended over twenty-two years in Pendleton, Oregon, where he had been the means of starting several missions which had become self-supporting parishes. To him, the Bishop entrusted the charge and care of St. Elizabeth's.
Deaconess Drant left Honolulu on the 26th of May, 1904, "taking with her the plans for the new St. Elizabeth's House to be looked over by Mr. Procter of Cincinnati, who is giving $11,000 for the work under the Deaconess in Palama." In the August issue of the Anglican Church Chronicle appeared an item: "Plans are being prepared for the new St. Elizabeth's House and are nearly ready to be handed to the builders that they may make bids for the erection of the buildings. . . . We are thankful to be able to state that a further gift will insure the erection of a house for a clergyman in connection with St. Elizabeth's."
The next note of progress appeared in the October issue of the Chronicle for that same year. "Ground for the new St. Elizabeth's House was broken on Friday afternoon, Sept. 16th, the first trowelful [4/5] taken by Mrs. Emma Drant, Deaconess in charge. The services of the laying of the corner-stone of the church took place Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 18th." Much to the joy of all those interested in St. Elizabeth's, the health of the Deaconess had improved sufficiently to enable her to return in time for that occasion. The one unhappy note was the absence of the Bishop who had been obliged to leave the Islands earlier to attend the General Convention which was being held that year in Boston, and to take his son, Arthur, to the mainland for medical attention.
Space forbids too full an account of that service of the laying of the corner-stone. One or two notes from what was given in the Anglican Church Chronicle may prove of more than passing interest. "There was quite a procession from the present St. Elizabeth's House to the new grounds, which were not far distant. . . . Starting from the old house, the procession consisted of the St. Andrew's cadets in their khaki uniforms and campaign hats, followed by the company of cadets of St. Elizabeth's, uniformed in blue coats and white duck trousers. At their head was a drummer, and the standards of the company, an American, a Hawaiian and a Chinese flag. After the cadets, came the girls of St. Andrew's Priory, followed by the vested choirs of St. Andrew's Cathedral (both Hawaiian and English), St. Peter's, and St. Elizabeth's and the clergy preceded by a crucifer. . . . The church will contain a beautiful carved altar, and above the altar a memorial window to the late Mrs. Procter, the whole structure to be surmounted by a belfry containing a bell. St. Elizabeth's House proper will be 46 x 80 feet and two stories in height, devoted to class rooms, etc., the upper floor to be used by Deaconess Drant and her assistants. There is also to be a well-equipped kitchen and a laundry for the neighborhood people to use. Besides an adequate rectory for the attending clergy, there is planned a garden and esplanade for games and drills."
It well may be imagined that we of this present day who have been passing through the years of planning for a new and larger church building, and of watching it grow, can feel somewhat of the thrill that those present at that service must have felt as they were being told of what their St. Elizabeth's was to be like; and the deep interest which they must have shown in watching its completion could not have been less than that we have been experiencing during the past year.
A cloud had to settle down upon the people interested in the welfare of St. Elizabeth's Mission. Deaconess Drant was obliged to finally relinquish the work on account of her health, and that, even before she could witness the completion of the new buildings in which she had had such an interest in being erected.
[6] In this connection, the Bishop wrote in his Letter which was in the Chronicle for March, 1905: "You may imagine my regret and sorrow when she told me today that her physician has advised her to give up the work." It seems that he had told her that she must take a several months' rest from the Islands each year if she wished to continue in the work; and she had come to the conclusion that, under such an arrangement, it would be best for her to give up altogether.
Bishop Restarick continued: "It is hard for the Deaconess to take this step and it is hard for all concerned. Fortunately, the Rev. Mr. Potwine, Deaconess Sands and Mrs. Folsom are familiar with the work and I shall see that as far as possible everything goes on as usual. No one knows as I do how much Deaconess Drant has done. I often begged her not to do so much, but she could not see anything waiting to be done, without trying to do it. Few people have the power of initiative as she had. May the choicest blessings of Almighty God go with her wherever her lot is cast."
As one reads further in the following issues of the Chronicle, and especially in those for the year of 1906, he finds letters from Deaconess Drant which show that she was again busy at work among the people of Chinese ancestry in California, and that, at the time of the earthquake catastrophe in San Francisco. It is quite evident that it was through her efforts that the "True Sunshine" Mission was founded for, in a letter to Mrs. Restarick, she wrote: "'True Sunshine' is dwelling in two large tents on the beautiful shore of Lake Merritt in Oakland. I am busy from morning until night in the Chinese camp, where the tents are, cutting, fitting, sewing, and teaching Chinese men, women and girls how to make American clothes. . . . Last Sunday, although it had been raining very hard all day, we had our school tent filled to overflowing with men, women and children. It is a grand opportunity for the Church. . . . I can see now, that God sent me here to be ready for this great opportunity to help the heathen, and make them know that the love of Christ must be shown by all who call themselves Christians."
The work of St. Elizabeth's House continued to grow. The time arrived when the new buildings were ready to be occupied. As there was no encumbrance on it, St. Elizabeth's Memorial Church was set apart by the act of consecration on Sunday morning, May the 7th, 1905, for the service of God. "The church was made beautiful with flowers and greens, arranged by the willing hands of the young men, some of whom had been students in the night and Sunday Schools since Deaconess Drant first began her labor among them. Woven in with these [6/7] decorations were memories of her loving devotion, and regret that she should not be present to witness the fruition of a work which had come to pass as the outcome of her faithful ministrations."
Here again, only a few of the highlights of that service can be given. "From the adjoining St. Elizabeth's House proceeded bishop, clergy and choir, the latter being augmented from that of St. Andrew's Cathedral. After the three-fold knock on the closed door, the Bishop entered followed by the clergy, repeating the opening psalm of the consecration service." In the course of the service, the deed of the church was read in English, and then translated into both Hawaiian and Chinese. "The cosmopolitan character of the work of this place was evidenced by the three languages in which the addresses followed, by the Bishop, Canon Mackintosh and the Rev. Kong Yin Tet respectively, and in the number who participated at the Holy Communion, representing those three languages. . . . After the long services, the choir and clergy . . . proceeded to the Mission House, where consecration prayers were offered, and thence to the rectory, which was blessed for the use of those who should live and minister upon this spot."
MUCH THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN so far has been of St. Elizabeth's having more of the nature of a Settlement House with its night school and industrial work along with which, as a Church institution, there were services and a Sunday School. There, unfortunately, has been found no record of just when it became formally organized as a Mission and recognized as such by the Convocation of the Missionary District of Honolulu; although, at the dedication of the Churchyard Cross on Sunday, February 19th, 1933, that occasion was, in part, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the organization of the Mission.
In the Journal of the Second Annual Convocation held in January of 1904, there is nothing to indicate that St. Elizabeth's had been canonically recognized as a mission of the District. In the Journal of the next Convocation held in May of 1905, however, is to be found the name of the Rev. William E. Potwine not only on the list of clergy but also in the list of secretaries and on certain of the committees. Moreover, the name of his father, Mr. Robert H. Potwine, is found in the list of Lay Delegates and on one of the committees. In the Parochial Reports given in that same Journal, Mr. Robert H. Potwine is mentioned as being the Senior Warden for St. Elizabeth's. That it did have full mission status at that time may be surmised from the fact that there [7/8] was no sub-title "Unorganized" as was the case of several other centers of the Church's work. All this would lead one to suppose that the formal organization took place at some time between January of 1904 and May of 1905.
This statistical note may be of interest. The first report to Convocation (1905) shows eight families; Baptized 25; Confirmed 14. The apportionments were $20 for the Board of Missions, and $5 for Convocation expenses. This, however, was evidently deemed excessive for the following year's apportionments were reduced to $6.70 and $3.35 respectively.
In the Journal of the Convocation for 1906, appears the name of Daniel Gee Ching Ng as the Lay Reader at St Elizabeth's Mission, and as one of the Lay Delegates to Convocation. More will be told of this young Chinese man later on for he became, possibly, one of the most outstanding men having a connection with the early days of the Mission.
According to that same Journal of 1906, the number of those baptized connected with St. Elizabeth's Mission had increased to 36, and that of those confirmed had advanced from 14 to 30. Whereas there had been no financial report for the year 1904, it was shown in the report for the year 1905 that, out of a total receipts of $302.55, the sum of $129.60 had been disbursed for outside purposes including Diocesan and General Missions. This, it might be added, shows that the members of St. Elizabeth's congregation were learning this early to have a care for the Church's work beyond its own gates.
[9] Canon Potwine, A Man of Zeal
POSSIBLY ALL JUST GIVEN in attempting to show when St. Elizabeth's became a recognized mission has carried us a little ahead of our story. It already has been told how the Rev. Mr. Potwine came to be a part of its life; and it might also be said here that whereas Deaconess Drant began the work, it remained for him to build upon the foundations which she laid, this important work.
Bishop Restarick had been personally acquainted with the Rev. Mr. Potwine for some ten years and knew of the efficient work he had done in Pendleton, Oregon, during the twenty years he had been stationed there. When he was in the States in December of 1903, he had had an interview with the man; and we can imagine the pleasure it gave him to be able to enter in the records of the Missionary District of Honolulu the Rev. Mr. Potwine's Canonical Transfer from the Bishop of what was then the Diocese of Oregon, and to place him in charge of St. Elizabeth's, a work which even at that early date gave every promise of growing to be a strong influence for the Church and for reaching the many people - Chinese as well as Hawaiian - who had come to be settled in the Palama District of Honolulu.
With the Rev. Mr. Potwine came his father, a brother, and a sister; and glimpses of their life here in the Islands afforded us by the Chronicle show that they entered whole-heartedly into the work at St. Elizabeth's by teaching in the night school, assisting in the Sunday School and with the music as well as in the organizing of societies for the members of the congregation.
A highlight in the life of the Rev. Mr. Potwine and likewise that of the Mission, was his marriage on the 5th of September, 1907, to Miss Alice Edgerton Shipman, the teacher of music at St. Andrew's Priory. Bishop Restarick spoke of her as being in every respect a true helpmate in all the several phases of the work of the Mission. The music received a great impetus under her able direction; and it was through her efforts that what was then considered an excellent organ was purchased for the church.
Here and there, in the pages of the Anglican Church Chronicle, and its successor, the Hawaiian Church Chronicle, are to be found notes [9/10] which tell of what was taking place during those earlier years of St. Elizabeth's Mission under the Rev. Mr. Potwine, and which let one see how it was contributing to the growing strength of the Church in Hawaii.
In the June, 1905, issue of the Chronicle is found: "Signs of fruition are beginning to appear at the Mission. At a recent Sunday evening service thirteen young Chinese men from among the members of the night school made a public confession of their desire to embrace Christianity and were admitted as Catechumens by the Bishop, with a view to baptism on Whitsunday. The earnestness and sincerity of the stand taken by these young men has already called out much criticism, and in some cases has developed into persecution." A later issue states: "At 2 p.m. on that Sunday (Whitsunday) a most interesting and important service was held at St. Elizabeth's when 12 earnest young Chinese men who had been under instruction for two years received Holy Baptism." A still later issue for that same year reported that the Bishop admitted as Catechumens thirteen more Chinese young men; and at the Cathedral on the 16th of, July, he confirmed thirteen Chinese men presented by the Rev. Mr. Potwine.
For the sake of those reading this story of St. Elizabeth's, and who have received Holy Baptism within the last decade or so, after what now seems to be the usual preparation for that rite, it should be said that Bishop Restarick evidently continued the custom introduced by the two English bishops preceding him as regards the admission of persons of heathen background into the Church. According to the Canon Law of the Church of England, any such person was required to undergo a thorough preparation even before he or she was allowed to enter the probationary stage of the Catechumenate, and further instruction, and examination by the Bishop, before the rite of Holy Baptism could be administered. Just when this requirement was given up in the Church in Hawaii has not been ascertained.
As one continues on through the files of the Chronicle, he finds other items which show the apparent success of the work in St. Elizabeth's Mission. Thus, in an issue for 1906, it is noted: "To one who looks back to the time when a few men were gathered together and when the simplest service only could be used, and when the singing was a queer medley of sounds, the growth is seen to be wonderful. The Bishop often came on Sunday evenings when there were four or five young men enquiring into the Christian religion. On Sunday, Sept. 1st, 1906, when he was there for Confirmation he looked down on a large congregation of men, women and children engaged intelligently in a hearty [10/11] reverent service singing hymns, the Kyrie, and the Gloria in Excelsis in a way that sent thrills through the few white people who were present."
THE REV. MR. POTWINE soon became convinced of the necessity for caring for the young men who were taking their stand for Christianity in the Mission, along lines other than that of giving them their religious instruction. As has been suggested already, these young men were having to endure criticism and even persecution from their families, and other companions. To cope with this problem, he conceived the idea of adding to the settlement work a lodging house where the young men might be removed to a considerable extent from such an atmosphere of persecution as well as from the comfortless and unsanitary rooms in which most of them were then living.
At the time, the building which had served as the California Hotel, and was standing on Emma Street on land now occupied by the Davies Memorial Hall in the Cathedral Close, was for sale. Mr. Procter was approached with the matter of moving the old hotel building to the Mission grounds. He cabled that he was not in sympathy with such a move. Evidently he was interested in the Rev. Mr. Potwine's idea of housing the Chinese young men for he gave $2,500 towards the purchase of land elsewhere. The result was the buying of a lot facing on Pua Lane directly across Kanoa Street from where the rectory now stands. The old California Hotel buildings were obtained, moved to that lot, and renovated, so that Procter Lodge, as it came to be called, was made to provide desirable and sanitary quarters for twenty-two men at a rate equal to what they were paying for "a wretched hole in a tenement house."
The following year, due to some of the young men becoming married, a double cottage was erected on the same property and rented to them; and, in 1908, a second double cottage was built, this one out of some of the best materials from the old Robertson house that was being torn down to make room for the new Priory buildings at the Cathedral.
Here a digression might be in order for telling somewhat of that old house, for it had a rather interesting connection with the story of the early days of the Church in Hawaii. It had been built in the early '50s as the home of the Hon. George M. Robertson and his family, and was to have been the residence of the first English Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Thomas N. Staley, and his family upon their arrival in the Hawaiian Islands in 1862. Unforeseen circumstances interfered with their [11/12] occupying the house; and a place was found for them on Nuuanu Avenue. In late 1904, or early 1905, the house was bought and renovated by the Church, and was the residence for Bishop Restarick and his family until it was torn down in 1908.
