Project Canterbury

Life of Robert Machray, Archbishop of Rupert's Land

By His Nephew, Robert Machray

Toronto: Macmillan, 1909.

Chapter IV. Ordination and Travel (1855-1858)

WHILE Machray was at Thornton, he was asked by an Aberdeen friend, Mr. A. P. Fletcher, to take a similar position with respect to the two sons, Cuthbert and Edgar, of Mr. John Wingfield Larking, of Milton Place, Egham, Surrey; to this he agreed on the completion of his engagement, and after midsummer he went to Egham, where he was made welcome by Mr. and Mrs. Larking, who f the first treated him as a member of their family. Meanwhile the Bishop of Ely, Dr. Turton, had stated that he would accept his Fellowship of Sidney as title for Orders, on passing the usual examinations for Fellows; the examinations then required were of a somewhat perfunctory and formal kind, but to prepare himself more thoroughly for his clerical life Machray read for the regular examinations for Deacon's Orders. In the late autumn the examinations were held in Jesus Lodge, Cambridge, the Master of Jesus College, Dr. Corrie, being the Examining Chaplain for the Bishop of Ely. Bishop Turton was at this time getting old; he was naturally a frail and fragile man; he had been a Senior Wrangler, and was a distinguished ecclesiastic as well as controversial writer of note, but his well- known love of the fine arts and music seemed more in keeping with the delicacy of his appearance. Much of the management of his diocese had been placed by him in the hands of Dr. Corrie, then no longer young.

Dr. Corrie lived to a great age, and figured in many Cambridge stories. As a matter of course, speculation was rife in his later years as to his successor in the Mastership of Jesus, and, equally as a matter of course, he could not but be aware of it. Meeting a Fellow of his College one day, he is reported to have said to him, "Mr. --------, I under stand you hope to be my successor in the Mastership. I think it is only kind to tell you that I have already outlived five of my successors." Dr. Corrie is said to have been the real author of a biting jest which is often credited to others: "Do you wish to make a fortune? Then buy Mr. -------- at your price and sell him at his." He was a confirmed bachelor and a strong Tory, and one of his favourite observations was that there "never was any mischief in the world but a Whig or a woman was at the bottom of it."

Ordinations in the middle of last century were conducted in a very different manner from that which now prevails in the Church of England. Candidates for Orders saw very little of the Bishop, and most of the necessary communications that passed with reference to Ordination were made to and by the Examining Chaplain. In the case of the Diocese of Ely, Dr. Corrie, the Examining Chaplain, resided at Cambridge, which is some thirteen miles from Ely. The examinations were held in his house, the Lodge of Jesus College, on the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday before the Ordination; at ten o'clock on Saturday morning the examinees attended at the Lodge to hear the result, when they listened to Dr. Corrie's invariable statement: "Gentlemen, I am more or less satisfied with you all. The Bishop will be glad to see you at two o'clock; you will find that the train leaving Cambridge at ten minutes past one will bring you to Ely in good time."

Among those who had satisfied Dr. Corrie more or less was Robert Machray, who went to the Palace in Ely at the appointed hour and was introduced to Dr. Turton. All he saw of the Bishop was that when a few austere preliminaries were gone through, Dr. Turton observed to him and the other young men, "Gentle men, we dine at such and such an hour"! And a very excellent dinner the Bishop gave them, but made no attempt to get an idea of their thoughts or characters--perhaps because there were too many of them. It was on Sunday, November ii, that Machray was ordained Deacon in Ely Cathedral, together with fifteen others, all of whom, with one exception, were Cambridge men; at the same Ordination fifteen men were admitted to the Priesthood. Dr. Turton, had he desired it, could not have got to know at all well so many men in so short a time.

Machray returned immediately to Egham, where, on December 2, he perfurmed his first duty as a clergyman. There were special services and a collection for a new church at Englefield Green both morning and evening in Egham Parish Church, and Dr. Wilber force, the Bishop of Oxford, preached at both services. In the morning Machray robed and assisted at the Holy Communion, following the Bishop with the Cup. The Vicar of Egham, Dr. Monsell, and his Curate, the Rev. C. J. Waterhouse, also took part. On Machray, then specially open and sensitive as a newly ordained clergyman, the Bishop made a deep impression, so that he admired him greatly. Dr. Wilberforce's text in the morning was, "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law" (Rom. xiii. 8). Machray never forgot the eloquence with which the Bishop pointed out the danger of a merely negative religion--that it could not be for such that the Son of God died. To his regret, circumstances arose which prevented him from being present at the evening service.

