Project Canterbury

Narrative of Events in the Life of a Liberated Negro,
Now a Church Missionary Catechist in Sierra Leone

From The Missionary Register for MCCCCXXXVII (October, 1837)
London: L. & G. Seeley, 1837, pages 433-440.

Transcribed by the Right Reverend Dr. Terry Brown
Bishop of Malaita, Church of the Province of Melanesia, 2007



THE object of the Church Missionary Society in its various Missions has invariably been, to act, as far as practicable, through the agency of approved Natives: and this design has gradually become more and more attainable, in proportion to the success which has attended the training of the young, who have been brought under Christian Instruction. In Sierra Leone, through the blessing of God, the Education of the Liberated Negroes has furnished some supply, although not an extensive one, of Native Teachers. Some of these had previously, in their youth, passed through a variety of scenes, differing, in a truly affecting manner, from that lot which God has subsequently bestowed upon them, in connexion with the Society. As to what their early trials were, however, whether as children, or at a more advanced period of their youth, some of our readers may be but little aware. The discussions on the Slave Trade, thirty years ago and more, made the subject of the sufferings of Africa more familiar then, than they now are, to many persons in this country. The following Narrative, sent by one of the Society's Native Teachers, will exhibit anew the miseries which have attended, and ever must attend, this inhuman traffic: while at the same time every Christian heart will be gladdened to see the results attending the Missionary Efforts of the Society; and enlarged, to hope, and labour, and pray for blessings yet more extensive, throughout that afflicted and benighted Continent. The Narrative is dated Feb. 22. 1837.


As I think it will be interesting to you to know something of the conduct of Providence in my being brought to this Colony, where I have the happiness to enjoy the privilege of the Gospel, I give you a short account of it; hoping that I may be excused, if I should prove rather tedious in some particulars.

Character of Slave-Trade Wars.

I suppose some time about the commencement of the year 1821, I was in my native country, enjoying the comforts of father and mother, and the affectionate love of brothers and sisters. From this period I must date the unhappy, but which I am now taught, in other respects, to call blessed day, which I shall never forget in my life. I call it "unhappy day," because it was the day in which I was violently turned out of my father's house, and separated from my relations, and in which I was made to experience what is called "to be in slavery." With regard to its being called "blessed,"--it being the day which Providence had marked out for me to set out on my journey from the land of heathenism, superstition, and vice, to a place where His Gospel is preached.

For some years, war had been carried on in my Eyo country, which was always attended with much devastation and bloodshed: the women; such men as had surrendered or were caught, with the children, were taken captives. The enemies who carried on these wars were principally the Eyo Mahomedans, with whom my country abounds; who, with the Foulahs, and such foreign slaves as had escaped from their owners, joined together, made a formidable force of about 20,000; which annoyed the whole country. They had no [433/434] other employment but selling slaves to the Spaniards and Portuguese on the coast.

The morning on which my town, Ocho-gu, shared the same fate which many others had experienced, was fair and delightful; and most of the inhabitants were engaged in their respective occupations. We were preparing breakfast, without any apprehension; when, about nine A.M., a rumour was spread in the town, that the enemies had approached, with intentions of hostility. It was not long after when they had almost surrounded the town, to prevent any escape of the inhabitants. The town was rudely fortified by a wooden fence, about four miles in circumference, containing about 12,000 inhabitants, and producing 3000 fighting men.