This Hon. George M. Robertson was Chief Justice under King Kamehameha IV, and was a member of the group that took such an active interest in having the Anglican Church come to the Islands, as well as in its establishment, although, at that time, he was not a member of it. He was among the first to be confirmed by Bishop Staley after he had confirmed King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma, and was a member of the class to make their First Communions with the King and Queen.
Both Justice and Mrs. Robertson took very active parts in the life of the Church as long as they lived, and were witnesses at the laying of the corner-stone of St. Andrew's Cathedral by King Kamehameha V in 1867. Mrs. Robertson was also among those present when there was a service conducted by Bishop Restarick on the occasion of laying the "first stone" in the addition to the Cathedral made during his Episcopate. We well may imagine that, although Mrs. Robertson was not able to take any active share in the beginnings of St. Elizabeth's Mission because of her age, she must have maintained a lively interest in its growth up to the time of her death.
The return is now made to the story of St. Elizabeth's Mission, and the concern the Rev. Mr. Potwine was having for the living conditions for its members during the remaining years of his ministry. He made it a definite object to have erected a number of model houses with all sanitary appliances, and that for about the same rental as they would have to pay for a residence in which there were not proper conveniences.
At some time during 1911, the Mission received a further gift of land through the generosity of the Procter family. This was the rest of the block facing King Street on which the main buildings of St. Elizabeth's now stand. In February of 1912, it was reported that there had been erected two single houses and three double ones on this land thus making provision for eight families.
At just about the same time, it was rumored that a Chinese company was looking into the purchasing of the lot adjoining to the Procter Lodge holding and running through to Banyan Street. It was felt by the Rev. Mr. Potwine that if that deal was allowed to go through, it would seriously impair the plan that he had for developing the section with model tenements. This housing of families of the Mission was creating considerable interest among Church people who were visitors [12/13] in Honolulu; and among such was a Mr. Stephen A. Palmer of New York, who, having seen the work, asked what was needed. Canon Potwine, for he had by that time come to have that title, told him that the remainder of the half block already mentioned above, was the next thing needed. The next day, Mr. Palmer gave the Bishop a check to cover such a purchase, although it was not until after his death that it was generally known that he was the donor of that property to the Mission. Soon after its purchase, cottages were being erected upon it.
Bishop Restarick realized that the responsibility for the erection and maintenance of this housing project was too much for Canon Potwine to carry alone. In 1911, he appointed a committee to work with the Canon for managing the distinctly business side of the Mission consisting of the late Messrs. L. Tenney Peck and Guy Buttloph, and Mr. Alfred Y. Lee (a Chinese); and for many years that same committee carried out their work in a very able manner. It should be added in this connection that the congregations connected with the Mission . . . the Chinese and the Korean . . . had their own committees in keeping with the Canons of the Church, to act with the priest-in-charge in maintaining the affairs of the Church.
The outcome of all this building project was not only that there came to be accommodations for fifteen families for the Mission members but also that it was having an influence throughout the neighborhood. In the Chronicle for August, 1912, it was noted: "Now we are glad to say hundreds of houses of the kind which we built are being put up. None, however, are more carefully provided with sanitary arrangement than ours. From the first we insisted on good plumbing and well built houses. We paid a large sum of money in order to connect with the sewer system before the sewer was brought near us."
Leaving now this housing side of the Mission's life, we turn to consider St. Elizabeth's itself once more. All through the years following Deaconess Drant's giving up the work which she had so ably instituted, Canon Potwine was not obliged to carry on alone, nor was the work allowed to grow less. In the Bishop's Address before the Convocation of 1905, he stated: "Besides the paid workers, there were twenty-five volunteers who assist in the various branches such as a cooking school, the sewing schools . . . one for the Hawaiians and one for Chinese, the club for Hawaiian boys and two Girls' Friendly Societies . . . one for Hawaiian and one for Chinese, the evening classes, the Sunday School, etc." From this may be seen the great range of activities which were being maintained in addition to the more strictly religious work which one would expect to find in a Church mission.
[14] It already has been suggested that the Brotherhood of St. Andrew connected with the Cathedral contributed much through its supplying lay-reading and other assistance for the work especially among the men and boys. In time there came to be a St. Elizabeth's chapter of the same organization to afford a similar aid. Mr. Luke Aseu, of whom it might be said that he was the "Father" of the work of the Church in Hawaii among the Chinese, taught a class of young men for some time, and acted as an interpreter for Bible study during the week. The Bishop himself was frequently at the Mission for Sunday evening services as well as celebrating the Holy Communion on Sunday mornings.
BISHOP RESTARICK, fortunately, was able to place Deaconess Sands at St. Elizabeth's to take up the work when Deaconess Drant was obliged to give it up. She had arrived in Honolulu the previous year for work at Iolani School. The Bishop, however, felt that she was needed much more at the Mission; and she continued there doing very efficient work until she found it necessary to leave the Islands in 1909 for family reasons.
With the coming of Deaconess Sands there was introduced a new phase of work, and that concerned special schools for the Chinese women and girls. It must be remembered that in those days, the women and girls were being kept very much in the background in keeping with the age-old customs of the Chinese people. At the same time, in the Islands they were being subjected to entirely different conditions from what one found in their native land.
It is indeed unfortunate that the available sources for information as to just when Deaconess Sands inaugurated this work are so incomplete; but there is this item in the Chronicle for October of 1906 showing that the schools had been begun. "The school for Chinese women, which has a session each school day from 9 to 11:30 a.m. shows a goodly increase. Most of the old faces are there, and many new ones. The former have fully proved by their advance in both secular and religious knowledge, and above all, by the widening and deepening of the current of their daily lives, what a boon this opportunity to learn is to them." In the next issue of the Chronicle was an added item: ". . . and what promises to be a valuable feeder for the Sunday Schools, viz., a kindergarten for Chinese girls, has been started. It is composed of the children of the women attending the day school who cannot wisely be left at home, while their mothers are away; the primary school [14/15] therefore meets a real want, enabling the women to attend their classes and providing for the instruction of their little girls."From this time on, there appeared frequent notes concerning this type of work. There came a time, however, when the need for such classes for the older women disappeared, and the emphasis was put upon the school for girls. In the Chronicle for October of 1915, appeared a notice about such a school which would make it seem as though even that school was no longer needed although it did continue for quite a number of years more. "The many new buildings of the public schools in this district have taken away many of the girls from the school as we expected it would. . . . The school was commenced because there was a large number of the girls whose parents would not let them go to the public school, and they are growing up in ignorance, despite the compulsory education law. The sentiment in this regard has somewhat changed as we expected it would."
Deaconess Sands had not been in the Hawaiian Islands very long before she began to sense the unhappy, and even pitiful situation of many of the Chinese women and girls due principally to the difference in the customs and language of their adopted country from those of their native land; and she soon determined to work for the opening up of a brighter and wider horizon for them.
We of today have little or no conception of the transition that was taking place in the lives of the Chinese, men and women alike, who had come to the Islands during the later years of the nineteenth century, and who had settled here where conditions were so vastly different from those of their homeland. This is especially true as regards the status and education of the "fairer sex," to say nothing of their religious life.
It is true that some of the women had a Chinese education of some sorts, and that there were some Christians among them, having been reached by the missions of Christian Churches in China. For them, possibly, the transition was not so hard to make. The greater majority of them, however, were sadly in need of assistance to accustom themselves to the new ways of thought and life which they were discovering here in the Islands.
Furthermore, in Deaconess Sands estimation, the girls presented a special problem because of the new environment into which their parents were trying to adapt themselves. As she wrote: "The change from the deep seclusion of their own girlhood and womanhood to absolute liberty in the case of their daughters, usually bewilders and completely defeats the mothers, and even the fathers in their efforts to advise and guide their girls . . . The girl herself very often, I had almost said always, [15/16] copies the dress, conversation, manners, and alas! too often the morals, of the girls with whom she comes in contact. How can she know that only too often she copies the ignorant, the careless, the vicious; not all good girls even have yet the balance wheels of true womanhood, modesty, reserve, Christianity, things which bar out what is bold and unbecoming in dress, manners, speech."
These are but a few thoughts that must have been in the mind of Deaconess Sands when she proposed and put into operation the schools for Chinese women and girls; and it may be believed that many, even some among the members of St. Elizabeth's Church of today, are thankful for all the time and thought which she, and the others who followed her, put into that work which formed such an important side of the activities carried out at St. Elizabeth's House.
There is still one other Deaconess whose name might be mentioned in this story of the early days of St. Elizabeth's Mission although she did not enter directly into its life other than by living with Deaconess Sands in the upper story of the House. This is Deaconess Evelyn Wile. When it was known that their rector was to become the Bishop of Honolulu, a group of women of his parish in San Diego, California, volunteered to come to the Islands to work under Bishop Restarick. Among them was Miss Wile who became the first principal of St. Andrew's Priory after the two English Sisters, Beatrice and Albertina, gave over their responsibility for that school. She left that position to take a course at St. Faith's Training School for Deaconesses in New York in 1904, and, after being set apart as a Deaconess, returned to Honolulu in 1906 when the Bishop placed her to work more especially among the Japanese under the Rev. Philip Fukao, although, at the time, he had not been ordained.
To afford her a center for carrying on her work among the women and children of Japanese background, arrangements were made whereby the "old St. Elizabeth's House" once more became a part of the life of the Church in Hawaii. Under her guidance, classes were formed, "and happy faced Japanese children gathered there for sewing, studying, etc., as well as for Sunday School and Sunday morning services." From one note, the impression is gained that the Deaconess named the Settlement House St. Faith's after the school where she had received her training. That her work was proving a great success is seen in a note in the Chronicle telling of the Christmas festivities in 1906. In closing the article, Deaconess Wile wrote: "As the room was taxed to its utmost capacity, I had to request the older boys to adjourn to the porch while the candy was distributed and others passed out." She continued the [16/17] work in the old St. Elizabeth's House until Bishop Restarick transferred her to Hilo to carry on a similar work there in the late summer of 1907.
Once more we return to the main part of the story of St. Elizabeth's Mission. The women were gradually entering directly into its life and activities. Whereas there had been but two women presented by Canon Potwine at the second Confirmation service on Palm Sunday, 1906, at a Sunday morning service held early in 1909 when the Bishop was there for a celebration of the Holy Communion, and when forty-four persons received, a noticeable feature was the increase in women and girls. "Where three years ago, when the congregation was composed wholly of men, now at least a third are women and girls and sometimes a half."
A Woman's Guild had been started; and frequent reports of their activities showed their contributions to the life of the Mission as well as to the Church. It is known that the women helped greatly in the purchase of the organ for the church by their work under the guidance of Mrs. Potwine on leis and other bits of personal adornment for women made of the different kinds of native seeds, and by the fairs and suppers they held from time to time. In 1909, they "provided for the Church a new bell. . . . It was rung for the first time on Whitsunday by the oldest communicant of the Congregation, if not the oldest in the Islands, the father of the priest-in-charge, and proves to be a sweet-toned bell, a welcomed addition to the equipment of the Church." The bell was dedicated by the Bishop on Sunday, the 30th of May, 1909.
SORROW ENTERED the life of St. Elizabeth's Mission when the sad news came of the death of Mr. William A. Procter, the munificent founder and patron, on Good Friday, 1907; "and not even the joy of Easter could altogether remove the gloom which was cast over the Church by the blow." In the Bishop's Letter in the Chronicle for the following month of May is found: "The people connected with St. Elizabeth's sent a memorial to the bereaved family of Mr. Procter, and this paper was signed by nearly two hundred names."
It had been but a few months before, on Septuagesima Sunday, January the 27th, that the people had been so happily assembled in the church which Mr. Procter had made it possible for them to have as their place of worship, to witness the unveiling of the beautiful stained-glass window given by his children in loving memory of their mother. "Through this latest gift by which the interior of the Church is signally enriched, their children have claimed a share in their tribute to her memory whose name 'Elizabeth' is sweetly associated with the mission [17/18] plant."It indeed was fortunate that it was found that termites had not done too serious damage to the wooden casement for this window so that it could be moved bodily to a new position over the altar in the new church building.
It is evident that, for many years, St. Elizabeth's Mission remained in the thoughts of the family of the late Mr. Procter as will be shown later on in this story. This was especially true at Christmas time when they annually provided for a bountiful Christmas tree with gifts for everyone in the Mission. The Chronicle for December, 1909, shows that "Two boxes of presents 'for all sorts and conditions of men,' have arrived besides candy and containers for some three hundred persons." Again, the issue for January, 1911, reveals that "Long before the arrival of the 'big box' that has annually been provided with unfailing punctuality by our good friends in Cincinnati, there was the usual manifestation of interest, and the usual preparations." And so it continued up to Christmastide, 1920, when, for the first time, a check came from the mainland in place of gifts and candies as had been customary for the past many years. This check "was so manipulated that every child was well pleased with what fell to its share."
The mention of memorials in connection with the Procter family brings to mind another, and that for one whose name is closely allied with the late Mr. Procter in the story of St. Elizabeth's Mission. This is the Processional Cross which has been carried at the head of the choir these many years. From the Chronicle for January of 1910, it was learned that "The members of the congregation. . . desiring to express their appreciation of the devotion and self-sacrifice of Deaconess Drant, who began the good work in the hearts and lives of many who are now connected with the Mission and of others who have returned to China or gone elsewhere have provided a fine brass processional cross for the use of the vested choir, suitably inscribed." This was first used on Christmas Day, 1909; and it would seem that, according to another reference to the gift, the project was started by some of the old members of the Deaconess' night school for Chinese young men.
THE RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL sides of the life of St. Elizabeth's Mission would hardly be complete without some mention of the work which was begun and carried forward for some years among the Koreans. It appears that some of that nationality who had been connected with the work for them at St. Augustine's Mission at Kohala on the Island of Hawaii, had come to Honolulu. They approached Bishop Restarick [18/19] for instruction and ministrations, for he wrote for the Chronicle of August, 1905, of such an occurrence, going on to say that some of them were Christians, and some enquirers. He placed them under the care of Canon Potwine who started a morning class and an evening school for them. One of these who had been recommended, presumably by the priest-in-charge of St. Augustine's Mission, as an earnest Christian and well versed in the Bible was made a Catechist. On Sunday mornings, a service was held for the Koreans at an hour which did not interfere with that for the Chinese congregation. As the Bishop wrote: "This entailed additional work and some inconvenience but it was assumed by the St. Elizabeth's staff without a murmur of discontent."