Two weeks later Dr. Monsell informed him that Dr. Sumner, the Bishop of Winchester, in which diocese Egham lies, had given him, on Dr. Monsell's solicitation, full liberty to preach and otherwise officiate as a Deacon in the diocese. From this time he took a considerable share in the Services in Egham Church. On December 30 he preached his first sermon, taking as his subject Heb. i. 10-12: "And Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of Thine hands: they shall perish; but Thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; and as a vesture shalt Thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but Thou art the same, and Thy years shall not fail." On the last day of the year he received an invitation to a ball given by Lady Bower Smith, which he declined, having resolved as a clergyman to abstain from dancing not that he saw any harm in it, but he thought it was inexpedient for a clergyman to attend balls and dances unless for some special reason. When Bishop of Rupert's Land he was present for a short time at a ball in Government House, Winnipeg, given by the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba in honour of a Governor-General of Canada, being desirous of showing particular respect to both host and guest on that occasion.

At Egham he undertook some further clerical work, besides assisting constantly in the Morning Service. The Vicar had on his hands a little chapel which stood in a small hamlet at the bottom of the lawn of Milton Place, and Machray offered to take charge of it for him; an arrangement was accordingly made by which he held Services there every Sunday afternoon, and visited the families of the people so long as the Larkings remained at Milton Place, which was about a year longer. This, then, may be said to have been his first charge, and it gave him an insight into parochial work. In the autumn he went to Cambridge and passed the examination for Priest's Orders held by Dr. Corrie for Dr. Turton, and was duly ordained priest by that Bishop at Ely.

Shortly after being "priested" Machray had some communication with James Pennycuick, and it was almost arranged for them to pay a visit to the old scenes of their boyhood in Aberdeenshire, when, on the Mutiny breaking out, Pennycuick was ordered to India, and the project was abandoned. A week or two later, Mr. Larking, who had been Consul at Alexandria and was now Agent for Said Pasha, the Viceroy of Egypt, and had some business for him which called him to the East, determined to give up Milton Place, and arranged that meanwhile his family should reside in Italy; he asked Machray to accompany them, and Machray agreed to do so. They travelled through France to Marseilles, from which they set sail in the midst of a storm for Civita Vecchia--an extremely unpleasant experience to Machray, who was a very bad sailor. The weather continued stormy and he suffered intensely; nor was the voyage made any more agreeable by the steamer, when near the island of Elba, grazing something which shook her so much that he thought it must be a rock, and that all must perish. The captain, however, assured him that it "was a sandbank that had been struck, for had it been a rock the ship must certainly have foundered." Civita Vecchia was at length reached in safety, and thence they journeyed to Rome, in which they found themselves on the last night of the year, 1856.

The Larking family settled in a house on the Tiber in the Via Babuino, and soon were surrounded by many of their friends who were spending the winter season in Rome, amongst them being Lady Marian Alford, with Lord Brownlow and his brother, and the Countess of Northesk and her son. The tutor of Lord Brownlow, a Student of Christ Church, Oxford, called on Machray, and they went about together seeing some of the sights of the Eternal City. He also made the acquaintance of Mr. Woodward, the Chaplain of the English Church outside the city, and attended the Services held there, preaching now and again in the morning. In the afternoon on Sundays he went to the Prussian Embassy, in the chapel of which there was an English Service, the officiating clergyman being Dr. Forbes, Incumbent of St. George's, Douglas, Isle of Man, who was putting in the winter at Rome on account of his health. Machray made himself known to Dr. Forbes, and thus began a friendship which lasted for many years. Through Dr. Forbes he made a number of acquaintances which added very greatly to the pleasure and interest of his residence in Rome. He made several expeditions with Dr. Forbes, and was frequently present at evening parties given by him and Mrs. Forbes which generally were closed with family prayers--by a reading from Scripture and an extempore prayer which Machray usually took.