The inhabitants not being duly prepared; some not being at home; and those who were, having about six gates to defend, as well as many weak places about the fence to guard against--and, to say in a few words, the men being surprised, and therefore confounded--the enemies entered the town after about three or four hours' resistance. Here the most sorrowful scene imaginable was to be witnessed;--women, some with three, four or six children clinging to their arms, with the infants on their backs, and such baggage as they could carry on their heads, running as fast as they could, through prickly shrubs, which, hooking their blies* [* Blies--a kind of basket used by the Natives.--Ed.] and loads, threw them down from the heads of the bearers. When they found it impossible to go with their loads, they only endeavoured to save themselves and their children. Even this was impracticable, with those who had many children to care for: as while they were endeavouring to disentangle themselves from the ropy shrubs, they were overtaken, and caught by the enemies by a rope-noose thrown over the neck of every individual, to be led in the manner of goats tied together, under the drove of one man. In many cases, a family was violently divided between three or four enemies; who each led his away, to see each other no more. I was thus caught, with my mother, two sisters, one infant about ten months old, and a cousin, while endeavouring to escape in the manner above described. My load consisted of nothing else than my bow, and five arrows in the quiver: the bow I had lost in the shrub, while I was extricating myself, before I could think of making any use of it against my enemies. The last time I saw my father, was when he came from the fight to give us the signal to flee: he entered into our house, which was burnt sometime back for some offence given by my father's adopted son: hence I never saw him more. Here I must take thy leave, unhappy comfortless father!--I learned, sometime afterward, that he was killed in another battle.

Our conquerors were Eyo Mahomedans, who led us away through the town. On our way, we met a man sadly wounded in the head, struggling between life and death. Before we got half way through the town, some Foulahs, among the enemies themselves, hostilely separated my cousin from our number. Here also I must take thy leave, my fellow-captive cousin! His mother was living in another village. The houses, in the town on fire, were built with mud, some about twelve feet from the ground, with high roofs, in square forms of different dimensions and spacious areas. Several of these belonged to one man, adjoining to, with passages communicating with each other. The flame was very high: we were led by my grandfather's house, already desolate; and in a few minutes after, we left the town to the mercy of the flame, never to enter or see it any more. Farewell the place of my birth, the play-ground of my childhood, and the place which I thought would be the repository of my mortal body in its old age!

We were now out of Ocho-gu; going into a town called Iseh'i, the rendezvous of the enemies, about twenty miles from our town. On the way, we saw our grandmother at a distance, with about three or four of my other cousins taken with her, for a few minutes: she was missed through the crowd, to see her no more. Several other captives were held in the same manner as we were: grandmothers, mothers, children, and cousin were all taken captives. O sorrowful prospect! The aged women were greatly to be pitied, not being able to walk so fast as their children and grandchildren they were often threatened with being put to death upon the spot, to get rid them, if they would not go as fast as others; and they were often as wicked in their practice as in their words. O pitiful sight! Whose heart would not bleed to have seen this? Yes, such is the state, of barbarity in the heathen land! Evening came on; and coming to a spring of water, we drank a great quantity, which served [434/435] for breakfast, with a little parched corn and dried meat previously prepared by our victors for themselves. During our march to Iseh'i, we passed several towns and villages which had been reduced to ashes. It was almost midnight before we reached the town where we passed our doleful first night in bondage. It was not, perhaps, a mile from the wall of Iseh'i where an old woman of about sixty was threatened in the manner above described. What became of her I could not learn.

Sale of the Slaves, to any Masters.