The work for the Koreans presented its difficulties, among them being the procuring of proper workers who knew the language, and the getting of the necessary literature such as Bibles and Prayer Books. This latter difficulty was overcome to a certain extent at first by some of the men copying by hand the service of Morning Prayer from a book borrowed from the Kohala Mission.
In spite of such obstacles, the work progressed surprisingly well. One of the young men, possibly the same one who had been made the first Catechist, proved so promising that he was sent to the Divinity School in California; and, on June 14, 1916, Bishop Nichols of the then Diocese of California, acting for Bishop Restarick, ordained to the priesthood John Pahk, the first Korean to be ordained in the American Church. He returned to the Hawaiian Islands and took up the work among his fellow countrymen at St. Elizabeth's, carrying it on with much success until the Bishop transferred him to the Island of Hawaii.
By December of 1913, and while John S. Pahk was still serving as the Catechist for the Korean Congregation, its numbers had come to be from forty to seventy men and women. There were about sixty confirmed members, some of whom came from as far away as the Ewa Plantation as well as from the Windward Oahu. Services were also being held on the Ewa Plantation every Sunday conducted by a communicant member of the Korean Congregation at St. Elizabeth's. A Woman's Guild and Auxiliary was formed. By Easter Day, 1917, the Korean branch of the work had developed to the extent that on that festal day, the church was full, and some forty-eight made their communions. Mission status had been assumed under the name of St. Luke's; and there was being carried on quite a variety of activities. There was a Woman's Bible Class as well as a day school of sixty boys and girls to study Korean, and a demand for a night school for [19/20] both men and women to study English. The need for a suitable place for the Korean work was beginning to be felt very seriously.
In the fall of 1917, the first step towards St. Luke's Mission's having its own plant took place when a comfortable cottage on Peterson Lane in the Palama section of the city was purchased for a Mrs. E. C. Perry, at that time the Settlement worker for the Koreans, to live and maintain her work among the women and girls. It was large enough to accommodate the night school for the men and women, and for the afternoon classes for women and children. The day school for about one hundred children continued to use the facilities of St. Elizabeth's, and the Sunday services were also held in the church. Evidently, this property was not used very long; for, at the Annual Convocation of 1918, a report was made that it was no longer necessary for the use of the Mission and was on the market at the recommendation of the Bishop. It is surmised that this was due to the Settlement worker having left with no one else available to fill her place.
In telling of the story of St. Luke's Korean Mission, we have already passed beyond the time when Canon Potwine had general charge of it, for he left the Islands in 1915. It may be well, however, to continue with the story up to the day when the Mission was settled in its own home, and with a place for worship.
In the Hawaiian Church Chronicle for January, 1920, information was given that the Korean work was progressing remarkably well under the direction of the priest-in-charge's assistant, Mr. Pyong Yo Cho, and that it was hoped that, before very long, they might have their own place in which to work and worship. At that time, it was being proposed that they build a Mission House similar to that used for the Chinese at St. Elizabeth's, and on Mission ground near the corner of King and Banyan Streets. Plans had already been submitted to Bishop Restarick who had given his approval; and the Koreans had raised almost $500 towards a Building Fund. This amount may not be considered much; but when it is remembered that those people were very poor, it represented real sacrifice in giving.
In that same year of 1920, the Nation Wide Campaign was being proclaimed throughout the American Church; and St. Luke's Mission entered into that movement by pledging more than their quota, and, at the same time, increased their parochial support by fifty percent and over.
Another Building Fund campaign was started two years later to be raised within five months. In April, they had on hand the sum of $2000 towards a goal of $10,000, collected from among the members [20/21] of the congregation which included people living at Ewa, in Waimanalo, and Waipahu. It is interesting to note that while those people were so intent upon raising this Fund, they were not forgetting others in want. On Christmas Day of 1923, "The amount of $22.00 was raised to be sent to the Su Won Orphanage in Korea."
In the spring of 1923, a committee was delegated to confer with Bishop La Mothe about the building. He did not approve of the original plan of having a two-storied Settlement House, however, because of financial reasons. He promised that he would have built a "Sunday School" building which could be used as a Korean language School during the afternoons on school days, and that he would try to aid them in building their church as they improved their financial condition.
In the Chronicle for December of 1924 appeared the much welcomed news for the Koreans that plans had been drawn by a local architect for a one-story frame building, to be placed on a part of the St. Elizabeth's grounds at the corner of Kanoa and Banyan Streets. It was to be known as the St. Luke's Korean Mission Center, and was to include two fair sized class rooms, an office, and a room for the caretaker, with a lanai which was to extend along the front of the building facing Kanoa Street. At the north end of the building, there was to be an alcove in which an altar with proper furnishings was to stand, and which could be shut off when not in use by folding doors.
"The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25, 1925) will long remain in the minds of the members of St. Luke's Mission as a red letter day, as it marks the dedication of the site of the new Korean Mission Center. At 9:30 a.m. . . . a large congregation of Koreans assembled in St Elizabeth's Church for the purpose of taking part in the Dedication ceremonies. Matins was said by the Lay Readers after which a six-foot cross was consecrated before the altar by the Pastor, the Rev. James F. Kieb." Afterwards, a procession was formed which marched to the site of the new building and, "the place cross was stationed in the place where the altar of the new chapel will stand." After special prayers, the service was concluded with the singing of America and the Korean National Anthem.
Finally, on the Third Sunday after Easter, May the 3rd, 1925, St. Luke's Korean Congregation met in St. Elizabeth's Church, Palama, at 9:30 a.m., for the last time after nearly sixteen years of services in the Chinese Church. "The Bishop of Honolulu, the Rt. Rev. John D. La Mothe, D.D., was about to bless and dedicate the new Korean Mission Center and the Congregation was going to its new home on the north end of St. Elizabeth's property . . ." Thus did a "Child" pass [21/22] out from under the sheltering arms of St. Elizabeth's Mission; and it might be added here that, as this story is being prepared, a new St. Luke's Church on Judd Street just off Nuuanu Avenue is on the point of being set apart distinctly as a place for worship while the other activities carried on in the old building will be cared for in adjacent buildings already standing on the property.
One more note should be added to this story of St. Luke's. In the fall of 1924, the staff was augmented by the arrival from Korea of Mr. Noah Cho to serve as a teacher, and later, as the Lay Reader and Catechist. His entering the ministry came some time later and any account of that event or of his work as the Priest-in-charge naturally has no place here. For many years, the Korean Congregation had to depend upon the Vicar of St. Elizabeth's for the general oversight of the work and for the celebrations of the Holy Communion.
AGAIN A RETURN is made back to the story of St. Elizabeth's Mission as it was in the earlier days, and this time, to consider at least one or two of those men who had been members of that night school started by Deaconess Drant, and who later came to have a prominent part in the work of the Church among the Chinese.
The Hawaiian Church Chronicle for June of 1913 reported that "The members of this congregation have heard with much pleasure that the Rev. Daniel Ng Ping, a member of the first class of young men to be baptized and confirmed at St. Elizabeth's, was ordained to the priesthood in San Francisco on the 11th instant (May)." A word of explanation is necessary here to save the reader from being confused as regards the name of this person. At the time of his being baptized, he had taken the name of Daniel. Just when he changed his last name is not known but it can be imagined that his purpose in doing so was to help the American tongue to pronounce it. In connection with all his interest in the True Sunshine Mission in San Francisco and Oakland, California, he is spoken of as the Rev. Daniel G. C. Wu.
"In Honolulu, Mr. Wu was the leader of young Chinese, whose chief purpose was to confute the teachings of Christ. But when Deaconess Drant invited him to attend the Sunday School at St. Elizabeth's he agreed immediately; it would give him, he thought, more ammunition for his attacks. He became a regular attendant at both Sunday School and Church services.
"But his wily plan worked out in an unexpected way. Instead of the augments he sought against Christianity, he found that his [22/23] Confucianism was utterly confounded. Wu Gee Ching decided to become Christian, and with his knowledge of English he became an interpreter and teacher in the Mission's night school. He was baptized in 1904, and at that time took the Christian name of Daniel. Meanwhile, Deaconess Drant had moved to San Francisco where, 1906, she opened the True Sunshine Mission."
When Mr. Ng Ping, as he was then known, became a Christian, he decided to offer himself as a candidate for Holy Orders, and went to California to pursue his studies in Theology under Bishop Nichols who was Dean of the Church Divinity School in San Francisco. At the time of his ordination, the members of St. Elizabeth's Congregation presented him with a set of white Eucharistic vestments as a mark of their esteem. On the morning of the Seventh Sunday after Trinity, July the 6th, 1913, and in the chapel of the True Sunshine Mission in San Francisco, its newly ordained priest-in-charge celebrated his first Eucharist. It was, perhaps, the first time that a Chinese priest had offered the Holy Mysteries in the Chinese language on the Pacific Coast. On the next Sunday, the communicants of the Oakland True Sunshine Mission assembled for the first time in offering their highest act of worship in their own language, and in receiving the Holy Communion from their own priest.
Another of the members of that night school for Chinese young men opened by Deaconess Drant, and one of whom St. Elizabeth's may be justly proud, is the Venerable S. Kauyang Lee, Archdeacon of Hong Kong and Kowloon. Samuel Lee, as his name appeared throughout the file of Chronicles, was led on by Canon Potwine, and others interested in him, until he became a Catechist, and later, a candidate for Holy Orders. In 1914, he was studying at Holy Trinity College in Canton, China. During troubles in the province in which that city is located, he came very near his death several times. At just about the same time, it was reported that another of the St. Elizabeth's young men who had gone to study in Hong Kong was with the Bishop of that Diocese on an evangelizing journey when a storm overtook them "and the Bishop and our candidate for Holy Orders were both drowned."
By 1921, Samuel Lee had been ordained and was "in full charge of two congregations in Canton. He was not forgotten by the old friends at St. Elizabeth's however for we find that "The members of the Chinese Congregation had the pleasure for the second time of sending a gift of $25.00 to our brother in Hong Kong, Mr. Samuel Lee, to help him provide a Christmas treat for his Sunday School there."
The Rev. Messrs. Wu and Lee are but two of many others who [23/24] went from St. Elizabeth's to make a name for themselves as well as for the Mission, not only here in the Hawaiian Islands but also throughout the United States, and in China, as doctors, nurses, teachers, business men, and the like, carrying with them the Christian principles for life which they had acquired while at St. Elizabeth's. In an address made by Mr. Clement Pang on the occasion of a Chinese dinner given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Matthews, the latter being a granddaughter of the Mission's benefactor, the late Mr. William A. Procter, he stated that as far as he knew the Mission had sent out four candidates for the Ministry, "all of whom were led to Christ by the work of St. Elizabeth's."
There is much else that could be written of the life of St. Elizabeth's Mission during the days when it was under the care of Canon Potwine; but space will not allow a too complete record, how the several schools were being maintained successfully—how a dispensary was being conducted with a trained nurse always in attendance, or visiting the sick and giving them advice and aid in the home—how the several Church organizations were being kept active, and the Chinese chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was proving itself a great aid to the Vicar in helping him about the Church and in building up the Sunday School—how St. Elizabeth's came to have a vested choir of men and boys—how the members of the congregation were giving freely for outside Church interests to say nothing of the reputation which the Sunday School came to have for their Lenten Offerings presented on each succeeding Easter Day afternoon at the service held in St. Andrew's Cathedral for all the Sunday Schools.A VALIANT WORKER CALLED HOME
THE TIME CAME, however, when Canon Potwine felt that it was necessary for him to give up the work. In the February, 1915, issue of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle, it was made public that he had reached a decision that it was necessary to resign on account of the health of his family.
His going was a great loss not only to the Mission itself but also to Bishop Restarick who had come to think of him not only as a friend but also as a wise counsellor because of his familiarity with the Canon Law and Procedure in the American Dioceses which made him most helpful to the Bishop in getting the Convocation and the several Church committees to understand the mode of procedure and the spirit of the American Church. This we can understand when we take into consideration the fact that Bishop Restarick had had to undertake the work [24/25] of revamping the atmosphere of the Church in Hawaii after she had been under two English Bishops.
Canon Potwine settled in Santa Rosa, California; and in the comparatively few years of service there, he won his way into the hearts of the people of that city, inside the Church and out, as he had done here in the Islands. His sudden death in August of 1917 was a great shock to many people. On the day of his funeral, September the 1st, a memorial service was held in St. Elizabeth's Church which was filled to overflowing with the host of people who had come to think of him as their beloved priest, as well as with many others from outside the Mission.
By Christmas time of that same year, it had become the intention of the people of St. Elizabeth's Mission to have purchased a handsome font as a memorial to Canon Potwine, for such was thought to be more truly representative of his missionary zeal and love of souls than anything else, since, during the years of his devoted service there, he had baptized one hundred, forty-four Chinese and one hundred, thirty-two Koreans into the Church of God—a remarkable record. A font of enduring material was thought also to be symbolic of a zeal and love which never slackened nor grew old after Canon Potwine removed to the States.
On Easter Day of 1918, the day was made notable in that the beautiful font was placed in the church, was consecrated, and used for baptism. It was the gift of the baptized members of the Chinese congregation and of personal friends among the Church people in Honolulu. In size and shape, the font was a reproduction of the wooden one that had been designed and made by Canon Potwine's father, and had stood for many years at the entrance of the choir on the Epistle side as shown in some of the photographs of the interior of the church.
It may be of interest to those who knew Canon Potwine to learn that the wood of the beautiful koa wood cross which had stood on the altar during Canon Potwine's years at St. Elizabeth's previous to the present brass cross being presented by the "Girls' Guild," was put to a most sacred use. At the expressed wish of Mrs. Potwine, it was converted into a box to hold the urn containing the ashes of the late Canon Potwine which were shipped to the family plot in Connecticut where the last sad rites were held. The cross had been presented to him when he left Honolulu, and had been made by Lum King, the well-known contractor, before he became a Christian.
[26] Father Merrill, A Man of True Devotion
IN MAKING HIS SELECTION of someone to take Canon Potwine's place at St. Elizabeth's Mission, Bishop Restarick had in mind a man who already had had much experience in institutional work and was accustomed to minister to races other than the white. There was at the time one such present in the Islands in the person of the Rev. Frank Wesley Merrill who was caring for St. Augustine's Mission at Kohala on the Island of Hawaii. He had been in charge of the Church's work on the Oneida Indian Reservation in Wisconsin for quite a number of years. Here he had carried on a most successful work among the Indians which included the instituting and managing of a hospital, a lace school as well as both day and night schools, and a creamery, among other activities.
