Chapter I. The History of the Fabric
Bishop Wilberforce's plan and its realisation--Laying the foundation-stone, 1853--Dedication of the College, 1854~The Wilberforce Memorial Buildings: laying of corner-stone and dedication--The Chapel: its furniture, frescoes, and other decorations--The Old Chapel--The Common-room: Portraits--Lecture-room--Dining-hall--The Colonies: Wellburne; The Cottage; The Old Vicarage--The proposed new buildings, 1904 .
Chapter II. The College Discipline: Description and History
The constitution and government of the College--Relation to the Bishop--Officers--Qualifications of admission for students--Length of residence: terms--Need of a longer time of residence--Cost of residence: Bursarships. The Founder's ideal of the College and its work--Continuity of College traditions and life--Training in practical work and experience--Moral training--The College rules--Time-table--The social life of the College--The Festival on its social side--The intellectual training: the library; lectures; individual tuition; private reading; examinations--The devotional training--Special need of a Theological College training in this respect--Theological Colleges and the Universities--The atmosphere of devotion--The devotional in relation to the intellectual training: lectures; Friday addresses--Meditation--The common services--The Annual Festival--The Holy Eucharist--Ceremonial--Ember seasons--Lent and Holy Week--Ordinands' retreat--Other retreats--The student's relation to the College after his ordination
Chapter III. Cuddesdon and the Work of the Church in the Colonial and Foreign Mission Field
The Missionary vocation: its place in the College teaching--The Missionary Exhibition Fund--The Association in Prayer for Foreign Missions--The Annual Missionary Day--Cuddesdon men abroad--The Oxford Mission to Calcutta: Edward Willis--The Universities Mission to Central Africa: Bishop Smythies, Charles Janson--The Bloemfontein Theological College--List of Missionaries departed this life who have been students at Cuddesdon--List of Cuddesdon men at present engaged in the Colonies and Foreign Mission field.
Chapter IV. The College Office Books
The general Office Book: contents and history--Ancient Mattins for Holy Week and Easter--Intercessions for Embertide--Missionary Intercessions--Office of preparation for Holy Communion.
Chapter V. Sketches of the College Life at Different Periods
The period 1854-9 (by the present Principal, the Rev. J. O. Johnston)--1859-64 (by the Very Rev. W. H. Davey, Dean of Llandaff, Vice-Principal)--1864-71 (by the Rev. H. T. Morgan, Chaplain)--1873-6 (by the Rev. J. E. Swallow, Chaplain)--1877-82 (by the Rev. H. Barnett, Chaplain)
Appendix I. Extract from College Record, 1879, relating to the controversy of 1878.
Appendix II. Theological Colleges for Graduates.
THIS volume has been put together for the information of old Cuddesdon students, as a memorial of the growth and the present life of their College. To them alone are its details likely to be of living interest. But it may be that others too, who do not know by experience what the inner life of a Theological College is like, would be glad to hear something of its working and methods. For them also the book may have some interest and serve a purpose.
To the many friends and students of the College who have helped in the preparation of this work, the editor desires to give his warmest thanks; particularly to those who have contributed the last chapter, and to those present students of the College who have helped in copying out extracts, etc. Readers who know their own periods of Cuddesdon history at first hand will find many inaccuracies and omissions in these pages. Any suggestions sent to the Vice-Principal will be thankfully received, and mistakes corrected [vii/viii] if a future opportunity occurs. It is earnestly hoped that nothing which has been written here will cause to anyone a moment's pain or disappointment; and along with this hope this little book is sent forth in the desire that it may do something to bind even closer the "cords of love" which unite Cuddesdon men with one another and with their old College.
Project Canterbury