Address I. The Consolation of Christ's Intercession.
Address II. The Consolation of Present Peace and Anticipated Joy
Address III. The Consolation of Christ's Love of Home and Nation.
Address IV. The Consolation of the Atonement.
Address V. The Consolation of Christ's Conquest of Pain
Address VI. The Consolation of Christ's Completeness.
Address VII. The Consolation of Death's Conquest
Two Sermons
IF any excuse will avail for adding to the many books of addresses on the Seven Last Words, I would urge that these contained in this little volume were my last utterance on the Passion to the congregation whom I served through nearly my entire ministry. Originally I had no intention of writing them out, and I have at length done so at the repeated request of some of those who heard them. "Though notes taken at the time were put in my hands, I have not tried to reproduce my exact language, which has gone beyond recall.
A tropical sun and the breezes of many seas have been my companions as I have prepared these pages, which I now conclude in my new home on the first anniversary of the day on which the addresses were delivered. They carry with them a loving, yearning look toward happy days among a loyal and forbearing people, upon whom may God's blessing forever rest.
The motive which prompts the publication in this volume of the two sermons forming the appendix is obvious. They are connected intimately with the severing of ties which God bound a while since, and which in His own way and time God broke.
Bishop's House, Manila, P. I. Good Friday, 1903.
Project Canterbury