The Rev. Mr. Merrill had first come to the Islands in 1879 as a layman to be the Master of Iolani, and was ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Willis during the following year. He began his ministry at Kaneohe on Windward Oahu. He married Miss Harriet Barnard in 1881, and left for Australia in 1882 where he was advanced to the Priesthood, returning from there to the United States where eventually he became General Missionary under Bishop Grafton of the Diocese of Font du Lac in Wisconsin. In 1911, he expressed the wish to come back to the Hawaiian Islands, presumably for family reasons, and Bishop Restarick placed him in charge of the Kohala Mission.
The Rev. Mr. Merrill arrived from Kohala on a Saturday, April 12, 1915, and officiated for the first time at St. Elizabeth's on the following day. On Monday, he assumed full charge which involved his having to go to Ewa from time to time to conduct services for the Korean members of the Mission living there.
Only occasional glimpses of the life of the Mission under the Rev. Mr. Merrill are afforded us by the Hawaiian Church Chronicle; yet all that is given indicates that the work was continued along much the same line as it had been previously, during the all too few years he was privileged to serve, and that there was a steady advance in the growth of the Church because of his ministrations. One such glimpse affords us another example of the type of men the Mission was producing. [26/27] "Alfred Y. Lee, one of the members of the first class in Baptism and Confirmation after the organization of the Mission. He has ever since been one of the staunchest supporters, is Treasurer, Vestryman, and whatever else may be desired of him in the line of efficient assistance to the Priest-in-charge of the congregation. His faithfulness and uprightness of character have advanced him in business until he is now employed in a responsible position in the First National Bank of Hawaii."
Another glimpse of what was taking place during the Rev. Mr. Merrill's years at the Mission comes from the January, 1916, issue of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle which tells of the account of a fair held by the Woman's Guild and Auxiliary, the proceeds from which was to be used to provide scholarships for Chinese boys and the support of a Biblewoman in China. The issue for the month following gave the news that a portion of the unoccupied Mission property was being developed as a children's playground and that the Rev. Mr. Merrill was planting it with grass getting it ready for a sand-box, swings, and similar apparatus which he was trusting that friends of the Mission would provide.
St. Elizabeth's Mission was considered by Bishop Restarick as one of the "show places" whenever there were Church people visiting in the Islands. On one occasion when he was showing a Mr. John E. Hanifen of Philadelphia the work there, the result turned out to be that the Mission became the proud possessor of a fine United States flag and a fifty-foot pole with a gilded ball at the top, from which it was to fly. The gentleman had been listening to the children in some exercises of a patriotic nature; and as he looked around the grounds, he noted the absence of a flag. Through his efforts, the pole was furnished by a local firm; and he had sent upon his return home a 8x12 foot flag made to order by a Philadelphia firm, it arriving at the Mission in time for special exercises on Flag Day, June 14, 1917.
In September of 1917, it was reported that there were sixty attending the girls' school; and in July of 1919, a further report showed that the night school for the study of English for men and boys was still in much demand. Further notes could be added to show that the Mission under the Rev. Mr. Merrill was not falling behind in its financial obligations. It seems that there had been a loan made to the Mission which, according to the Convocation Journal amounted to $5,300.00 on the 1st of January of 1917. Within that year, the amount was reduced to $4,925.00. As regards the Children's Lenten Offerings, it was reported that St. Elizabeth's was the proud possessor of the Bishop's banner for several years. Another report shows that, during the days [27/28] of the First World War, when there was much Red Cross activity, the women of the Mission took an active part in the work that was being done at St. Andrew's Cathedral.
The duration of the Rev. Mr. Merrill's charge over St. Elizabeth's was all too short. For several years before his death in 1918, he had suffered much physical pain, "how much only those near him ever knew." He was prevailed upon finally to enter Queen's Hospital and undergo a serious operation, from the shock of which he failed to rally. He died on the 11th of October; and after the services in Honolulu, his remains were taken to Kohala where they were interred in the churchyard of St. Augustine's Mission.
On the first Sunday after Bishop Restarick's return from Kohala, he took the morning service at St. Elizabeth's; and speaking more particularly to the Chinese congregation, he called upon them "to carry on the work so devotedly done by Canon Potwine and the Rev. Mr. Merrill, and the noble self-sacrificing women who had been their assistants." Moreover, he wrote of the Rev. Mr. Merrill for the Hawaiian Church Chronicle: "He was not only a devoted priest but also a true missionary, and always glad to make sacrifices of time and energy for any work of the Church outside his immediate charge." Coming as the successor of Canon Potwine, he had assumed not only charge of the Church work of the Mission but also of all the buildings connected with it, had taught in the night school, instructed classes for Baptism and Confirmation, besides often holding four services on Sunday some of which requiring him to make the long trip to the Ewa Plantation. To show his regard for details, it was told that he had attended to all the business affairs of the Mission, and had all the records and accounts made up to date at the time he entered the hospital.
AT THE TIME of the Rev. Mr. Merrill's death, Bishop Restarick was aware that there were two clergymen being sent out to the Islands by the Church Missions House in New York. One of them was the Rev. Alwyn E. Butcher who arrived in Honolulu on Sunday, November the 17th in time to take part in the service at St. Andrew's Cathedral. After going over the matter of his taking charge of St. Elizabeth's Mission with the Bishop, he said that if he was appointed, he would go and do his best.
The Rev. Mr. Butcher had been at Juneau, Alaska, where he had been Canon of the Cathedral; but, for certain reasons, he had been led to wish work with greater prospects of growth. Prior to his being in [28/29] Alaska, he had been a Canon at St. Paul's Cathedral in Erie, Pennsylvania, where he had married Mrs. Butcher, a graduate from St. Faith's Training School for Deaconesses. On the 9th of February in 1920, however, he felt obliged to hand in his resignation to Bishop Restarick on account of his health since his physician, although finding no organic disease, concluded that a change in climate was the best thing for him.
There is little or nothing so far as information goes about how the work at St. Elizabeth's progressed during the Rev. Mr. Butcher's stay there; yet there are one or two items from the Hawaiian Church Chronicle for that period which may be of interest to some. In the issue for February, 1919, is to be found the information that all the churches in Honolulu were closed and that services in such buildings were forbidden for a time. In most cases, however, services were held out of doors as was the situation at St. Elizabeth's for both the Chinese and Korean congregations. No reason is mentioned for this prohibition in the Chronicle.
"On Sunday, May the 11th (1919), the Bishop was at St. Elizabeth's Church to dedicate two memorials for the late Rev. Frank Wesley Merrill. The first, a pair of seven-branch candlesticks, was the gift of the congregation; and the second, a beautiful white silk stole, made in China, to be used at celebrations of the Holy Communion on festivals, the gift of Mrs. Merrill." Note: This stole is still being used for such services. The Church was also presented by the Bishop with a roll of matting for the center aisle.
On Saturday evening, the 13th of September in that same year, an informal reception was held in the Parish House to welcome two new workers, a Mrs. Pascoe and Miss Helen Tyau, "one of the real Mission girls in that she has been brought up in the work of St. Elizabeth's nearly all her life, has been appointed as second worker at the Mission House." Over two hundred were present, the majority being young people.
It must not be thought, however, that the poverty of news for this period in the life of St. Elizabeth's Mission implied a standing still. From sources other than the Chronicle, the impression is gained that the work went steadily forward while the Mission was under the Rev. Mr. Butcher's care.
The next clergyman to have oversight of the Mission was the Rev. Leland H. Tracy who previously had been the rector of St. Clement's Church in Honolulu. Nothing, either in Bishop Restarick's book, "Hawaii from the Viewpoint of a Bishop", or the Hawaiian Church [29/30] Chronicle is told of his background before his coming to the Islands; but it is known that he was on Kauai in 1915.
In December of 1920, the Rev Mr. Tracy made this revealing report of the situation at St. Elizabeth's Mission. "Since the departure of the Rev. Mr. Potwine some years ago, St. Elizabeth's has seen many changes and vicissitudes. With the exception of Mrs. Young and Miss Helen Tyau, the workers are all new to this neighborhood. So many of the original families of the Mission have moved away, that few of them remain; still there is life and energy manifest in the Guild and Auxiliary, and the services are well attended, especially the early celebration.
"The character of the work done is different also, the morning school being distinctly primary. In the afternoon, Mrs. Shim Yin Chin teaches a Chinese class; at the same time, there is a flourishing Korean school in session. The Korean work is very gratifying.
"Since taking charge of the Mission House, Mrs. Pascoe has done many things. She teaches two young girls fresh from China, giving them a special lesson, aside from the work they are doing in Miss Tyau's class.
"The calling is done by Mrs. Pascoe and Mrs. Young together. A good class is being prepared for Confirmation by the Rev. Mr. Tracy. In fact, it seems as though St. Elizabeth's had taken a new lease on life."
A further insight into what Mrs. Pascoe did while she was at the Mission is shown in a note telling of how she was holding whatever Sunday services that were being held at the Tripler General Hospital, and of how she was taking out to ride groups of the patients on Wednesday afternoons to some of the beauty spots on the Island of Oahu. Mrs. Pascoe gave up the work at the Mission in the fall of 1921, thus leaving St. Elizabeth's House without a superintendent once more.
One or two further notes might be given of the work at St. Elizabeth's Mission while the Rev. Mr. Tracy was there. It was at the time when the Nation Wide Campaign was at the fore throughout the Church in the United States, and it evidently was through his efforts that the Chinese congregation promised $500 for the ensuing year, 1920-1921, with the result that its members again proved themselves to be of a true missionary spirit by going "over the top", and at the same time, increasing their contributions for Parish support by over one hundred per cent in addition to the usual apportionments. Furthermore, the children were keeping up a record of giving on an average of $2.50 each for their Lenten Offering at the Cathedral.
[31] There was one note about the school. "St. Elizabeth's was not intending to have a school but one was opened at the urgent request of parents. It is not large nor was it the intention to have it so, yet the girls there are doing remarkably well."
Another note may be of interest to the women who may be reading this story of St. Elizabeth's Church. In the Chronicle for January of 1921, it was reported that "A perpetual call for second-hand clothing and rummage together with the debt on the property led to the opening of a Salvage room." The first sale netted $150; and not so very long after that, there was money on hand to make a second payment on the mortgage. This means for raising money was continued for some time. Several years later, however, rummage sales became too popular in that district, and the ladies turned to making rag rugs as a source of income to help them meet their Woman's Auxiliary apportionments and the other appeals which came to them for financial aid.
On Christmas Day in 1920, and for the first time in the life of the Mission, a full Choral Communion service was rendered; and at the two celebrations, more than one hundred persons received the Holy Communion, showing that a steady increase was taking place in the religious side of its life. In October of 1921, the Rev. Mr. Tracy resigned to accept a call to become Dean at the Cathedral in Manila; and once more, St. Elizabeth's was faced with the unhappy situation of being without a Shepherd.
[32] A Lover of the Good, the True, the Beautiful
BACK IN FEBRUARY of 1918, there had come to the Hawaiian Islands the Rev. James F. Kieb, a man of large experience in preaching and lecturing. He had been at Green Bay in the Diocese of Font du Lac, Wisconsin, and evidently wished to be located in a warmer climate on account of his health. A friend of his, the Rev. Mr. Merrill, had probably told him of the conditions here in the Hawaiian Islands. At any rate, he addressed Bishop Restarick; and the Bishop as Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral and feeling the need of assistance because of his own health, brought it about that the Rev. Mr. Kieb came to help him with the work there. His preaching as well as a series of Lenten lectures which he gave in the Davies Memorial Hall that same year made a very favorable impression on all who heard him. It was said of him that "He had not only a well-stored mind, but also the ability to impart that knowledge to others."
Little by little, the Rev. Mr. Kieb came to have many demands for his services. Soon after his arrival, he accepted the appointment to be Chaplain of the Honolulu Military Academy as well as instructor of the advanced classes in history, both ancient and modern, while sharing in the pastoral care of St. Mary's and Epiphany Missions in addition to his services at the Cathedral.
In the course of time, the Rev. Mr. Kieb was made a Canon of the Cathedral, and became a member of the Cathedral Chapter and of the Board of Directors of the Church Corporation. He served the Missionary District of Honolulu as one of its clerical delegates to three General Convention during the years that he was in the Islands. "His management of the affairs at St. Elizabeth's after he became the priest-in-charge, both temporal and spiritual, commended itself to all the officials of the Church and the people generally." As already has been suggested, his preaching was exceptionally lucid and instructive; and he had the rare faculty of being able to interest and instruct children. There were many who deeply regretted his feeling obliged to resign early in 1937.
On the occasion of the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Tracy from the oversight of St. Elizabeth's Mission, the Bishop turned to canon Kieb, [32/33] appointing him in full charge there in October of 1921. It is of interest to know that the Chinese themselves made a special request that he should be appointed to care for them.
At the time of his taking charge of the Mission, his duties also included the general care of the St. Luke's Korean work as well as that of the Chinese congregation; and although the time finally came when the former group had their own Mission House, he continued a general oversight over them and officiated at their celebrations of the Holy Communion until they came to have a priest of their own.
IT IS DIFFICULT, in a way, to find words to fully describe the years of Canon and Mrs. Kieb's presence in St. Elizabeth's Mission because their interests and efforts extended in so many different directions. Those years were most certainly of strengthening the spiritual life of the members of the congregation; and yet, at the same time, they were years when much also was done to improve and adorn their place of worship as well as the properties belonging to the mission. Certain of the furnishings so familiar to those who have worshipped there in more recent years, and which were introduced during Canon Kieb's years of Service, have been found to be of such a nature that they have become parts of the new church building so recently dedicated.
As one enters the new St. Elizabeth's Church and looks about, he notes not a few of the furnishings which were in the old building. He may wonder why they were considered worthy of being thus preserved and incorporated amid surroundings which are entirely new and of quite a different style of architecture and design. The story of the Procter Memorial Window over the altar already has been told as has that of the Potwine Memorial Font in the Baptistry, and the Processional Cross which stands in the choir. Certain of the "brasses" which adorn the altar are also memorials of years previous to Canon Kieb's time.
