Project Canterbury

Eight Years in Kaffraria, 1882-1890.

By Alan G. S. Gibson, M.A.
S.P.G. Missionary to the Pondomisi, and Archdeacon of Kokstad

London: Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1891.

Chapter I. From Southampton to Umtata
Chapter II. The Diocese of S. John's
Chapter III. Life at Umtata
Chapter IV. S. Augustine's Mission
Chapter V. Life at Ncolosi
Chapter VI. Extension of work from Ncolosi
Chapter VII. Umditshwa and the Pondomisi Boarding-School
Chapter VIII. A Year in England, and Return to Kaffraria
Chapter IX. Mtshazi and the Pondomisi School
Chapter X. Development of Work
Chapter XI. Review of Eight Years' Extension of Work
Chapter XII. The Ecclesiastical Position of S. John's, and the Question of the Supply of Missionaries
Chapter XIII. Some Missionary Problems


IT has seemed to me that a period of enforced rest in England could not be better spent than in putting together some account of a few years' missionary experiences abroad.

My object has not been to attempt any history of the diocese where my African home lies--for that I have neither the necessary qualifications nor the needful information; but to produce, as far as possible, at the risk of a charge of egotism, a picture of missionary life in one of those South African dioceses where the Church of England is most brought face to face with native races, grouping together in that picture all the surroundings which help to make up that life.

"Ex uno disce omnes." The sketch here presented of one particular sphere may serve as a sample of the lives and labours of many missionaries working in connection with the great Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts.

September 1890.

Project Canterbury