The next morning, our cords being taken off our necks, we were brought to the Chief of our captors--for there were many other Chiefs,--as trophies at his feet. In a little while, a separation took place; when my sister and I fell to the share of the Chief, and my mother and the infant to the victors. We dared not vent our grief in loud cries, but by very heavy sobs. My mother, with the infant, was led away, comforted with the promise that she should see us again, when we should leave Iseh'i for Dahdah, the town of the Chief. In a few hours after, it was soon agreed upon that I should be bartered for a horse in Iseh'i, that very day. Thus was I separated from my mother and sister for the first time in my life; and the latter not to be seen more in this world. Thus, in the space of twenty-four hours, being deprived of liberty and all other comforts, I was made the property of three different persons. About the space of two months, when the Chief was to leave Iseh'i, for his own town, the horse, which was then only taken on trial, not being approved of, I was restored to the Chief, who took me to Dahdah; where I had the happiness to meet my mother and infant sister again, with joy which could be described by nothing else but tears of love and affection; and on the part of my infant sister, with leaps of joy. Here I lived for about three months, going for grass for the horses, with my fellow-captives. I now and then visited my mother and sister in our captor's house, without any fears or thoughts of being separated any more. My mother told me that she had heard of my sister, but I never saw her more. At last, an unhappy evening arrived, when I was sent with a man to get some money at a neighbouring house. I went, but with some fears for which I could not account; and, to my great astonishment, in a few minutes I was added to the number of many other captives, fettered, to be led to the market-town early the next morning. My sleep went from me; I spent almost the whole night in thinking of my doleful situation, with tears and sobs; especially as my .mother was in the same town, whom I had not visited for about a day or two back. There was another boy in the same situation with me: his mother was in Dahdah. Being sleepless, I heard the first cock crow: and scarcely was the signal given, when the traders arose, loaded the men-slaves with baggage; and with one hand chained to the neck, we left the town. My little companion in affliction cried, and begged much to be permitted to see his mother; but was soon silenced by punishment. Seeing this, I dared not speak; although I thought we passed by the very house my mother was in. Thus was I separated from my mother and sister, my then only comforts, to meet no more in this world of misery. After a few days' travel, we came to the market-town, Ijah'i. Here I saw many who had escaped from our town to this place, or who were in search of their relations, to set at liberty as many as they had the means of redeeming. Here we were under very close inspection, as there were many persons in search of their relations; and through that, many had escaped from their owners. In a few days, I was sold to a Mahomedan woman; with whom I travelled many towns, in our way to the Pohpoh country, on the coast, much resorted to by the Portuguese to buy slaves. When we left Ijah'i, after many halts, we came to a town called Toko. From Ijah'i to Toko all spoke Ebweh dialect; but my mistress Eyo, my own dialect. Here I was a perfect stranger; having left the Eyo country far behind.

Temptations to Despair and Suicide.

I lived in Toko about three months; walked about, with my owner's son, with some degree of freedom, it being a place where my feet had never trod: and could I possibly make my way out through many a ruinous town and village we had passed, I should have soon become a prey to some others, who would gladly have taken the advantage of me. Besides, I could not think of going a mile out of the town alone at night, as there were many enormous devil-houses along the highway; and a woman having been lately publicly executed--fired at--being accused of bewitching her husband, who had died of a long tedious sickness. Five or six heads of [435/436] persons, who had been executed for some crime or other, were never wanting, to be nailed on the large trees in the marketplaces, to terrify others. Now and then my mistress would speak with me and her son, that we should by-and-bye go to the Pohpoh country; where we should buy tobacco and other fine things, to sell at our return. Now, thought I, this was the signal of my being sold to the Portuguese; who, they often told me during our journey, were to be seen in that country. Being very thoughtful of this, my appetite forsook me; and in a few weeks I got the dysentery, which preyed on me. I determined with myself, that I would not go to the Pohpoh country, but would make an end of myself one way or another. Several nights I attempted to strangle myself with my band; but had not courage enough to close the noose tight, so as to effect my purpose. May the Lord forgive me this sin!--I next determined that I would leap out of the canoe into the river, when we should cross it, on our way to that country. Thus was I thinking, when my owner, perceiving the great alteration which had taken place in me, sold me to some persons. Thus the Lord, while I knew Him not, led me not into temptation, and delivered me from evil. After my price had been counted before my own eyes, I was delivered up to my new owners, with great grief and dejection of spirit, not knowing where I was now to be led.

Continued Journeying toward the Coast--First Knowledge of Ardent Spirits.