In 1857 Italy was not the kingdom of Italy as it is known to-day; the Papal States still existed, and Rome, though garrisoned by French soldiers, was still the seat of a Pope who claimed and exercised temporal as well as spiritual sovereignty. Machray was asked to go to the Vatican with some of the Larkings, for whom an interview with the Pope, Pius IX., had been arranged; but deeming it in his position as an English Churchman rather improper, he begged to be excused. He attended, however, with Dr. Forbes, a reception given one evening by the Austrian Ambassador to celebrate the conferring of a Cardinal's hat on an Austrian Bishop. Dr. Forbes and he had their names announced from servant to servant as they slowly mounted the great staircase of the Embassy, at the top of which stood the Cardinal waiting to receive the congratulations of the guests. Machray wondered what he should say and in what language he should speak when he met the Cardinal, and, foreseeing some difficulty, was inclined to regret having gone to the function at all, when he was relieved from his embarrassment by the opportune arrival upon the scene of the Comte de Montreal and the officers of the French garrison; instantly there was a great commotion and bustle, under cover of which they got off with a bow to the Cardinal, and then they passed on into the drawing-room, where the wife of the Ambassador greeted them. It was a brilliant and animated affair, with a commingling of many nationalities, a babel of tongues, and the splendour of a diversity of uniforms, orders, and decorations. He and his friend amused themselves by trying to pick out their fellow-countrymen, laughingly saying they could infallibly distinguish them by their awkwardness.

On another occasion they obtained admission to the Sistine Chapel for the purpose of hearing the beautiful music for which it is world-famous. On the way up to it Dr. Forbes was stopped, as he was not in full evening dress; but he showed himself equal to the emergency, for going back, he got some one to turn up the coat-tails of his clerical surtout so as to make it look like a dress-coat, and returning presented himself again and was immediately passed through! Machray was also present at the ceremony known as the "Sacra Tavola "--the washing of the feet of pilgrims by the Pope; he had a front seat, and by his great height (6 feet 3 inches) caught the attention of the spectators who sat behind him. He thought the scene rather absurd. A dignitary merely passed a dish ceremoniously to the Pope, and Pio Nono passed it on in his turn to the pilgrims--a very different thing from the washing of feet recorded in the Gospels.

An unfortunate controversy broke out during his stay in Rome between Dr. Forbes, who held Services in the chapel of the Prussian Embassy, and Mr. Woodward, the regular chaplain of the old English congregation. Mr. Woodward declined to acknowledge the episcopal authority over him of the Bishop of Gibraltar, who at that time acted as Bishop of the Church of England in Continental Europe; the Bishop thereupon recognised Dr. Forbes as the representative of the Church of England in Rome--a proceeding which was naturally much resented by Mr. Woodward and caused ill-feeling. Woodward was a High Churchman, and Machray was an Evangelical, and though the latter preached for the former, they did not take to each other. Once when Machray was preaching for Woodward, and they were in the vestry robing, Woodward looked through a slit which gave a view of the interior of the church, and his eyes rested on Dr. Forbes; he remarked on his presence there, and asked if Machray knew him, who said that he knew him very well. Woodward then observed that Forbes had probably come to hear him (Machray) preach, and nothing more was said at the moment, but shortly afterwards he wrote a violent letter to Machray, denouncing Dr. Forbes and any one taking part with him as weakening the Church of England in Rome.

Prior to this letter it had been arranged that Machray was to assist Woodward in some Services; on receipt of it, he replied that Dr. Forbes was a personal friend, and that, taking all the circumstances into account, it was advisable that the arrangements, so far as he was concerned, for the coming Services should be cancelled. Dr. Monsell, the Vicar of Egham, arrived in Rome about this time on a holiday, and Machray put the whole matter before him, but without receiving any advice as to the course to be pursued. This affair somewhat spoiled the pleasure he got from the months he spent in Rome, but it had the result, at least, of deepening the friendship that existed between him and Dr. Forbes, which was not without its influence a little later.

