Project Canterbury

Magyar Szertartási Könyve
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Hungarian

Diocese of Michigan City, 1915.

Reverend Father:--

In reply to your petition I herewith give you my permission to translate into the Hungarian language the following portions of the Book of Common Prayer, namely:

Order of Holy Communion
Collects with Bible references
The Litany
Evening Prayer
Public Baptism of Infants
Solemnization of Matrimony
Church of Women and
Burial of the Dead, it being understood that the responsibiloity for correctness of such translation rests upon you.

Praying the blessing of God Almighty upon this work, I remain,

Your affectionate Father in God;

Bishop of Michigan City
South Bend, Indiana, May the 1st, 1915.

To The Reverend
Father Victor bon Kubinyi, Priest-in-charge
Trinity Hungarian Mission, So. Bend, Ind.

Project Canterbury