About the first cock-crowing, which was the usual time to set out with the slaves, to prevent their being much acquainted with the way, for fear an escape should be made--we set out for Jabbo, the third dialect from mine. After having arrived at Ik-ke-ku Yé-re, another town, we halted. In this place I renewed my attempt of strangling, several times at night; but could not effect my purpose. It was very singular, that no thought of making use of a knife ever entered my mind. However, it was not long before I was bartered, for tobacco, rum, and other articles. I remained here, in fetters, alone, for some time, before my owner could get as many slaves as he wanted. He feigned to treat us more civilly, by allowing us to sip a few drops of white man's liquor-rum; which was so estimable an article, that none but Chiefs could pay for a jar or glass-vessel of four or five gallons. So remarkable it was, that no one should take breath before he swallowed every sip, for fear of having the string of his throat cut by the spirit of the liquor: this made it so much more valuable. I had to remain alone again in another town in Jabbo, the name of which I do not now remember, for about two months. From hence I was brought, after a few days' walk, to a slave-market, called I'-ko-sy, on the coast, on the bank of a large river; which very probably was the Lagos on which we were afterward captured. The sight of the river terrified me exceedingly; for I had never seen any thing like it in my life. The people on the opposite bank are called E'-ko. Before sun-set, being bartered again for tobacco, I became another owner's. Nothing now terrified me more than the river, and the thought of going into another world. Cry was nothing now, to vent my sorrow. My whole body became stiff. I was now bade to enter the river, to ford it to the canoe. Being fearful at my entering this extensive water, and being so cautious in every step I took, as if the next would bring me to the bottom, my motion was very awkward indeed. Night coming on, and the men having very little time to spare, soon carried me into the canoe, and placed me among the corn-bags, supplying me with an Abálah* [* Abalah--a kind of cake, of which the Natives are fond, made of Indian corn.--Ed.] for my dinner. Almost in the same position I was placed, I remained with my Abálah in my hand, quite confused in my thoughts, waiting only every moment our arrival at the new world; which we did not reach till about four in the morning. Here I got once more into another dialect, the fourth from mine; if I may not call it altogether another language, on account of now and then, in some words, there being a faint shadow of my own.--Here I must remark, that during the whole night's voyage in the canoe not a single thought of leaping into the river had entered my mind, but, on the contrary, the fear of the river occupied my thoughts. Having now entered E'-ko, I was permitted to go any way I pleased; there being no way of escape, on account of the river. In this place I met my two nephews, belonging to different masters. One part of the town was occupied by the Portuguese and Spaniards, who had come to buy slaves. Although I was in E'ko more than three months, I never once saw a white man; until one [436/437] evening, when they took a walk, in company of about six, and came to the street of the house in which I was living. Even then I had not the boldness to appear distinctly to look at them, being always suspicious that they had come for me and my suspicion was not a fanciful one; for in a few days after, I was made the eighth in number of the slaves of the Portuguese. Being a veteran in slavery--if I may be allowed the expression--and having no more hope of ever going to my country again, I patiently took whatever came; although it was not without a great fear and trembling that I received, for the first time, the touch of a white man, who examined me--whether I was sound or not. Men and boys were at first chained together, with a chain of about six fathoms in length, thrust through an iron fetter on the neck of every individual, and fastened at both ends with padlocks. In this situation, the boys suffered the most: the men sometimes, getting angry, would draw the chain most violently, as seldom went without bruises on their poor little necks; especially the time to sleep, when they drew the chain so close, to ease themselves of its weight, in order to be able to lie more conveniently, that we were almost suffocated, or bruised to death, in a room with one door, which was fastened as soon as we entered; with no other passage for communicating the air than the openings under the eaves-drop. And very often at night, when two or three individuals quarrelled or fought, the whole drove suffered punishment, without any distinction. At last, we boys had the happiness to be separated from the men, when their number was increased, and no more chain to spare we were corded together, by ourselves. Thus were we going in and out, bathing together, and so on. The females fared not much better. Thus we were for nearly four months.

Arrival at the Coast--Liberation by British Men-of-War--First Alarms succeeded by Joy.