There are, however, other furnishings in the new church building which show the keen interest both Canon and Mrs. Kieb showed in beautifying the interior of the old church during their years of life in St. Elizabeth's Mission. Entering the church through the "west door", possibly one of the first objects to strike the eye is the Rood, or Chancel Cross, hanging over the entrance to the choir. This Chancel Cross is mentioned in the Hawaiian Church Chronicle for April of 1925. "On Passion Sunday, a beautiful seven-foot Chinese red lacquer and gold Chancel Cross was consecrated before St. Elizabeth's altar by the pastor assisted by the Chinese priest and several assistants. The cross, [33/34] which is erected by the pastor, commemorates the sixteen hundredth anniversary of the Council of Nicea." It is of "the Russian type with panels at each end and in the center. On the front are five large gold roses in relief, one in each panel . . . and on the reverse side in the center is the sacred monogram in relief and in the left end panel—Nicea 325 and in the right—Easter 1925." In a metal case hidden beneath the decoration was placed an inscription giving the date--Passion Tide 1925—the donor's name, an ascription to the Glory of God, and a brief on the Council.
As one continues his gaze towards the altar, he sees, back of the Chancel Cross, three Sanctuary lamps with their lights burning. These finely wrought bronze lamps are replicas of those hanging in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, and were the gift of Mrs. Mortimer Matthews as a memorial to her late husband, with the request that they should always be kept burning.
Standing at the entrance of the Sanctuary, one observes its furniture, all of which are memorials taken from the old church and, as well may believe, selected and given at the suggestion of Canon Kieb. On Easter Day, 1924, was dedicated the teakwood chair for the Bishop, given by the St. Elizabeth's Woman's Auxiliary, and a similar chair for the clergy, a memorial to his father given by Canon Kieb. The teakwood credence table was given by the "St. Elizabeth's Juniors"; while the seats for the servers were the gifts of the Rev. Mr. Woo, the Chinese assistant, in memory of his daughter, Mary, and of the St. Luke's Korean congregation. The Prayer Desk before the Bishop's chair was originally used as the Litany Desk in the old church, and was the Congregation's Memorial to the late Bishop La Mothe, dedicated on Sunday, September the 7th of 1930, as were several other memorials and gifts. Among the latter were the two five-foot gilded Epistle and Gospel Lights on the steps to the altar which were given by the Rev. Thurston R. Hinckley as a thank-offering for his safe return from Honan, China. The brass Altar Desk was the gift of Mrs. Henry K. Chung in memory of her late husband, and was dedicated on Easter Day, 1925.
Continuing his tour of inspection of the new church building, one enters the side chapel, or the Memorial Chapel of the Angels, which also has associations with the old church during Canon Kieb's time. The plaque of the Madonna and Child that forms the altar-piece was formerly in the shrine arranged by him as a Children's Corner, and was a memorial to his sister. The rail along the side of the chancel is a portion of the communion rail at which, in years gone by, so many knelt to receive the Blessed Sacrament. It is of Filipino mahogany in a [34/35] Chinese design and was dedicated at the same service when the Bishop La Mothe Memorial was, in memory of the late Rev. Woo Yee Bew who had served for many years as the assistant Chinese priest and who had died the previous January in Hong Kong.
At first, it had been planned to have the old pulpit stand in this memorial chapel; but later it was decided that one which could be more easily moved would be preferable on account of the size of the chancel. An account of the old pulpit which appeared in the Hawaiian Church Chronicle for May of 1931 should have its place here in the telling of Canon Kieb's interest in furnishing the chancel of the former place of worship for the St. Elizabeth's people. "The new pulpit of Filipino mahogany done in teak finish, designed in elaborate Chinese style will be dedicated on the first Sunday in May. This handsome piece of Church furniture is presented by the congregation and will bear a brass tablet stating that it is placed in God's House in loving appreciation of the many years of loyal and faithful service done by Mrs. F. T. Young our dear Biblewoman and Parish visitor, who had gone back to China to spend the remaining years of her life with her sons." It may be added that this pulpit was given by St. Elizabeth's Church to St. Luke's Mission for their new church in which many assembled on Sunday, July the 13th of 1952 to take part in its dedication by Bishop Kennedy.
There is still one more memorial which was brought from the old church although its date is after that of Canon Kieb's; and that is the beautiful Service Book for the altar which is bound in red Morocco, and which was the gift of Mr. James K. S. Ching in memory of his wife at Christmas time in 1937.
Certain other tablets and the memorial Diptych placed on the wall of the choir at the suggestion of Canon Kieb are still to be moved and made to appear in the Memorial Chapel of the Angels. In planning for the new church, it was in the minds of those responsible that there should the opportunity for other gifts which would stand as memorials; and this opportunity has been taken already by some of the members of the Congregation. The pulpit is one such in memory of the late Rev. Shim Yin Chin, and was given by his son, the Rev. Wai On Shim, and other members of the family. The lectern is the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Kim Loon Ching in memory of her father, Mr. Lau Gett. Certain of the pews likewise stand as memorials given by members of the Congregation.
Early in 1951, the Rev. Mr. Shim received a gift of $500.00 from the family of Mr. Clement Pang, a former Senior Warden, who was [35/36] drowned; and with the condition that it be used for a permanent fixture in the new church. Later, that amount was increased sufficiently to make it possible for the altar in the Memorial Chapel of the Angels to stand as the Clement Pang Memorial. It is hoped that some time in the future will see the high altar a memorial, and the window of leaded glass at the side of the altar in the memorial chapel replaced by one of stained glass showing an appropriate subject.
WE WOULD BE QUITE REMISS in our telling of the story of St. Elizabeth's Church if we neglected to include in that story some account of this "dear Biblewoman and Parish visitor" and to tell of one particular way by which she showed her love and interest in the children of the Mission; for it is hoped that in the years to come, as they gather in the church for their Christmas festivities, they as well as their elders will have the joy of seeing the beautiful gift she gave for their sakes. "The Christmas festal services at St. Elizabeth's Palama, were of unusual dignity and devotional interest this year (1931) on account of several added features, one of which was the dedication and blessing of the new creche, which is the generous gift of Mrs. Fook Tshin Young now of Shanghai, China. . . . She was fond of children. . . . Some years ago, when the first crib was placed in the Church she expressed herself by saying she thought it a beautiful way to teach the children and make the Christmas lesson real."
Mrs. Fook Tshin Young was educated in the Lutheran Mission schools in Southern China and especially prepared for religious work and Bible teaching. In 1892, and in company with some eighty women who came to join their husbands, or to be married to men who had preceded them, she brought her eldest son, Edward, who later became quite a famous doctor, to the Hawaiian Islands. Five other Sons were born here in Honolulu.
The study of English was her first concern. From 1908 on, she taught Bible and Prayer Book to the Chinese women in the different missions until she finally associated herself with St. Elizabeth's where she worked with Deaconess Sands and others until she left to return to China in October of 1930 with her son, Dr. Edward Young, who was on his way through Honolulu from a year's study in some of the great medical centers in Europe. Mrs. Young was "doubtless one of the best known and most loved Christian workers among the Orientals of Honolulu;" and was an untiring Woman's Auxiliary member. In the later years of her stay in Honolulu, her one complaint was: "I am getting too old to do my work and I must soon stop."
[38] Again, let the reader of this story of St. Elizabeth's Church turn in thought to the new church. In these years (1951-1952) when the cost of materials for building is ever on the rise, it indeed was welcoming news to the Building Committee to have the architect report, after having made an examination of the windows in the old building, that they could be used again. As a result of his adapting the first plans, most of the windows of Cathedral glass of "a rare amber in color" are found in place, continuing to serve as memorials to former members of the congregation as they did in the old church. Unfortunately, in the work of transferring them, no special care was taken to preserve their identity; but it is proposed that a "Book of Remembrance" be prepared in which the names may be kept.
THERE WERE OTHER MEANS by which Canon Kieb sought to keep the thought of memorials before the members of St. Elizabeth's Church; but these are of such a nature that they could not very well be adapted to the new building. On "the Sunday in the Octave of All Saints (1924), there was dedicated the beautiful Parochial Diptych . . . on the Gospel side of the choir. . . . The Diptych which follows the plan of the earliest Christian types, contains tablets on which are commemorated the names of the departed. The top panel contains a tablet dedicated to God's Glory and in grateful memory of William A. Procter and Charlotte Elizabeth Procter, his wife, founders and constant benefactors of St. Elizabeth's Mission, and bears below the words 'Their Works Do Follow Them.' In the upper left panel there is a tablet to the Memory of Wm. Edward Potwine, first Priest of the Mission, while in the upper right panel there is a tablet to Frank W. Merrill, second Priest of the Mission. On the horizontal beam separating the top panels from the bottom is the text, 'Some Are Fallen Asleep.' In the lower panels hang the small strip-like tablets of the departed Chinese members of the Congregation."
Two other projects carried out during Canon Kieb's years of service at St. Elizabeth's Mission should not be allowed to go without some mention as they both are being preserved and incorporated into the scheme of the new St. Elizabeth's Church. On Sunday, February, 1933, the thirtieth anniversary of the organization of the Mission as well as that of the death of Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth Procter, wife of the Mission's benefactor, was commemorated especially by the dedication of the large Churchyard Cross which had been erected by the members of the congregation in memory of Mrs. Procter, and in [38/39] gratitude to God for the thirty years of service of the Church in the Palama District of Honolulu.
Among those present at this dedication were Bishops Restarick and Littell of Honolulu, and the Rt. Rev. Paul Matthews, Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey and a son-in-law of the late Mr. and Mrs. Procter, who dedicated the Cross. There was placed in the Cross a document relative to the occasion of its erection, and a long list of names which included those of the Mission's benefactors and of the departed members of the Mission. The Churchyard Cross, for the service, was hung with many leis, the chief of which being a great one of Chinese banyan leaves from a tree planted in the church yard on the day when Procter Lodge was opened.
On either side of the Cross, Bishop and Mrs. Matthews each planted an olive sapling, the tradition for which goes back to the Garden of Gethsemane. The story is that Crusaders, returning from Asia to Europe, stopped at the Madeira Islands where they left slips of olive which they had brought from the Holy Land, and which were planted in the garden of an old convent. From there, other slips were brought to Honolulu by an early Portuguese settler and planted by him at some place on what is now School Street. The saplings used at St. Elizabeth's had been taken by the Canon from the old stock some three years previously and started on the mission grounds. In time, these olive trees grew sufficiently to provide as they have these many years for the branches which have been blessed and distributed on Palm Sunday. Furthermore, these two trees have been moved, as will be the Churchyard Cross, to the grounds about the new church.
St. Elizabeth's Church, furthermore, is connected with the Holy Land in still another way; for the Altar-stone over which the sacred vessels are placed at the celebration of the Holy Communion, and which is now set in the new altar, is composed of small stones from sacred spots in that country. In the Spring of 1931, a post-card was received from Mrs. Mortimer Matthews who, in company with Sister Olivia Mary of the Community of the Transfiguration, was intending to visit the Holy Land during that Easter Season. She wrote that they were going to procure stones from different sacred sites so that a mosaic Altar Stone could be made for St. Elizabeth's similar to the one in the chapel of Bethany House, in Glendale, Ohio, the Mother House of that Community.
The stones collected and combined for the Altar Stone in St. Elizabeth's Church were from: Mount Tabor, the site of Christ's [39/40] Transfiguration; A Temple area; Palace of the High Priest, Caiaphas; the Sea of Galilee: Mount of Olives; the site of the Ascension; Ain Karam, home of St. Elizabeth in the Hills of Judea; House of Mary and Martha; House of St. John near Nazareth; Tomb of the Virgin Mary near Gethsemane; Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem; Gethsemane, site of Christ's Agony in the Garden; Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth; Damascus Road, the site of St. Paul's Conversion; Cana of Galilee; Jacob's Well; and the River Jordan, site of Christ's Baptism.
There is still one more gathering of the people of St. Elizabeth's Mission under Canon Kieb which has special significance. On the First Sunday in Lent, March the 1st, 1926, after the morning service in the church, the congregation withdrew to the outside, in and about the belfry, for the blessing of a peal of three bronze bells, which included an ancient custom of washing and anointing of each bell, and of naming it. The largest was dedicated under the name of "Jesus" and in memory of the Canon's mother. The second in size received the name of "St. Mary" and is in memory of Grace Chin Ram Moi; and the third, under the name of "St. John" is in memory of Lee Fah Ng Tyau. Embossures on the bells show their names together with crosses, memorial inscriptions, dates, and a prayer "for repose." After the service of dedication came the ringing of the bells for the first time. The peal together with the original bell now hang in the belfry of the new church at a much higher elevation than was possible in the old, so that their sound reaches out over that part of the city much further to call the people to worship.
The name in the above account of Grace Chin Kam Moi is a reminder of a gift which members of her family made on Christmas Day in 1926. This was in the form of an Alms Bason of curly koa wood, and was a Thank Offering from the Kam Moi family, the father and mother having been the first to be married before the altar in St. Elizabeth's Memorial Church.
Not all of Canon Kieb's interests lay along lines of the adorning and beautifying of the church building and grounds, however, for he also spent much time and effort in keeping the several buildings connected with the Mission repaired and in good condition, a task which was rather difficult in view of the inroads made upon them by usage, weather and termites. In March of 1926, he had to report that "owing to the intense shade of the huge banyan tree in the church yard, the Ewa side of the church's roof was rotted, beyond repair. The [40/41] sacristy roof and the school lanai were also in bad condition." The tree was removed and the necessary repairs made; and, at the same time while the workmen were about the place, Canon Kieb had some alterations made in the sacristy which greatly improved it in appearance as well as in its useability.
In this renovating of the sacristy, Canon Kieb had added on the wall above the vestment case the shrine-like arrangement which became so familiar to all who had occasion to use the room for vesting, although the simple wooden cross which hung there during later years was not the original one "a quaint and interesting old crucifix" which the Canon probably took with him when he left Honolulu. As he described it, "This crucifix was brought from Bruges, Belgium, by some emigrants and placed in the Church of the Precious Blood, Gardner, Wisconsin. The cross itself is made of a piece of heavy cross-sawed oak taken from an old beam of the 'Chopee du Sanc Sang', Bruges. This rare relic was presented to the priest-in-charge of St. Elizabeth's last summer by Madame Robiard, a grand-daughter of the old pioneer who brought it to America."