Mrs. Larking was a marvellously able and gifted Woman, who attracted a large circle of devoted friends. Her father belonged to a high Italian family, that of the Tibaldi. Two of his brothers were cardinals, but her father, having embraced revolutionary opinions, had been compelled to leave Italy; he went to Egypt, where he married a Greek lady, who became the mother of Mrs. Larking. After her father's death her mother married a gentleman named Thurburn, a member of the Murtle family in Aberdeenshire, and the child, though born of a Roman Catholic father, was brought up a Protestant. But she held very liberal and unorthodox views, and seldom went to church. She always took a keen interest in the Italian revolutionists, several of whom Machray met and became acquainted with. One day he was a good deal surprised by one of these gentlemen making him a present of a handsome copy of the Bible in Italian. The donor, however, explained that he was anxious to get rid of the book; he had kept it in secret for a long time, had read it carefully, and was loth to part with it, but he was in constant apprehension that the authorities were on the point of paying him a domiciliary visit--if he was found with the Bible in his possession he believed that it would consign him to the galleys or a long term of imprisonment. He could not bear to destroy the book, and so passed it on to a man who would preserve it.

With another of these revolutionists Machray and his pupils drove out to the Marshes for a day's shooting, but no geese were killed and the party returned empty-handed. Care was taken that there should be no sleeping on their way back, for fear of Roman fever. Towards the end of his stay in Rome there was some alarm about this dreaded disease, as one well-known personage died of it. He visited with the boys all the objects of interest of which Rome is so full--ruins, churches, the catacombs, the picture galleries--but because of the fever they were extremely careful not to stay late in damp and underground buildings. Fortunately, neither he nor any of the Larkings took the fever.

Soon after Easter 1857, Mrs. Larking and her children left Rome and went to Naples, while Machray went by sea to Leghorn, whence he passed on to Pisa and then to Florence, where, after a few weeks, he rejoined the Larking family, who had come north. At Pisa he made frequent visits to the Cathedral, Baptistery, Campo Santo, and the Leaning Tower. His friend Dr. Forbes was now settled for the summer at the Bagni di Lucca, which are within easy reach of Pisa, and Machray spent a pleasant day with him and Mrs. Forbes. So pleasant was it that he delayed to return till somewhat late; on driving from the Baths to Lucca, where he was to take the railway to Pisa, he found the last train had gone, and he had to pass the night in a Lucca hotel. Next morning there occurred what turned out to be an amusing incident, but it might not have been at all amusing. The proprietor of the hotel asked him for his passport, which it was necessary to exhibit to the local police for their inspection. But he had left it at Pisa with the authorities, and the "Licenza di Soggiorno" (residence-permit) which they had given to him was with his other papers in the room of his hotel in the same city; he had expected to get back in one day, and therefore had not brought it with him. All this he told to the expostulating proprietor, who vehemently declared he did not know how he was to satisfy the police. If Machray could not produce his passport, the police would certainly arrest him! As the police, however, did nothing, Machray kept cool, called for his bill and paid it; when the time came for the train to leave Lucca for Pisa he walked over to the station without hindrance, entered a carriage, presently was safely on his way to Pisa, and heard no more of the matter.

While in Pisa he assisted the resident English Chaplain in the Services, and it was at this time that he made his first effort to preach without having before him the full script of his sermon. Dr. Forbes was in the habit of preaching from notes, and Machray tried to imitate him in this, hoping that he would gradually be able to dispense with them altogether, for he longed to be able to preach extempore, or, at any rate, without having to refer to anything written out. He took as his text, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (Rom. viii. i), and he put down on a sheet of paper the beginnings of the sentences of his sermon. When he came to preach he found there were far too many of these beginnings, and he experienced the greatest trouble in completing the sentences, but he succeeded in each case and happily got through without any hitch.

When Mrs. Larking and her children arrived in Florence he immediately joined them. They occupied the Villa Capponi, which belonged to the Marchese Capponi, a large, beautifully situated residence about a mile outside the city, opposite Fiesole, over which they saw the moon--the moon of Milton--rise. The weather had become very warm, and as it was thought too hot for the children to attend church, Machray proposed having the Morning Service in the villa--to which Mrs. Larking agreed. He held the Service on Whitsunday, and preached on the Holy Spirit; he was greatly put out when Mrs. Larking, who had heard the sermon, told him that she could not object to his teaching, as her husband held his views, but that all her feelings rose against her children being taught these ideas.

From the religious point of view Machray had never been quite comfortable with the Larkings, for when at Milton Place neither Mr. nor Mrs. Larking went to church, and his position as an earnest clergyman in such a household was sometimes one of considerable difficulty. So he made up his mind to give up his tutorship, though in many ways it was a desirable one. He therefore wrote to Mr. Larking, then in Naples, telling him that he wished to resign it, as he was not in sympathy with Mrs. Larking's religious opinions, which were Unitarian, and that he was not altogether happy in his surroundings. Mr. Larking replied in an amicable spirit, and it was arranged that the tutorship was to come to an end in the autumn.