About this time, intelligence was given that the English were cruising on the coast. This was another subject of sorrow with us--that there must be wars on the sea as well as on land--a thing never heard of before, nor imagined practicable. This delayed our embarkation. In the mean while, the other troop, which was collected in Pohpolr, and was intended to be conveyed into the vessel the nearest way from that place, was brought into E'-ko among us. Among this number was Joseph Bartholomew, my brother in the service of the Church Missionary Society. After a few weeks' delay, we were embarked, at night, in canoes, from E'-ko to the beach; and on the following morning we embarked in the vessel, which immediately sailed away. The crew being busy in embarking us, 187 in number, had no time to give us either breakfast or supper; and we, being unaccustomed to the motion of the vessel, suffered the whole of this day from sea-sickness, which rendered the greater part of us less fit to take any food whatever. On the very same evening we were surprised by two English men-of-war; and the next morning, found ourselves in the hands of new conquerors; whom we at first very much dreaded, they being armed with long swords. In the morning, being called up from the hold, we were astonished to find ourselves among two very large men-of-war, and several brigs. The men-of-war were, His Majesty's ships "Myrmidon," Captain H. J. Leeke, and "Iphigenia," Captain Sir Robert Mends, who captured us on the 7th of April 1822, on the River Lagos. Our owner was bound, with his sailors; except the cook, who was preparing our breakfast. Hunger rendered us bold; and not being threatened at first attempts to get some fruit from the stern, we in a short time took the liberty of ranging about the vessel, in search of plunder of every kind. Now we began to entertain a good opinion of our new conquerors. Very soon after breakfast, we were divided into several of the vessels around us. This was cause of new fears, not knowing where our misery would end. Being now, as it were, one family, we began to take leave of those who were first transported into the other vessels, not knowing what would become of them and ourselves. About this time, we six, intimate friends in affliction--among whom was my brother, Joseph Bartholomew--kept very close together, that we might be carried away at the same time. It was not long before we six were conveyed into the "Myrmidon," in which we discovered no trace of those who were transported before us. We soon concluded what had become of them, when we saw part of a hog hanging, the skin of which was white-a thing we never saw before, as a hog was always roasted on fire, to clear it of the hair, in my country; and a number of cannon-shots ranged [437/438] along the deck. The former we supposed to be the flesh; and the latter, the heads of the individuals, who had been killed for meat. But we were soon undeceived, by a close examination of the flesh with cloven feet, which resembled those of a hog; and by a cautious approach to the shots, that they were iron. In a few days we were quite at home in the man-of-war: being only six in number, we were soon selected by the sailors for their boys, and were soon furnished with dress. Our Portuguese owner and his son were brought over in the same vessel, bound in fetters: and I, thinking I should no more get into his hands, had the boldness to strike him on the head, while he was shaving by his son--an act, however, very wicked, and unkind in its nature. His vessel was towed along by the man-of-war, with the remainder of the slaves therein. But after a few weeks, the slaves being removed from her, and being stripped of her furniture, the schooner was left alone on the ocean--destroyed at sea by captors, being found unseaworthy, in consequence of being a dull sailer. One of the brigs, which contained part of the slaves, was wrecked on a sand-bank; but, happily, another vessel was near, and all the lives were saved. It was not long before another brig sunk, during a tempest, with all the slaves and sailors; with the exception of about five of the latter, who were found in a boat, after four or five days, reduced almost to skeletons; and so feeble, that they could not stand on their feet: 102 of our number were lost on this occasion.

Settlement at Sierra Leone--Baptism, and Christian Labours.

After about two months and a half cruising the coast, we were landed at Sierra Leone, on the 17th of June 1822. The same day we were sent to Bathurst, formerly Leopold. Here we had the pleasure of meeting many of our country-people, but none were known before. They assured us of our liberty and freedom. We very soon believed them; but a few days after our arrival at Bathurst, we had the mortification of being sent for to Freetown, to testify against our Portuguese owner. It being hinted to us that we should be delivered up to him again, notwithstanding all the persuasion that we should return, we entirely refused to go ourselves, unless we were carried. I could not but think of my ill-conduct to our owner, in the man-of-war. But as time was passing away, and our consent could not be got, we were compelled to go, by being whipped; and it was not a small joy to us to return to Bathurst again, in the evening, to our friends.

