Project Canterbury

Chinese Ancestor Worship
A Study of Its Meaning and Its Relations with Christianity

By James Thayer Addison
Assistant Professor of Religion and Missions
in the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Published by the Church Literature Committee of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui
By the Help of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1925.


Chapter I. Classical Ancestor Worship

Chapter II. Modern Ancestor Worship

Chapter III. The Meaning of Ancestor Worship

Chapter IV. Ancestor Worship and Christianity



The chapter on "Modern Chinese Ancestor Worship" and part of the chapter on "Ancestor Worship and Christianity" have appeared in the Journal of Religion of the University of Chicago. The chapter on "The Meaning of Ancestor Worship" has appeared in the Chinese Recorder. Cordial thanks are due to the Editors of these journals for permission to reprint this material.

I am gratefully indebted to Bishop Roots who inspired me to undertake the study of ancestor worship, to Professor Francis C. M. Wei, Dean of the Central China University, Wuchang, for his invaluable and generous aid, to the Rev. F. L. Hawks Pott, D.D., and the Rev. John W. Nichols, D.D., for their very kind assistance in correcting the proof, and to my wife for her valued help in some of the difficulties of Chapter IV.

J. T. A.


Project Canterbury