Another indication of Canon Kieb's efforts to keep things in repair is given in a report that on Sunday, September the 7th, 1930, occurred the rededication of the altar which had become badly riddled with termites. In the hands of a competent craftsman, parts of the altar had been salvaged and the reconstruction of the entire altar carried out. In addition to that work, the wall above had been beamed in oak and a frame of the same wood carried up about the memorial window, while the walls of the sanctuary and choir were done over in "rubbed gold."
At the beginning of 1926, Canon Kieb, as superintendent of the Mission's tenements and Procter Lodge, "was thankful to report that the last payment of $1,200 was made in November on the debt, thus ending the year (1925) with all bills paid." There was need, however, for much repairing and painting of those buildings. All such work naturally entailed much effort as well as worry in providing the funds for doing it, and which the income from the rentals was not proving sufficient as they had in the past. It seems that a new ruling of the Territorial Court had made the housing project taxable. It may be remembered that it was the aim of Canon Potwine to afford his people with decent living surroundings at a low rental, which, in the past had proved adequate for caring for the buildings; but this new move on the part of the Territory took away quite seriously from the funds [41/42] devoted to keeping them in repair. This was especially true of the Procter Lodge which had come to be the home for some thirty-five young Chinese "boys", a number of them being fresh from China, we may presume from what the Canon reported about the night school of the Mission at that time.
In the January, 1927, issue of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle appeared the announcement of the construction of three cottages on the land where the Procter Lodge had stood. This frame building had reached the point of dilapidation through the ravages of termites to the extent that it was considered out of the question to try to make further repairs. Furthermore, the demand for rooms had diminished so that it was only half occupied; while the need for small cottages had so increased that the Committee in charge of the houses decided to develop that part of the property by erecting six or eight suitable buildings, thus increasing the total number of cottages to twenty. Later, that same year, the contract was let for six additional cottages, thus bringing the total up to twenty-six on the Mission property. The area at the corner of King and Banyan Streets, however, was undisturbed, being left open as a playground for the school children. One of the cottages at the corner of Banyan and Kanoa Streets was reserved for the vicarage of the St. Luke's Korean Mission Center.
In 1929, 1930, St. Elizabeth's Mission was again made to suffer because of a move on the part of outside interests. The widening of King Street took from the frontage of the Mission property a strip of thirteen feet which required the change of approach to the lanai of the church from the front to the side, and of the walks, as well as an entirely new fence along the King Street side. The attractive roofed-over entrance gate was included in this construction.
It must not be thought from all that already has been given of this story of St. Elizabeth's Mission during the years that Canon Kieb served as its priest-in-charge, that all of his time, thought, and effort was being devoted to the more material side of its life; for, in spite of all the demands which were made along such lines, he did much to build up and strengthen the religious life of its members and to increase their numbers.
Under the wise supervision of Canon Kieb, there began to take place shortly after his arrival in October of 1921 a reorganization. Bishop Restarick had assigned the Rev. Woo Yee Bew as his assistant; and there was also the Chinese Biblewoman, Mrs. F. T. Young, and the school teacher, Miss Helen Tyau.
[43] For expediting the reorganization of the Mission, complete lists of all the families, and of the "individuals" known to have any connection with the Church, were prepared; and with these in hand, a round of visits was carried out by Canon Kieb with his Chinese assistants. By March of 1922, the calling was finished and it was discovered that the limits of the Mission's direct influence extended from Kalihi to Kaimuki as well as in other directions throughout Honolulu.
Yet, in spite of the fact that the homes of the members of the congregation were so scattered, and that, as the Rev. Mr. Tracy had reported, many of the original families had either returned to China or moved away, Canon Kieb felt that he could report at the end of his first year that the Mission's spiritual condition had been by no means weakened as evidenced by the devotion and faithfulness of the remaining members.
In turning his attention to the Sunday School, Canon Kieb felt it wise to make himself its superintendent and instructor. This may have been due to a fact which he took occasion to report, "the work was badly hampered in having no white worker to help in both the day and night schools and with the choir and women's Guilds." As has been suggested already, he had a special gift of attracting the children as well as a well filled mind on Bible material, and the ability to impart that knowledge to others, even to children.
As regards the day school, the Canon found it quite flourishing at the beginning of his being with the Mission. In June of 1923, it was under Miss Helen Tyau and had an enrollment of thirty-five pupils, mostly boys, and was giving first-grade work with Christian instruction. During the following years, it continued to grow in size, a kindergarten was added, the staff of teachers increased, and came to have a goodly number of girls as well as boys in its makeup. There was no attempt made to add further grades, probably due to the growing willingness on the part of the parents of Oriental background to send their older children to the public schools in the neighborhood.
As for the night school, the report that was made at the same time showed three teachers with fifty-one pupils—young Chinese men engaged in the study of English but with Christian instruction in Chinese included on one night in the week by the Rev. Mr. Woo. This school continued for a time, or until there seemed to be no further reason for its existence, and was closed during the later years of the Canon's being at St. Elizabeth's.
There is one quite interesting note about the night school that should [43/44] not be omitted in this story of St. Elizabeth's. In the May, 1924, issue of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle, it may be found that "Our night school has been greatly affected by the investigation into the immigration scandal. The attendance has fallen off over half. We must have had a large number of the '81350' boys or smuggled men." Again, in the October issue: "The night school for lads picks up slowly. In the spring when the school closed it was very small owing to the immigration scandal, many stayed in hiding and the coming back is slow."
The problem of the choir and of the music for the Church services which was troubling the Canon at first, was soon solved by Miss Laura Brown through her wealth of knowledge of music and her capacity for training the choir in the settings of the Holy Communion, and in other music, as well as her presence at the organ. Her being in Honolulu was officially as the director of music at the Kamehameha School for girls which was quite near to the Mission in Canon Kieb's time. This fact together with her being a devoted Churchwoman quite probably brought it about that she entered so wholeheartedly into the life of St. Elizabeth's after she had learned the situation. Her retirement from teaching and return to her home in Massachusetts in 1947 was a sad loss to the whole Church in Honolulu for she not only had been deeply interested in St. Elizabeth's but also had played the organ at the Cathedral and in the other churches when time permitted her to do so, and the churches were without organists.
As regards the society interests of the Mission life, much was done by both Canon and Mrs. Kieb to build up those already existing, and to inspire new ones, especially for the younger people for he felt strongly that such work was all for the good of the future of St. Elizabeth's. There was the Woman's Guild as well as the Woman's Auxiliary which, so it would appear from the annual reports, were quite separate organizations. We well may imagine that Mrs. Kieb did much to help the women in their usual lines of work, and to guide them in their care for the altar hangings and linens. From time to time, accounts appeared in the Hawaiian Church Chronicle of how old ecclesiastical materials given by friends were made use of and incorporated into one or another of the furnishings of the sanctuary. Moreover, it may be supposed that it was due to the artistic temperament of both the Canon and Mrs. Kieb, as well as her ability to handle the materials, that a large banner was dedicated at Christmas Tide in 1931 for the use of the day school. "The banner which is glorious in color is really a reproduction of the Madonna of the Olive Branch and done [44/45] in oils while the orphreys are of English galoon taken from an old vestment of the early part of the last century."
In the file of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle for 1923 is mentioned the activities of a Girls' Guild under the direction of Mrs. Kieb. This may have been the forerunner of the Junior Auxiliary, notices of which appeared much more frequently in later years.
It would seem that, under Canon Kieb's predecessor, there had been an attempt to revive the local chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew but evidently with but little success. There did come to exist shortly after the Canon's arrival, the St. Elizabeth's Young Men's Club composed at first of some twenty-five Chinese "lads" from eighteen years up and all members of the Church. It was organized "to develope the spiritual, social and physical life of the many young men connected with the congregation." Wai On Shim was elected President; T. Y. Chong, Vice President; A. S. Chung, Secretary; and Daniel Chung, Treasurer.
A baseball team was the first attempt at athletics, and a soccer team was being planned. For their first social affair, they gave a party in the Mission House for the young women with about one hundred-fifty present. A later report for this society concerned the summer activities of the Mission, and especially the music for the Church services, in 1922. The choir had dwindled; and the Canon had turned to the Club for help in that work. "Wai On Shim, the untiring President--, put the matter before the young men—result, a fine choir of over twenty members under the direction of Miss Helen Tyau, the organist."
A still later report showed that the membership had increased to thirty, and that they had their club-room in Procter Lodge with a reading room and library, and were assisting the Canon by serving at the altar, in the choir, and in the Sunday School. No further mention is to be found of this organization. It is to be assumed that it became absorbed by another society which include both the young men and women.
Some years later, or to be exact, on the 3rd of November, 1935, was celebrated the Tenth Anniversary of the "Light Seekers." This organization "was founded in 1925 by a young man of the congregation, Kim Loon Ching, assisted by some twenty of the younger members of the Church. It had as its object 'to promote and encourage religious, educational and social enterprises.'" On Easter Day, of 1927, they presented to St. Elizabeth's a new organ, having paid for it by installments from funds raised by their social work, parties, dances, and the [45/46] like. The old organ for which the women under the leading of Mrs. Potwine had worked, had reached the state when no matter how much tinkering was done on it, it refused to give forth the melodious tones expected of it. The new organ continued doing valiant service up to the time when the new church building was a certainty, and then it was replaced by a Baldwin Electric organ. It might be added, that after the superstructure of false pipes was removed and it was repaired, the organ given by the Light Seekers was donated to St. Luke's Korean Mission for their new church.
To show the activity of the Light Seekers along social lines as well as a source of income, the following account is given. "On May 22, 1926, the Light Seekers cooperating with the Junior Auxiliary gave their Second Annual May Dance in the gymnasium of the Palama Settlement." Part of the proceeds from this dance went towards the Organ Fund. "St. Elizabeth's has the largest young people's society in Honolulu and they are most active in all that pertains to the social, educational and spiritual development of the young members of the congregation."
As regards the growth in strength of the Church life at St. Elizabeth's Mission while it was under the guidance of Canon Kieb, one has but to turn to the annual reports of the Mission made to the Convocation of the Missionary District of Honolulu to discover a steady increase in the numbers of those baptized and of those reckoned as communicant members. This is true also of the annual revenues and the disbursements other than those for parochial purposes, as well as the comfortable balances carried forward each year. It is interesting to note that the name of Kim Loon Ching was proposed by the congregation as early as 1926 for the office of Secretary of the Bishop's Committee, and that his ability to fill that position was rewarded for a good many years by his being reelected again and again.
Another indication of growth, and of the devotion of the members of the congregation to their Church is found in the reports which were made from time to time of the number of the communions made, and the large numbers who attended the festival services. To some who look upon Thanksgiving Day more as a national holiday rather than a Church holy day, and who would not expect to find many out for a service, it may interest them to know that on that Day in 1932, the church was well-crowded at the Choral Eucharist and more than fifty made their communions.
In general, it may be said that St. Elizabeth's Mission took a decided [46/47] step forward in its striving to supply a "spiritual haven" not only for the Palama District in which it is located but likewise for many people who lived elsewhere throughout Honolulu and its suburbs who turned to it, travelling long distances in some cases, for the ministrations it had to offer under the guidance of the Rev. James F. Kieb, D.D.; and it was a very sad day for all the members when they heard that he had reached the time when he felt obliged to hand in his resignation to the Bishop and remove to California. His resignation was accepted by Bishop Littell as of January the 18th, 1937. Moreover, it was not alone the people of St. Elizabeth's who regretted his leaving them for there were many others throughout the Church in Hawaii who had come to appreciate his spiritual as well as his intellectual values during the years of his being in the Hawaiian Islands. He and Mrs. Kieb went to make their home in Los Angeles, California, where he died in 1947.
Just a couple more notes before this chapter in the story of St. Elizabeth's Mission is brought to a close. In the Hawaiian Church Chronicle for January of 1926, Canon Kieb gave a little light upon the surroundings in which the Mission was trying to carry on a work of uplift for its neighbors. Incidentally, it shows what he and Mrs. Kieb had to endure at times when they naturally sought a little peace and quiet. "In many ways it does seem our neighborhood is growing worse on account of the traffic in intoxicants which seem to thrive in our immediate vicinity. . . . Saturday nights are busy nights in Palama, and especially in Pua Lane."
To offset that unhappy impression of that neighborhood, the following, taken from the Chronicle for January, 1926, is added. It tells of the Midnight Service on the previous Christmas Eve, and how, after Canon Kieb had had the closing prayer on the lanai of the church, "a sweet-faced little Hawaiian girl came up to the Pastor, and holding up a handful of money, said: 'Here, father, here is the Christmas collection.' I looked at her . . . not taking the money—when a man from the crowd in the churchyard before the door, said: 'It is the collection of the street—take it, it is from us.' I looked at the crowd in the street and they all seemed pleased."
[48] Master Builder – The Rev. Wai On Shim
SHORTLY AFTER CANON KIEB'S DEPARTURE from Honolulu, Bishop Littell appointed Deaconess Sarah F. Swinburne as the parish visitor of St. Elizabeth's Mission; and she and her mother went to live on the upper floor of the Mission House. A Mrs. Ruth Lum continued as the assistant visitor. The Bishop also appointed two Lay Readers, one of whom was Frank Tyau. Together, these persons carried on the work for the next few months with a visiting clergyman holding the celebrations of the Holy Communion.
On Sunday, the 30th of May, 1937, Bishop Littell was present at the 11:00 o'clock service and read his letter addressed to the Warden, the Vestry Committee, and the Congregation of St. Elizabeth's Mission, announcing his appointment of the Rev. Wai On Shim as Vicar, the same going into effect on June 1st, 1937. The following are excerpts from that letter.
"It is not easy for St. Peter's Church to give up the active and faithful services of their assistant priest, but both the Vicar, the Rev. Y. Sang Mark, and the congregation are ready to make the sacrifice for the greater good for the Church in Hawaii."
"It is particularly gratifying to have Deaconess Swinburne at St. Elizabeth's and to know that Mr. Shim and the Deaconess who have been associated in Church work ever since Mr. Shim's ordination, are happy to be associated together at St. Elizabeth's, and that they anticipate long service for Christ and His Church in harmonious cooperation. St. Elizabeth's neighborhood offers a wide field for aggressive and expanding work. I know the congregation will support by prayer and service, by offerings and sympathy, the new priest and the new deaconess."