During Machray's residence in Florence he assisted the English Chaplain regularly on Sundays. Among the people he met at Florence was a Fellow of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, named Strutton Smith. It was the time of the terrible Indian Mutiny, and everybody was anxious to hear the latest news, which was to be found in the Paris journal, Galignani's Messenger, but Mr. Smith would not look at this paper, in spite of its containing the mo recent intelligence from India--because it spoilt for him his Times, which he received by the mail several days late!

Machray told Dr. Forbes that he was about to leave the Larkings, and Dr. Forbes asked him if he would care to go to Douglas, Isle of Man, and under-take the tuition of his sons, Edward and Arthur, and one or two other boys, for so many hours a day. Machray thought the matter over, and consented to go, provided he was allowed full liberty to assist the Manx clergy; and as Dr. Forbes was willing, the arrangement was made. In the autumn he bade the Larkings farewell, parting from them all in the most friendly way, and travelled from Florence to Leghorn, and thence by sea to Genoa, from which city he went on to England, reaching Douglas in October 1857. Dr. Forbes and his family lived in a pleasant house called "The Bungalow," about a mile outside the town, and here Machray resided for rather more than a year, greatly enjoying his stay with these friends of his.

He took charge of a Church district in Douglas, and applied to the Hon. Dr. Powys, the Bishop of Sodor and Man, for a licence to officiate, which, however, he did not receive at once, the Bishop replying that he would like to see him when he next came to Douglas. Later he had an interview with Dr. Powys, who, amongst other things, asked him how he would explain the answer in the Catechism, "My Godfathers and Godmothers in my Baptism, wherein I was made a member of Christ, the child of God, and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven." Machray gave his views, which were in agreement with moderate Calvinistic or Augustinian ideas. At the close of their conversation the Bishop said he would send his licence to him after his return to Bishop's Court, and he might officiate in the meantime--but the licence was never sent! Machray went on, however, with his clerical work, in the course of which there occurred an incident which struck him very much, and of which he wrote the following account

In my district I met with a very interesting case--a young girl, very ill with consumption, who enjoyed the greatest peace from full faith in the Saviour. She constantly looked out from the Bible what she called "Promises." One day I asked her, "To whom is Jesus precious?" She replied, "To them that believe." Some time after her death I was preaching in St. George's, Douglas, in the evening, from the text, "Unto you therefore which believe He is precious" (1 Peter ii. 7). The mother of the girl was present in the congregation, remembered her child's answer to me, and was greatly comforted.

Dr. Forbes acted as Secretary for the Church Missionary Society for the Isle of Man, and Machray frequently went with him to meetings and spoke at them; but he experienced the utmost difficulty in speaking without notes, and sometimes even with them. He could not recall what he had prepared--a disability from which he never quite freed himself; from first to last he was never very comfortable in public speaking. However, while in the island, he did a good deal of deputation work for the great Church Societies, generally by preaching written sermons, though occasionally he ventured on speeches at a public meeting; but his lack of self-confidence made these efforts somewhat painful to him. During the winter months he was a member of a very happy and genial Shakespeare Society, consisting of eight or nine friends, who met in the evenings once a week. At these gatherings tea first was served, then a play was read and discussed, and the evening came to an end with a short Service, which he and another clergyman conducted alternately. It was a very innocent kind of association, yet it did not escape remark. At the close of a party given by a brother of Archdeacon Moore, a clergyman present, who had been asked to offer prayer, entreated Almighty God that those "engaged in intellectual pursuits might not be carried away by them," and everybody understood that the allusion was to the little Shakespeare Society. When Machray left the island for Cambridge the remaining members presented him with a finely bound Bible.

