Project Canterbury

A History of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament in the United States of America (1964)
By William Pitt McCune, Priest-Associate


One of the great unearned privileges of a Bishop of the Anglican Communion is his attendance at the Lambeth Conference. At Lambeth we learn in many areas things we did not expect to learn. In the area of worship the Conference gave the dictum that in the whole Anglican Communion throughout the world the normal Sunday service is now the Family Eucharist. As we discussed this I exclaimed to the Bishop next to me, "This is our answer to one hundred years of prayer by the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament." I firmly believe this is true; the church has been prayed into it.

This short history of our efforts at prayer is written by one who states facts in such a way that an inevitable conclusion may be drawn. I am sure the conclusion should take the form of a Resolution by each of us: I will keep on praying for God's will to be accomplished through the loyalty and devotion of the Confraternity. We commend this to all who love to pray to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

Reginald Mallett

Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament

Project Canterbury