Wai On Shim was born in Kwangtung Province, China, of parents who were Christian converts of the German Lutheran Mission there, both having been especially trained for religious work. As a boy, he received his education in St. Paul's College in Hong Kong, and later, after his arrival in Honolulu with his father, at Iolani. He then went [48/49] further by taking courses at the University of Hawaii and a summer session at the University of California. From 1917 to 1931, he was employed in what is now the Bishop National Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu. Deciding to enter the Ministry of the Church, something that had been his ambition from an early age, he went first to the Church Divinity School of the Pacific at Berkeley, California, and then finished at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. Ordained a Deacon on the 23rd of July, 1933, and advanced to the Priesthood on the 8th of February, 1935, he began his ministerial work as the assistant at St. Peter's Church, Honolulu; and at the same time, he rendered valuable service to the Missionary District by assisting Mr. T. J. Hollander who was, at that time, the Treasurer and Business Manager of the District.
The Rev. Mr. Shim is blessed with a good and devoted wife, the former Esther Fo who was born and brought up in Honolulu, and who has been for many years a teacher at the Central Intermediate School. Yet, in spite of all the calls that that position has made upon her time and strength, Esther has been a true helpmate to him in many ways other than merely making the home, and especially in connection with the Church's activities among the women. They have one son, Walton, who also assisted his father in his work among the young people, the choir, and the Servers' Guild, up to the time he left Hawaii to attend Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.
No account of the Rev. Mr. Shim would be complete without something being told of his parents to show how they bestowed upon him, as it is felt that they did, the noble heritage of a spirit to serve Christ and His Church, as well as the ability to lead others to work with him in his endeavors to develop a strong spiritual center in the community in which St. Elizabeth's Church is placed.
It was his father, Mr. Shim Yin Chin, a minister of the Basle Mission of South China, who, as a teacher in a language school for the children of the Chinese farmers settled in the Kula District on the Island of Maui, used to gather those children on Sundays for Christian instruction despite the requirement made of him when he was engaged that such was not to be a part of the regular week-day work in the school; and it was he who gradually won the hearts of those same parents so that, in time, St. John's Chinese Mission in Kula was founded with him, first as Catechist and later as an ordained priest, in charge. Mrs. Shim Yin Chin also played an important part with her work among the women and children.
[50] Furthermore, it was Mrs. Shim who, after a few years away from Kula occasioned by the death of her husband, returned to that mountain chapel to take up the work as far as she was able, which her husband. had had to lay down. Many a time was Mrs. Shim to be seen with her umbrella to shield from the sun or rain and to serve as a cane, and with her Chinese Bible under her arm, travelling up and down the rough trails leading to the homes of her people, as well as gathering them together in the chapel—men, women and children alike, on Sun-, days for worship and Bible instruction. This she did for a good many years, or until she was retired only a few years ago on account of her age. She was indeed much beloved by those mountain people so that, in time, she became known as "Shuok-pho" (grand-auntie). For a time, she had her daughter, Dora, to help her; but when the latter became Mrs. Y. Sang Mark, she carried on alone. That her people might have the Holy Communion, the clergyman at Wailuku went as regularly as he could for that service on Sunday afternoons; and it can be said that he would come away from those services feeling that all the effort put into getting there was as nothing compared with the joy of being among those people. Aye, the Rev. Wai On Shim has had a goodly inheritance from his parents in their devotion to the Church in Hawaii.
There likewise should be included in this story of St. Elizabeth's Church something about Deaconess Swinburne who became associated with the Rev. Mr. Shim in the work of that Mission. She might be called the "Peripatetic Deaconess." Ever since her coming to the Hawaiian Islands, she has been privileged to enter and share in the life and growth of the Church, and especially in several of its missions, not because she never seemed to be able to fit into any particular place but because of her ability to carry out successfully the type of work the Bishop saw a need for having done at the time. She has been kindergarten teacher, Sunday School supervisor, young people's advisor, parish visitor, mission director, and leader of the Woman's Auxiliary, to mention but a few of the duties she has assumed; and at times, it would seem as though she was being all of them rolled into one.
When the Rev. Mr. Shim took up the work of St. Elizabeth's with the assistance of Deaconess Swinburne, its nature had become more or less that associated with a normal city parish, we might say; although there was still a mission status. The need for the night school had disappeared as had also that for a more purely settlement work, this latter being due possibly to the presence of the Palama Settlement [50/51] House in the near neighborhood with its well developed management and equipment. The day school was devoting its attention to the younger children, while those who were older were being cared for in the public schools.
The organizations connected with the Mission had simmered down to those for the women, the Girls' Friendly Society, and the Light Seekers; although, for the younger people, these latter two gave way to the Young People's Fellowship to keep in step with others throughout the American Church. The St. Elizabeth's branch of the Y.P.F. was organized at a gathering at the vicarage on December 18, 1937, with Walter Kau as president and with Deaconess Swinburne accepting the office of Advisor. To afford the women a place for their work, a portion of the lanai of the vicarage was renovated and arranged for their meeting rooms to replace those in the upper story of the Mission House then occupied by the Deaconess and her mother. Their work included the usual lines carried on by the Guild and Auxiliary as well as the care for the altar linens and vestments.
THE REV. MR. SHIM soon found that many of the families having a connection with St. Elizabeth's were only half, or partially Christian. There were some one-hundred, twenty-five children of different Oriental ancestry; and many were non-Christian. He saw the challenge and immediately set about meeting it. How he met it may be seen in the nature and size of the classes he presented to the Bishop for Confirmation during the following years as well as in the congregations which were present on Sundays, to say nothing of those on the festival days of the Church which, in later years, have overflowed on to the lanai and into the churchyard.
For materials for the Rev. Mr. Shim's large Baptism and Confirmation classes, there was the day school--a kindergarten with ninety children under Mrs. Ruth Lau Wong as the teacher. Then, under Canon Kieb, there had been begun the Week-day Religious Education program for the pupils from the two neighboring public schools; and the staffs of those schools continued their good will and cooperation in sending their children for such instruction with the result that two separate sessions were required for the one-hundred, seventy-five children. In connection with this work, a note was found telling of the party which was given those children at Christmas time in 1937 with the same surroundings that the Missions' Sunday School had enjoyed, but for [51/52] which Deaconess Swinburne's mother made a multitude of cookies for everyone attending. It can be imagined that this week-day religious instruction bore much fruit under the Rev. Mr. Shim's wise guidance.
Furthermore, to show the faithfulness of the children, it might be added that the Mission which the Rev. Mr. Shim had for them on Friday afternoons during the Lenten Season of 1938 was very encouraging. "In spite of the fact that many of our Sunday School children had to attend language schools, forty-seven were given pins on Easter Day in recognition of their perfect attendance."
Because of the effectiveness with which the Rev. Mr. Shim approached the unchurched among the older people, his Baptism classes often included fathers with their children thus making the family one hundred per cent Christian. On "Low Sunday" in 1940, he baptized a group of twelve persons ranging from two months to forty years in age. The Christmas services including that of the Midnight Eucharist when the younger children naturally would not be too evident in the congregation, were so well attended that it soon became very apparent that the church was too small to allow for growth. At one of these services quite early in the years which the Rev. Mr. Shim have had with St. Elizabeth's, one-hundred, thirty-five made their communions, once again, a sign, not only of the growth which was going on but also of the need for a much larger building.
That the members of St. Elizabeth's Mission were paying heed to the appeal which Bishop Littell made on the occasion of his announcing the appointment of the Rev. Mr. Shim as their vicar, and which was that they support their vicar by service and offerings is seen in the financial reports for those earlier years, and in a part of a letter addressed in 1938 to the Bishop by the Rt. Rev. Paul Matthews of whom it is to be remembered that he was the son-in-law of the Mission's benefactor, the late Mr. William A. Procter. "I am very glad to get your letter of February 25th as to the progress at St. Elizabeth's. It is encouraging to know that things there have been put on a self-supporting basis. This is exactly the hope that was in Mr. Procter's mind and in the minds of the donors."
A touch of Settlement House work crept back into the life of St. Elizabeth's Mission when, in the fall of 1938, there were held in the Parish House for a time Child Health conferences conducted by the Maternal and Infancy Bureau of the Board of Health of the City and County of Honolulu.
As one reads on through the pages of the Hawaiian Church [52/53] Chronicle as well as the annual reports made to the Convocation of the Missionary District of Honolulu, he becomes well aware that, as has already been suggested, a steady yet healthy growth was taking place in St. Elizabeth's Mission under the Rev. Mr. Shim, and that the church in which, when new, there would gather a few men and almost no women for worship, was rapidly being outgrown.
IT INDEED WAS A SAD DAY for the members of the congregation when they learned in June of 1941 that their vicar announced that he was resigning and going to California to accept the charge of the True Sunshine Mission in Oakland which, as will be remembered, held a very intimate relation to St. Elizabeth's in that its founder had been Deaconess Drant, and its first Chinese priest was one of the first of the Chinese young men of the night school as well as a member of the first classes for Baptism and Confirmation in the Honolulu mission.
Deaconess Swinburne was still at St. Elizabeth's, and she continued "her valuable work of parish visiting and Church School instruction." Lay Readers among whom was Mr. Frank Tyau maintained certain of the services; and a clergyman came for the celebrations of the Holy Communion. This was during the Second World War, and it is more than likely that the chaplains of our Church stationed on Oahu were among those who helped out in this way, for they freely offered their services to the Bishop for just such situations when they were not otherwise engaged.
St. Elizabeth's Mission was not to be without its vicar very long, however. Much to the joy of the members of the congregation, it was made known that there was a possibility of the Rev. Mr. Shim's returning to his former charge over the Mission. This was in November of 1943. Owing to the health of one of the members of his family due possibly to the climate in California, he "reluctantly gave up his work there and was re-appointed to St. Elizabeth's by Bishop Keeler" who was at the time acting Bishop of Honolulu because of the retirement of Bishop Littell. The Rev. Mr. Shim preached at St. Elizabeth's on Whitsunday; and on Trinity Sunday, June the 4th, 1944, Bishop Kennedy formally instituted him as vicar.
"St. Elizabeth's Church . . . did not waste any time after the return of their vicar . . . to have a dinner reception for his family and the Bishop's family," on July the 9th. The rooms in the parish hall would not hold all who wished to attend and to show their pleasure over the [53/54] return of their vicar, so that it was necessary to set tables on the lanai.
It might be added at this point that the Rev. Mr. Shim was obliged to take up his work again without the assistance of Deaconess Swinburne for, during that summer of 1944, she was transferred to assist Archdeacon Wiley on the Island of Kauai. From then on he alone had the care of St. Elizabeth's until the Rev. Theodore Y. Yeh was called to be the curate in September of 1951. A certain amount of assistance was afforded him for a time by Sergeant Homer F. Gable of the Army, who, licensed as a Lay Reader, gave much help in the Sunday School and at the later service on Sunday mornings. After his return to the Hawaiian Islands, having retired from the active ministry, the Rev. C. Fletcher Howe, at one time rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Wailuku, and in charge of St. John's Chinese Mission in Kula on the Island of Maui, stepped into the breach by preaching on alternate Sundays, assisting at the Holy Communion, taking the Sunday services when the Rev. Mr. Shim went to Kula (the reason to appear later), and by giving him the opportunity for a vacation occasionally.
LITTLE BY LITTLE, the Rev. Mr. Shim succeeded in impressing upon the men of his congregation that if their Church was to be strong and healthy they would have to enter into its life in ways other than simply attending the services and making contributions for its support, with the result that he came to have an excellent group of them trained to relieve him of certain of the more material phases of his work as well as to assist him in interesting others in the Church. They lifted from his shoulders much of the burden of caring for the St. Elizabeth's cottages, the responsibility for which had been returned to the Mission shortly after his being appointed the vicar by Bishop Littell in 1937. In February of 1945, and we may think of it as being due in part to their interest and business acumen, the sum of $1,000 was paid upon a loan on the cottages; and during the following month, the Vestry burned the mortgage on them having been able to pay the last $2,000.
"On April 9th (1948), after a delicious dinner served by the women of the parish, a group of forty men of St. Elizabeth's Church gathered in the parish hall with the intention of organizing a Men's Club. With a few preliminary remarks by the Rector, the meeting was called to order. . . . We now have in the club a healthy and bouncing 'baby' of thirty five men. Officers of the Men's Club are: Mr. Richard C. Cling, [54/55] president; Mr. Cecil M. Young, vice president; Mr. Harry T. K. Chang, Secretary; and Mr. Robert N. Bing, Sr., treasurer."
In the fall of 1948, a delegation consisting of the Rector and the Vestry went to Bishop Kennedy for his permission to assume the care for St. John's Mission, Kula, as a missionary project of St. Elizabeth's. As has been told already, that mission had been started by the Rev. Mr. Shim's father, and naturally he was very much concerned about the way that that work was being neglected. An occasional Sunday service was being held, but he felt strongly that St. John's had need of many things which it could not get with just Sunday services. The Bishop, happy over the proposition we are sure, gave his permission; and under the sponsorship of St. Elizabeth's, and especially the men of that Church, the work at Kula was revived to a remarkable extent. Sunday morning worship services were conducted by local Lay Readers under the guidance of the Rev. Mr. Shim; and he spent a weekend each month in Kula visiting among the Chinese families still living there, and among others who had an interest in the Episcopal Church or who wished to have the opportunity for attending Church services. Then, on the Sunday mornings he was there, he celebrated the Holy Communion.
Kula Clubs were organized both in Honolulu and on Maui; and the two groups did much to bring St. John's back to being an active mission for not only the Chinese but also for quite a number of white people who lived in the Kula District. One of the most outstanding undertakings was the erection of the commodious parish house which is called the Kula Community Hall in keeping with the wish to make the work of St. John's cosmopolitan rather than racial as it had formerly been. This Community Hall was erected with funds given by people of both Maui and Honolulu; and when it was dedicated on Sunday, September the 4th, 1949, with the Rev. Mr. Shim in charge. of the service, over eight hundred people from different parts of Maui and from Honolulu were present and shared in the luau which followed; Many of the Honolulu men interested in this project are former Kula boys.
The erection of the Community Hall was only a part of all that was done at Kula to bring St. John's Mission back to life in a material way. Further work vastly improved the appearance of the buildings—the chapel and dwelling house—and the grounds as well as the approaches from the highway. Moreover, through the efforts of the Rev. Mr. Shim, several of the non-oriental families who had come to make their homes in the cool and healthful climate of Kula were led to take [55/56] an active part in the life of the mission by assisting in the Sunday School and otherwise, as well as sharing in its organization; and certain of these took it upon themselves to repaint and in other ways beautify the interior of the chapel.