In the beginning of the year 1858 Dr. Forbes delivered two lectures in the Douglas Institute on "Rome as I saw it," which were very largely attended; they were attacked, however, in the local newspaper. Machray came to the help of his friend, and wrote two letters in reply to Dr. Forbes's critics, who thereafter held their peace. These lectures, indeed, proved so popular that Dr. Forbes was asked to give them gratuitously for the working classes; he complied with the request, and had crowded audiences. This led after wards to a ludicrous affair. The Presbyterian Minister of Douglas gave a lecture at the Institute on "Wit and Humour," which an admirer begged him to repeat, gratis, for the working people, as Dr. Forbes had done. He agreed, and a day was fixed, but when the time came scarcely a soul was present, and the lecture was not delivered. Wishing to support the minister, with whom he was on friendly terms, Machray had gone early to the hall, but when he perceived what was to happen he made his escape, so as to avoid seeing the discomfiture of the lecturer. The working classes had no appreciation of the minister's "Wit and Humour"; to make up for it, however, a Manx journal, which had not sent a reporter, published a flattering account of both lecture and audience. This, perhaps, was Manx humour.

The months passed pleasantly in clerical and tutorial work. In the early part of the summer Machray received an important letter from the friend of his King's College days, John M'Lean, who informed him that his mind was set on taking Holy Orders. M'Lean had done remarkably well in business, and had excellent prospects before him. Working with the zeal and intensity which characterised him, he had acquired such a mastery of French, German, and Spanish that he had been placed in charge of the foreign correspondence of the great commercial house in London that he had entered on leaving Aberdeen; but his thoughts had turned to spiritual things, and he had become a prominent and active member of the Church of England Young Men's Society. When the Bishop of Ripon preached for that Society in 1858 he was one of two of its members detailed to see the Bishop and attend him. He spoke of his desire to become a clergyman to the Bishop, and the Bishop agreed to accept him as a candidate; it was this news which M'Lean communicated to Machray, and some letters passed between them. It would not have been like Machray if he had not had some helpful suggestion to make in such circumstances, and with Dr. Forbes's consent he asked M'Lean to come and stay with him in Douglas, and work in the parish of St. George's, while at the same time he could go on with his reading for the Bishop of Ripon's examination. Machray suggested alternatively to M'Lean that if he came to Douglas he might be ordained by the Bishop of Sodor and Man, as that might suit him better, and M'Lean wished to adopt this course.

But when Machray spoke to the Bishop of Sodor and Man on the subject, asking him if he would accept M'Lean, on the strength of his being M.A. of Aberdeen, as a candidate for Orders, the Bishop objected. The plan, therefore, fell through, and M'Lean did not go to the Isle of Man. Shortly after this, however, Dr. Hellmuth, the Bishop of Huron in Canada, who happened to be in England on a visit, heard of M'Lean and proposed that he should take Orders from him and work in Canada instead of being ordained by the Bishop of Ripon for work in England. M'Lean was satisfied, and soon afterwards set out for Canada. Before sailing from Liverpool, Machray and he spent a night at Thornton with the Adamses. At evening prayer Machray commended his old friend to God's gracious care and blessing. When they met again seven years afterwards, Machray, then Bishop of Rupert's Land, had summoned him to his side at Fort Garry, out of which the great city of Winnipeg has sprung, to act as Archdeacon of Assiniboia (Manitoba) and Warden of his new College of St. John.

In 1858 Machray took his M.A. degree at Cambridge. In May of that year he had been asked to go to Sidney College as Mathematical Examiner at an ensuing Fellowship Examination; but as the weather was very rough and the seas high, he wrote excusing himself. Another Fellow of Sidney was appointed examiner in his place; but the storm meanwhile having abated, he went to Cambridge after all. He had been out of residence for about three years; there had been some changes in the staff and he now formed some new acquaintances while renewing old friendships. He made an agreeable impression on all, and there was some talk of his coming permanently into residence as a Fellow. He returned, however, to the Isle of Man for a few months, and it was not till the end of December that he went to Sidney as Dean of the College, in succession to the Rev. R. H. Cooke. He had made it a condition on accepting the office of Dean that he should be at liberty to take parish or other Church work while "in residence," and before he left Douglas for Cambridge he wrote to the Rev. Charles Clayton, Senior Fellow and Tutor of Caius College, and Vicar of Holy Trinity, the aforetime church of the great Cambridge Evangelical leader, Charles Simeon, stating that he would be glad to be of any service in Church matters, and wished clerical duty. Clayton replied at once and expressed his gratification, praying that Machray might "come in the fulness of the Gospel of Christ."

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