Project Canterbury

The Parson’s Handbook

By the Rev. Percy Dearmer, M.A.

London: Grant Richards, 1899


Ablutions, 165.
Absolution, form of, 203.
Advent, 203.
Albe, 23, 89.
All Conditions, Prayer for, 121.
Alms, Collection of, 128, 155.
Alms-box, 52.
Almuce, 84.
Altar, 57.
Altar-cloths, 23.
Altar cover, 61.
Altar Cross, 62.
Altar-rails, 69.
Amice, 26, 88.
—— method of putting on, 142.
Ante-Communion, 117.
Anthem, 125.
Apparels, 59, 89.
Ash Wednesday, 206.
Ascription, 201.

Banners, 23, 99, 130, 196.
Banns, 153, 179.
Baptism, 50, 169, 216, 219.
—— of children and adults, 175.
—— Conditional, 175.
—— Private, 174.
—— Solemn, 170.
Bason, 98, 109.
Bell, sacring, 23, 69, 161.
—— tolling of, 187.
Bible, teaching of, 3-9.
Bidding Prayer, 119, 200.
Biretta, 87.
Bishop, authority of, 11.
Boat for Incense, 106.
Bonner, Bishop, 23.
Book-markers, 49, 65.
Books, 42, 53, 65.
Bowing towards altar, 115.
—— at the holy Name, 115.
—— at the Gloria, 116.
—— in the Te Deum, 125.
—— See Inclining.
Box for breads, 99.
Burial, 23, 186.
Burse, 96.
Butler, Bishop, 62.

Calendar, 14, 105, 202.
Candles. See Lights.
Candlemas, 206.
Candlesticks, 63, 102, 120.
Canons of 1603, 16, 24, 25.
Canopy, 67.
Cap, 85, 87.
—— Canterbury, 87.
—— College, 87.
—— skull. See Coif.
—— square. See Cap.
Carols, 205.
Carpets, 70.
Cassock, 81.
Catechism, 176, 197.
Censer, 26, 99.
Censing, 128, 151, 156, 189.
Ceremonies retained, 12-14.
Chalice, 97.
—— Mixed, 27, 138.
Chancel, 15.
Chapels, 54.
Charcoal, 107.
—— jar for, 107.
Chasuble, 23, 27, 91.
Cheapness, 5, 82.
Choir, 40.
Chrisom, 23, 103, 173.
Christmas, 205.
Churching, 192.
Ciborium, 98, 156, 161.
Cleaning, 113, 114.
Clerk, 139-141.
Clock, 46, 105.
Coif, 87, 188.
Collects, position for, 125.
Collect, post-communion, 137.
Colours, liturgical, 72-79.
Commandments, 68.
—— omission of, 136.
Commination, 207.
Communicants, 133.
Communion of people, 163.
Comprehension, 6, 7.
Confession, private, 154, 203, 215
—— General, 124, 158.
Consecration, the, 161.
Convocation, 24.
Cope, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 92, 127, 146, 170, 187, 193.
—— choral, 88.
—— stand, 109.
Corporas, 23, 95.
Cosin, Bishop, 20, 21, 82.
Cranmer, Archbishop, 32.
Credence, 68.
Creed, omission of, 22.
Cross, Processional, 99.
—— Sign of, 116, 157, 173.
—— —— Absolution, 159.
—— —— Benediction, 165, 182.
Cruets, 98.
Cupboard for Altar linen, 110.
Cupboard for Frontals, 111.
—— Music, 111.
—— Sacristan’s, 105.
—— Servers’, in.
—— Thurifer’s, 107.
Cushion, for altar, 23, 26, 27, 64.

Dalmatic, 93.
Deacon, 125, 167.
Declaration of assent, 6.
Decorations, 50, 204.
Dedication Festival, 219.
Departed, Prayers for, 133, 137, 163, 192, 219.
Discipline, 212.

Easter, 216.
Edward VI., his reign, 22.
Elizabeth, Queen, 18.
Epistle, 150.
Evensong, 126.
Exeter Sequence, 75, 77.
Exhortations, 154.

Fair linen cloth, 57, 60.
Faldstool, 49, 131.
Flowers, 66, 204.
Font, 28, 50, 170.
—— cover, 50.
Frontal, 57.
Frontlet, 59.
Funeral Candlesticks, 102, 188.
—— Cross, 102, 188.
—— Handbell, 102, 188.

Gallery, 43.
Gardiner, Bishop, 23.
Girdle, 90, 146.
Gloria in Excelsis, omission of, 22, 135.
Gloria Patri, how to be said, 116.
—— —— turning at, 115.
Gloria Tibi, 31, 152.
Gloves, 141.
Good Friday, 214.
Goodrich, Bishop, 89.
Gospel, 152, 171.
Gothic, 55.
Gown, for preaching, 198.
—— academical, 81, 199.
—— priest’s, use of, 81, 199.
—— verger’s, 94.
Gradine, 61.