The growth of St. John's Mission under the sponsorship of St. Elizabeth's was such that it was felt that the time had come when it could be under a resident Priest; and the experiment was tried for a time. Unfortunately, changing conditions have quite recently made it necessary to return to the former arrangement.
Much that has just been given has been for the purpose of showing how the men of St. Elizabeth's Church have contributed to its sponsorship of St. John's Mission, Kula. It is to be thought that they have had an equal share in the home interests as well. Much can be told of all that they have done; yet this portion of the story of their Church must be brought to a close. Before that is brought about, however, it is felt that something should be told of one or two of those same men who are making their mark elsewhere as well as in their home Church. There is one among them of whom the Rev. Mr. Shim as well as all the members of St. Elizabeth's may be justly proud; and that is Mr. Richard C. Ching, because of the place he has taken in the church's movement for the laymen. On the occasion of the visit of the Rev. Arnold Lewis of the Presiding Bishop's Committee for Laymen's Work in September of 1948 to present the subject of Evangelism to the men of the Church in the Hawaiian Islands, Bishop Kennedy appointed Mr. Ching to lead the laymen on Oahu in their program for evangelism; and ever since, he has been most active in leading the keymen of the several churches on Oahu into action in starting men's groups and in other work that they can do. As was said in one issue of the Chronicle: "It is wonderful to have his enthusiasm backing the laymen in our Islands." Furthermore, the regard with which he is held by the Church in Hawaii is shown in his being elected as the alternate lay delegate to the General Convention in 1949, as lay delegate to the Synod of the Province of the Pacific in 1951, and again as the alternate lay delegate to the General Convention in 1952. It might be added that the delegate elected to the General Convention on both occasions has been the Chancellor of the Missionary District.
One other product of St. Elizabeth's so far as the men are concerned, is Walter Kau who first got his name in the Hawaiian Church Chronicle when he was a little boy in the Sunday School because he had the unhappy experience of getting hit by an automobile. He has [56/57] already been mentioned as the first president of the Young People's Fellowship when it was organized in 1937. In the October, 1950, issue of the Chronicle, his name again appears: "Mr. Walter Kau, a former member of St. Elizabeth's Parish, Honolulu, has returned to Honolulu after four years of study at the Rochester School of Music in the state of New York. He is a talented young organist and is now organist and choir director at St. Clement's Church, Honolulu."
THIS TELLING of the loyal men of St. Elizabeth's has carried us far ahead in our story; and certain terms as "parish" and "rector" have been used. A return must be made to the days when there was still the mission status, to consider certain details considered necessary to make this story complete.
After the departure of Deaconess Swinburne for the Island of Kauai in the summer of 1944, there was no further call to use the rooms on the upper story of the Parish House for dwelling quarters, and they were again used by the Sunday School; and during the week, they served for the various Mission groups as well as for certain of those in the neighboring community. For a time, the Young Citizens Council of the Palama-Kalihi District, the Honolulu Alumni Association of the Allied Youth, the Farrington High School Alumni Association, and the Palama Boys' Scout Troop, No. 160, were using the rooms for their headquarters and regular meetings.
The Young People's Fellowship about this same time was having worthwhile meetings with speakers to address them on vital subjects. Their custom was to provide from among their own number those who conducted Evensong on Sunday afternoons, and to have that service followed by a supper which they themselves prepared. On one occasion, they had Chaplain Applehof who was then stationed in Honolulu speak on "The Problem of Marriage" and had invited the Holy Trinity Y.P.F. to join with them in hearing what the Chaplain had to say on that important subject.
To show somewhat more of the activities of the Y.P.F., it is told how, during the spring of 1946, the members turned out one hundred percent for a "Campus Day" after Morning Prayer and gave that portion of the churchyard devoted to the kindergarten playground a thorough cleaning. Again, as a means for raising funds, they set as one of their projects in 1948 "the selling of table-top advertisements" which brought in the sum of $130.00 and twelve card tables for the Parish Hall.
[58] Though much has been told of the work of the men, and of the young people, it must not be thought that the women in their organizations were being inactive because of their being so little mentioned in the Chronicle of what they were doing. It is a well-known fact that the many moves which were being made during the '40s for raising funds, and especially the Building Fund for a new church, would have been far from successful had it not been for the part which the women played in them. Furthermore, it can be said that they were faithful in their duties in caring for the altar linens and the vestments, and in all the other work that naturally falls to a Church woman in the religious as well as the more material side of the life of the Church whether locally or elsewhere. Those were war years; and we may be sure that the women of St. Elizabeth's played their part together with others in Honolulu in maintaining the varied agencies occasioned by such a crisis.
The report of the happenings during the Annual Convocation in March of 1946 as it appeared in the Chronicle gave the reader this very welcoming news: "The earnest desire of a woman to 'do good and to distribute' has found a rich reward with the passing of years. What was once a small night school for Chinese men and boys in Robello Lane.—(and) grew into a small mission, St. Elizabeth's, has at this 44th Annual Convocation of the Missionary District of Honolulu, taken on the full responsibility of a self-supporting parish.—to the Rev. Wai On Shim goes the greatest tribute for the present status. Since assuming the leadership of this mission, he has looked toward the day it could proudly go forward as a parish."
This was a history-making event in the life of the Church in Hawaii because it was the first parish to grow out from a mission status. The Rev. Mr. Shim was subsequently instituted as the first rector of the parish. "St. Elizabeth's has had a rich inheritance so far as those privileged to serve as clergy are concerned. They have steadily built the mission so that it could assume more and more responsibility." Thus was one milestone turned in the life of St. Elizabeth's Church.
A SECOND MILESTONE in the life of the Parish was turned just a few months ago when the Congregation gathered for their first worship in the new church building in April of 1952. During the past two decades, the thought that the time was rapidly approaching when there would have to be a much larger and more permanently constructed place for [58/59] the Congregation was much in the minds of its members. Every year added to the problem of seating all who wished to attend service on the festival days, and to this was added that of repairs due to the ravages of termites. A Building Fund was started in 1939, and this was augmented from time to time by the proceeds from carnivals, bazaars, and the like. An Annual Loyalty Sunday on which every member had the opportunity to make a monetary gift towards that fund was instituted; and when $65,000 was in hand, it was decided to turn a dream into a reality.
A Church Building Committee was chosen composed of Richard Yoneshige, Kim Kew Chung, and Kim Loon Ching, the Chairman, a position he richly deserved not only because of his loyalty and devotion to his Church but also because of the remarkable ability he had shown as the chairman of the many projects whereby was made to materialize that Building Fund, and other incomes needed for the welfare of St. Elizabeth's where he had served many years as Secretary of the Bishop's Committee during mission days, and as both Junior and Senior Warden after Parish status was gained, giving, when needed, his helpful advice and sane counsel. That such fine qualities have not been limited to his own parish, however, is seen in Bishop Kennedy's citation on the occasion of his awarding to Kim Loon Ching the Distinguished Service Cross:
"A distinguished and devoted layman . . . who for the past four years has been Secretary of the Diocesan Laymen's League, has been a member of the Cathedral Chapter . . . a member of the Board of Governors of St. Andrew's Priory, and Chairman of many Diocesan Committees for the promotion of the welfare of our Church's work."
It is only fair to at least suggest here that Richard Yoneshige and Kim Kew Chung also deserve a word of commendation not only because of the manner in which they fulfilled their responsibilities on the Building Committee but also because of their loyalty and faithfulness to their Church.
When it looked as though the time had come to take definite steps towards a new building, the Rector asked the Rev. Mr. Howe to put down on paper his suggestions so that he might have something to show to the Building Committee. These were accepted, and with the proper ecclesiastical authority to go ahead, the Committee selected Mr. Edwin L. Bauer as the architect, giving him those suggestions for a guide as to the size and arrangement desired. After several months of work on the part of Mr. Bauer and his assistants, together with a watchful eye [59/60] on the part of the Rector and Mr. Howe to see that details as to the design and arrangement were in keeping with what one would expect to find in an Episcopal Church, an acceptable set of plans came to the hands of the Committee, and were passed, as is required, by the Diocesan Committee on Art and Architecture. Two things might be said in this connection. One has to do with the willingness of the architect to listen to the frequent suggestions which were made by the Rector and Mr. Howe during the drawing of the plans. The other concerns the original intention to have incorporated into the new edifice certain features of the old such as the memorials, and furthermore, to guard against there being certain weaknesses in the arrangement such as had been discovered in other churches.
In due time; the contract was let. The site for the new structure naturally was that vacant part of the Churchyard at the corner of King and Banyan Streets; and after certain of the cottages at the rear had been removed and trees leveled, there was held the "Ground-breaking" ceremony with Bishop Kennedy turning the first shovelful of soil on the 19th of June, 1951.
All through the months that followed, the keenest of interest was shown as the walls mounted higher and higher, the roof was poured, and finally, the building was declared ready for occupancy by the contractor. Hardly a Sunday passed without a pilgrimage of the people wending their way through the new building after morning service in the old which gradually had come to lose many of the familiar decorations, and especially the windows, that had been taken from it to be put in place in the new structure. On the 30th of November, 1951, and in the presence of the Building Committee, the architect and contractor, the Rector and the Rev. Mr. Howe, Bishop Kennedy, with a trowel made sacred by use on several similar occasions, laid in the front wall to the right of the great "West Door" the Cornerstone, a block of white marble inscribed with the name of the Church and the year.
The building is of reinforced concrete and hollow-tile construction costing some $115,000, and is the only air-conditioned church in the Islands as yet. Every effort was made to have it proof against fire and termites. The altar, pulpit, and lectern have a. mosaic finish, the medallion in the base of the altar having been fashioned in Italy.
This year of 1952, fifty years after its founding, indeed has been a jubilee year for St. Elizabeth's Parish. On Palm Sunday afternoon, April 6, the new structure was filled to overflowing with the members of the Parish and their many friends to share in its dedication by Bishop [60/61] Kennedy assisted by certain of the clergy, among whom, possibly, the happiest was its Rector.
To make the occasion even more eventful, there was seated in the Sanctuary, the Very Rev. D. Arthur Davies, retired Dean of Winchester Cathedral in England, and one of the Vice Presidents of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel of England. It was not simply the presence of such a dignitary which made the occasion more eventful. Rather, it was because of the manner in which his own life as well as that of the Society which he represented are interwoven into the life of the Church in Hawaii. He was born in Honolulu and spent much of his early boyhood here as the son of the late Mr. Theophilus Davies whose name is so closely associated with St. Andrew's Cathedral. Furthermore, the Society which he was representing had made it possible for the late Rt. Rev. Thomas N. Staley, the first Bishop of Honolulu, to have associated under him many of the clergy coming from England, and for the subsequent work under the second Bishop, the late Rt. Rev. Alfred Willis, which included the special work among the Chinese, it being that Society which made generous contributions for St. Peter's Mission.
In the course of the dedicatory exercises, the Very Rev. Mr. Davies presented to the Missionary District of Honolulu through Bishop Kennedy, a parchment bearing the Charter of the Society and an interesting replica of His Majesty's Ship "Centurion" which was the vessel on which there sailed from England in 1702 the Society’s first missionary to tour the American Colonies and to report how their work should be carried out.
[62] Looking forward to the future
THE MASTER PLAN for the buildings of St. Elizabeth's Parish includes the new church building already completed, a parish house, a day school building, and a new rectory, with ample space for parking in the center of the churchyard. It is the desire of the Rector and Vestry to make St. Elizabeth's a community center, with adequate facilities not only for religious but also for the social and educational activities of the people in the Palama-Kalihi section of Honolulu in which most live in small houses or tenements where, for example, study for high school and college students is usually not conducive and often times impossible. However, before there can be the erection of the other units which have been planned, the present indebtedness of the new church, which is quite considerable, must be liquidated.
Palm Sunday, April the 6th, 1952, was indeed a happy as well as a momentous day for the Rector and members of St. Elizabeth's Parish. Now, they are looking forward to the future. Although the work was first started primarily for the Chinese people, it always has been inner-racial and cosmopolitan in nature. It is a common experience to see a Chinese boy with a Japanese, or one of any other racial extraction serving at the altar on Sunday mornings. "The work touches all the peoples of the world at the same time." In a class of fifty young men and women confirmed by the Bishop not so many years ago, there were eleven Japanese, seven Chinese, five Koreans, two Hawaiians, two Caucasians, two part-Hawaiians, and one Filipino. This is the general trend of all of the Confirmation classes. The congregation of St. Elizabeth's Parish is thus seen to be a big family of all nationalities and races.
It honestly can be said that St. Elizabeth's exerts a saving influence upon the life of the people of the community wherein it is placed. "This beam of the Gospel Light, enkindled fifty years ago in this overcrowded section of Honolulu, is fast becoming the beacon for all social activities in the Palama-Kalihi District for the glory of God and the fulfilment of the desire and hope of its benefactors by bringing their vision and dream to a nearer realization in the practical everyday life of the people. At the altar of St. Elizabeth's gather young and old of many races. Truly it is a meeting place for the children of God."
[63] A Prayer for St. Elizabeth’s Church
Father of All Mankind, we pray that in this church all thy children may ever find welcome: Hither may the little ones love to come; and young men and women, to be strengthened for the battle of life; Here may the strong renew their strength, and win for their lives a noble consecration: And hither may age turn its footsteps to find rest at eventide: Here may the poor and needy find friends: Here may the tempted find succour, the sorrowing find comfort, and the bereaved learn that ever their beloved, death has no more dominion: Here may they who fear, be encouraged, and they who doubt, have their better trusts confirmed: Here may the careless be awakened to a sense of their folly and guilt, and to timely repentance: Here may the oppressed and striving souls be assured of the mercy that triumphs over sin, and receive help to go on their way rejoicing: Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
Visiting Hawaii September 25 - October 2, 1953
Consecrated May 7, 1905
Consecrated May 7, 1905
Seated on his right is Samuel Kauyang Lee, now Archdeacon of Hong Kong and Kowloon; standing on his left is Daniel G. C. Wu, now the Rev. Mr. Wu and retired from The True Sunshine Mission of San Francisco and Oakland.
Dedicated Palm Sunday, 1952
Dedicated Palm Sunday, 1952