Project Canterbury





Forty Years in Burma

By John Ebenezer Marks, D.D.



With a Foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury.


Edited, with an Introduction and a Selection of the Author's Letters and Reports

By the Rev. W. C. B. Purser, M.A.,
Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Rangoon.





London: Hutchinson and Co., 1917.





Chapter I. The Outward Journey
Chapter II. First Impressions of Burma
Chapter III. Beginning Work in Maulmein
Chapter IV. School Work in Maulmein
Chapter V. Ordination at Calcutta
Chapter VI. Beginning Work in Rangoon
Chapter VII. First Furlough in England
Chapter VIII. Return to Rangoon
Chapter IX. School Routine
Chapter X. The Diocesan Orphanage
Chapter XI. Mindôn Min
Chapter XII. The Call to Mandalay
Chapter XIII. First Interviews with King Mindôn
Chapter XIV. Visit to Sir John Lawrence
Chapter XV. Work in Mandalay
Chapter XVI. Consecration of Mandalay Church
Chapter XVII. The First Bishop of Rangoon
Chapter XVIII. Thibaw
Chapter XIX. Last Days in Maulmein
Chapter XX. Last Visit to Burma




IT must be right that some Biography of Dr. Marks should be published. A man of remarkable personal powers, he had opportunities of an extraordinary sort, and he used them extraordinarily well. I imagine that the record of St. John's College, Rangoon, is in some respects unique among educational annals in the East, and the romantic elements in its story are as noteworthy as its consistent chronicle of steady work. The dominating personality of Dr. Marks deserves, and has here, I hope, secured, appropriate record. The missionary annals of our time would be incomplete without such a narrative in permanent form.


Easter, 1917.

Project Canterbury