Chapter I. Concerning the Island of Yezo.
Chapter II. God's Care over His Servants.
Chapter III. Summer Pests.
Chapter IV. Winter Troubles.
Chapter V. The Beauties and Comforts of Yezo.
Chapter VI. The Beginnings of Missionary Work in Yezo.
Chapter VII. Early Friends.
Chapter VIII. The Hakodate Fire and Further Progress of the Work.
Chapter IX. Methods of Work.
Chapter X. Difficulties in the Way of Becoming Christians.
Chapter XI. The Harvest.
THIS book is written for young people and is intended to give a few peeps at missionary work as carried on in the Hokkaido Jurisdiction--North Japan. While it is largely autobiographical, it also gives many short glimpses of various aspects both of the work of the preacher and teacher and also of the psychological development of the believer. Some of the things related may appear to be almost incredible; nevertheless they are perfectly true. There is much in our Blessed Religion which, before experience, might be taken as incredible. But missionary work means just a practical witnessing for Christ, and therefore, to be logical, we must expect to find wonderful things experienced in it. The day of miracles is not over, for there are many spiritual miracles wrought at the present day among the Heathen which only those engaged in this work are able to see. These are to be regarded as seals and signs that the Gospel is true. Miracles of conversion are recorded in this book, and it is hoped that every young Reader may be led to regard them as such. That the Master Himself may bless these pages to the Reader is the earnest prayer of the Author.
Easter, 1902.