Henry VIII. (Statute 25), 21, 38.
Herse, 101.
—— for Tenebrae, 101.
Holly, 204.
Hood, 27, 84, 198.
Houseling cloth, 69.
Hymn-boards, 53.

Immersion, 172.
Incense, 8, 21, 26, 27, 33, 106.
Inclining, 144, 153, 162.
Infection, precautions against, 184-6.
Injunctions of 1547, 24, 43.
Interpolations, 157, 163.
Inventories, 22, 23, 26.
Invocation, the, 199.

Lace, 61, 83, 89.
Lamps, 69.
Laudian ritualism, 19, 27, 157, 162, 206.
Lectern, 48.
—— cloths, 49.
—— Gospel, 101, 167.
Lent, 78.
Lessons, 125.
Lights, 62, 119, 123, 126, 145.
—— on altar, 20, 27, 62, 120.
—— elsewhere, 63, 42, 120.
Lighting, methods of, 41, 47,
Linens, coloured, 208.
Litany, 49, 117, 118, 126, 131, 217.
—— desk. See Faldstool.

Magnificat, 128.
Maniple, 91, 146.
Maundy-Thursday, 212.
Mass, use of the term, 23, 134.
Matrimony, 179.
Mats, 71.
Mattins, time of, 118.
Montagu, Bishop, 82.
Monuments, 191.

Nonconformity, 17, 34, 39.
Non-user, 25, 28.
North End, 148.
Notice-boards, 53.

Offertory, 154.
Open churches, 54.
Organ, 26, 43.
Ornaments Rubric, 5, 16-23, 73.

Pall, 23, 26, 95, 102, 188.
Palms, 209.
Parker, Archbishop, 18.
Parliament, authority of, 20, 24, 25.
Paschal post, 101.
Passiontide, 72, 76, 208.
Paten, 98, 156, 161.
Patronal Festival, 219.
Pews, 50.
Pictures, 26, 51.
Piscina, 70.
Pontificals, 75, 77.
Porch, 54.
Prefaces of Prayer-Book, 10-16.
Press, 108.
Procession, 130, 194-7.
—— order of, 131, 195.
—— before Eucharist, 146.
Procession, the Little, 149.
—— for the Gospel, 167.
—— for Litany, 132.
—— at a Funeral, 188.
—— at a Marriage, 182.
—— Rogation, 218.
Psalms, sitting at, 117.
Pulpit, 43.
Purificators, 96.
Puritans, position of, 17.
Pyx, 23, 98, 184.
—— hanging, 69.
—— standing. See Ciborium.

Reproaches, 214.
Reredos, 67.
Reservation, 23, 165.
Riddels, 67.
Rochet, 23, 93, 141.
Rogation Days, 217.
Roodloft, 42.
Rosemary, 204.
Rowell, 204.

Sacring bell. See Bell.
Sacristan’s cupboard, 105.
—— duties, 112.
Sacristy, 108.
Safe, 52, 105, 110.
Sandys, Bishop, 21.
Sarum Use, 30, 73.
Savoy Conference, 19.
Scarf. See Tippet.
Sedilia, 70.
Sentences, 124.
—— Offertory, 155.
Sermon, time, 3, 118, 153, 176, 197.
—— dress, 198.
—— introduction, 199,
—— conclusion, 201.
Servers, 141, 142.
Sharp, Archdeacon, 25.
Sick, Communion of, 98, 183.
—— Visitation of, 182.
Simplicity, 28, 64, 80, 204.
Souls’, All, 202, 219.
Stalls, returned, 40.
Standards, 64, 123.
State Prayers, 122.
Stocks, 63, 101.
Stole, 27, 90, 203.
—— wrong uses of, 86, 127, 178, 180, 199.
Sub-deacon, 168.
Surplice, 27, 82, 94, 198.

Tenebrae, 211. See also under Herse.
Thanksgiving, General, 121.
Tippet, 27, 85, 86, 198.
Title-page of Prayer Book, 9.
Tolerance, 28, 34.
Torches, 99, 188.
Towels, 23, 97.
Tradition, 32.
Tunicle, 93.

Unction, 23, 173.

Veil, humeral, 93.
—— Chalice, 97, 145.
Veils, Lenten, 207.
Verger, 94, 130, 195, 199.
‘Vestment.’ See Chasuble.
Vestry, Churchwarden’s, 104.
—— Choir, 107.
—— Priests. See Sacristy.

Wafer-bread, 23, 27, 137.
Warning of Communion, 154.
Washing, 113, 114.
Wilson, Bishop, 116, 213.
Wines, Eucharistic, 138.

Project Canterbury