From this period I have been under the care of the Church Missionary Society: and in about six months after our arrival at Sierra Leone, I was able to read the New Testament with some degree of freedom; and was made a Monitor, for which I was rewarded with sevenpence-halfpenny per month. The Lord was pleased to open my heart, to hearken to those things which were spoken by His Servants: and being convinced that I was a sinner, and desirous to obtain pardon through Jesus Christ, I was baptized on the 11th of December 1825, by the Rev. J. Raban.

I had the privilege of visiting your happy and favoured land in the year 1826: in which it was my desire to remain for a good while, to be qualified as a Teacher to my fellow-creatures. But Providence so ordered it, that, at my return, I had the wished-for instruction, under the tuition of the Rev. C. L. F. Haensel, who landed in Sierra Leone in 1827; through whose instrumentality I have been qualified so far, as to be able to render some help, in the service of the Church Missionary Society, to my fellow-creatures. May I ever have a fresh desire to be engaged in the service of Christ! for it is "perfect freedom."

Thus much I think necessary to acquaint you of the kindness of Providence concerning me. Thus the day of my captivity was to me a blessed day, when considered in this respect; though certainly it must be unhappy also, in my deprivation, on it, of my father, mother, sisters, and all other relations. I must also remark, that I could not as yet find a dozen of Ocho-gu people, from among the inhabitants of Sierra Leone. I was married to a Christian woman on the 21st of September 1829. She was captured by His Majesty's Ship "Bann," Captain Charles Phillips, on the 31st of October 1822. The Lord has since blessed us with three children--a son, and two daughters. As I doubt not it will be also acceptable to you to know a little how part of my time is employed, I hope it will not be looked upon as ostentation, when I briefly mention the effect of Mr. Kissling's advice on my study. I thankfully accept the offer of improvement held out to me, by my being stationed here. At my coming to the [438/439] Institution the second time, I look on myself as a student rather on the one hand, while I endeavour to assist the pupils on the other; and I may humbly say, that, through the ministry and private assistance of the Rev. G. A. Kissling, I am greatly improved in many respects. My views of many things, which were dark, are set in a much clearer light; and when any difficulty arises in my course of study, I always endeavour to avail myself of the opportunity of a living Teacher, for which I sometimes prove troublesome to him. My studies, which before were loose and unconnected, have been more stated and regular. When the plan of a regular study, and its consequent effects, had been pointed out to me, I immediately endeavoured to follow the experimental direction. I chose Doddridge's Family Expositor, with which the paternal desire of the Rev. C.L.F. Haensel, for my improvement, has furnished me; and which was pointed out to me by Mr. Kissling as indeed a worthy book. I commenced reading it regularly at six o'clock, for one hour, in the school-room, before our morning devotion. Though it was with some difficulty before I could bridle myself down to this plan, yet, in a few weeks, when I began to see the thread of the Four Gospels harmonized, at the same time comparing it with what was expounded at our morning devotion by Mr. Kissling, I soon began to perceive the privilege of a regular and stated course of study, and the beauty of the history of our Lord and Saviour. When I had gone through that book, I was very much delighted with it; and being so poorly and scantily supplied with its rich and excellent contents, especially the epistolary part, I hesitated not to give it a second regular perusal; which I am now doing, as far as the Revelation, with clearer views and greater delight than formerly. Thus I begin to experience what is quoted of Bishop Horne in the Companion to the Bible, when he said with respect to the Psalms, "These unfading plants of Paradise become, as we are accustomed to them, still more and more beautiful; their blooms appear to be daily heightened; fresh odours are emitted, and new sweets are extracted from them; who hath once tasted their excellencies will desire to taste them yet again; and he who tastes them often will relish them best."--I hope I may pursue the study of the Holy Bible without much mixture of weakness and weariness, which I often experience in so doing. May the Lord pardon my infirmities, rovings, and instabilities in the use of His Holy Word!--That the time may come when the Heathen shall be fully given to Christ for His inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for His possession, is the earnest prayer of your humble servant.

