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London: King, 1876. New York: T. Whittaker, 1876. |
Chapter I. Birth of Mr. Hawker.--Dr. Hawker of Charles Church.--The Amended Hymn.--Robert S. Hawker runs away from School.--Boyish Pranks.--At Cheltenham.--Publishes his "Tendrils."--At Oxford.--Marries.--The Stowe Ghost.--Robert Hawker and Mr. Jeune at Boscastle.--The Mazed Pigs.--Nanny Heale and the Potatoes.--"Records of the Western Shore."--The Bude Mermaid.--Takes his Degree.--Comes with his Wife to Morwenstow.
Chapter II. Ordination.--The Black Pig, "Gyp."--Writes to the Bishop.--His Father appointed to Stratton.--He is given Morwenstow.--The Waidron Lanthorn.--St. Morwenna.--The Children of Brychan.--St. Modwenna of Burton-on-Trent.--The North Cornish Coast.--Tintagel.--Stowe.--Sir Bevil Granville.--Mr. Hawker's discovery of the Granville Letters.--Those that remain.--Antony Payne the Giant.--Letters of Lady Grace.--Of Lord Lansdown.--Cornish Dramatic Power.--Mr. Hicks of Bodmin.
Chapter III. Description of Morwenstow.--The Anerithmon Gelasir a.--Source of the Ta-mar.--Tonacombe.--Morwenstow Church.--Norn an Chevron-Moulding.--Chancel.--Altar.--Shooting Rubbish.--The Manning Bed.--The Yellow Poncho.--The Vicarage.--Mr. Tom Knight.--The Stag, Robin Hood.--Visitors.--The Silent Tower of Bottreaux.--The Pet of Bos-'castle.
Chapter IV. Mr. Hawker's Politics.--Election of 1857.--His Zeal for the Laborers.--"The Poor Man and his Parish Church."--Letter to a Landlord.--Death of his Man, Tape.--Kindness to the Poor.--Verses over his Door.--Reckless Charity.--Hospitality.--A Breakdown.--His Eccentric Dress.--The Devil and his Barn.--His Ecclesiastical Vestments.--Dislike of Ritualists.--Ceremonial.--The Nine Cats.--The Church Garden.--Kindness to Animals.--The Rooks and Jackdaws.--The Well of St. John.--Letter to a Young Man entering the University.
Chapter V. The Inhabitants of Morwenstow in 1834.--Cruel Coppinger.--Whips the Parson of Kilkhampton.--Gives Tom Tape a Ride.--Tristara Pentire.--Parminter and his Dog Satan.--The Ganger's Pocket.--Wrecking.--The Wrecker and the Ravens.--The Loss of the "Margaret Quail."--The Wreck of the "Ben Coolan."--"A Croon on Hennacliff."--Letters concerning Wrecks.--The Donkeys and the Copper Ore.--The Ship "Morwenna."--Flotsam and Jetsam.--Wrecks on Nov. 14, 1875.--Bodies in Poundstock Church.--The Loss of the "Caledonia."--The Wreck of the "Phoenix" and of the "Alonzo."
Chapter VI. Wellcombe.--Mr. Hawker Postman to Wellcombe.--The Miss Kitties.--Advertisement of Roger Giles.--Superstitions.--The Evil Eye.--The Spiritual Ether.--The Vicar's Pigs bewitched.--Horse killed by a Witch.--He finds a lost Hen.--A Lecture against Witchcraft.--Its Failure.--An Encounter with the Pixies.--Curious Picture of a Pixie Revel.--The Fairy-Ring.--Antony Cleverdon and the Mermaids.
Chapter VII. Condition of the Church last Century.--Parson Radcliffe.--The Death of a Pluralist.--Opposition Mr. Hawker met with.--The Bryanites.--Hunting the Devil.--Bill Martin's Prayer-meeting.--Mr. Pengelly and the Candle-end.--Cheated by a Tramp.--Mr. Hawker and the Dissenters.--Mr. B-----'s Pew.--A Special Providence over the Church.--His Prayer when threatened with the Loss of St. John's Well.--Objection to Hysterical Religion.--Mr. Vincent's Hat.--Regard felt for him by old Pupils.--"He did not appreciate me."--Modryb Marya.--A Parable.--A Carol.--Love of Children.--Angels.--A Sermon, "Here am I."
Chapter VIII. The Vicar of Morwenstow as a Poet.--His Epigrams.--"The Carol of the Pruss."--"Down with the Church."--"The Quest of the Sangreal."--Editions of his Poems.--Ballads.--"The Song of the Western Men."--"The Cornish Mother's Lament."--"A Thought."--Churchyards.
Chapter IX. Restoration of Morwenstow Church.--The Shingle Roof.--The First Ruridecanal Synod.--The Weekly Offertory.--Correspondence with Mr, Walter.--On Alms.--Harvest Thanksgiving.--The School.--Mr. Hawker belonged to no Party.--His Eastern Proclivities.--Theological Ideas.--Baptism.--Original Sin.--The Eucharist.--Intercession of Saints.--The Blessed Virgin.--His Preaching.--Some Sermons.
Chapter X. The First Mrs. Hawker.--Her Influence over her Husband.--Anxiety about her Health.--His Fits of Depression.--Letter on the Death of Sir Thomas D. Acland.--Reads Novels to his Wife.--His Visions.--Mysticism.--Death of his Wife.--Unhappy Condition.--Burning of his Papers.--Meets with his Second Wife.--The Unburied Dead.--Birth of his Child.--Ruinous Condition of his Church.--Goes to London.--Sickness.--Goes to Boscastle.--To Plymouth.--His Death and Funeral.--Conclusion.
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