In a Letter of a date eleven days earlier than the preceding communication, A. thus expresses the

Thoughts of a Native on the Society's Success in Christian Education.

The state of our people some years ago, compared with what it is at present, affords a delightful scene. Our country is greatly improved and benefitted by the labours of the Servants of the Church Missionary Society. The private feelings of individuals with whom we are conversant, as well as the great stir which is seen among the Liberated Africans at present, who seem to be awakened from their foolishness and superstition to serve God, greatly shews that they are becoming another people. Twelve years ago, hundreds of men and women who now fill our Sunday Schools, and many of whom we see, through that privilege, are now able to read for themselves the wonderful works of God, thought they were too old to learn: they used to say, that book-learning was for White People, and was rather boyish employment. There were some few, indeed, who used to attend the Evening School, which was then kept, from motives of desiring to improve; but a greater part of them used to attend merely to please their Missionary, who was also their Manager. For often, when school was opened with about a hundred or more scholars, it was not often closed with many above fifty; for many of them, under pretence of going out, slipped away to their homes. Some there were who openly expressed their displeasure at school, by an artifice most ridiculous in its nature. These were the inhabitants of Wellington. Upon agreement, they soon assembled at the call of the bell; but before school was opened, they all, with one accord, simultaneously rushed out of the grass chapel, through the doors and windows, in the utmost confusion possible. To crown the whole, they shouted, in their country language, as soon as they got out, with an expression of their victory over the schoolmaster. But, blessed be our God! these are the very people who have willingly [439/440] contributed, and built a Chapel, which is by far too small for the attendants on Public Worship on Sunday Mornings, and for the Sunday Scholars.

There were some others, who gave a greater part of their time to drumming and dancing. At that time this was a very favourite amusement, with which they would not part at any rate. I well remember the time when the Rev. J. W. Weeks spoke to one of the head dancers, a man of understanding, on the folly of so doing, especially as he could read his Bible; but instead of being thankful for this kind admonition, he looked at Mr. Weeks as an intruder on their peace. He immediately applied to the Manager for permission to play: and that being granted, he retired with his company, with singing, clapping of hands, dancing, and performing somersets, in spite of their kind admonisher. Though the working of the Gospel leaven be slow, yet, wherever it touches, it will prove effectual in converting the lump to its nature. This very individual, after many years, was brought to see the real state of his danger. He was under Mr. Weeks's instruction, as a Candidate, at Bathurst, for some time; and was one of the five baptized by the Rev. J. F. Schön, the pleasing sight of which Mr. Weeks reported in the Record for Nov. 1834, p.235. How many such instances of former follies, ignorance, and superstition, may be mentioned, when the individuals have been brought to see their real state and condition, and have become followers of the Lamb! Was not the former conduct of these individuals cause of great discouragement to the Missionaries? When such reports as these were made, did it not seem as if all that was doing for Africa was to no purpose? But Christian perseverance will have its fruit at last, success will crown their labours, and with joy they will bear the sheaves of the seeds which they had sown in tears. The bread which they cast upon the waters will be found after many days. We need very much your earnest prayers for the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit upon us in this part of His vineyard, that the Ministers and Teachers of His Word may increase, and that His Word may have free course and be glorified. We have great cause for thankfulness that we have been greatly strengthened by the arrival of Messrs. Graf, Young and Townsend; and I hope, through God's blessing, much more good will be done, as Labourers are increased, to satisfy the urgent demands of the people, more than has been hitherto. The state of the people in general affords great encouragement to the Ministers of the Gospel to persevere in their work of faith and labour of love. The increased number of inquirers after the way to Zion leads us often to reflect on the veracity of the word of Him, who has said--So shall my word be, that goeth forth of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it.

Project Canterbury